47 year old Gamerfag here.I broke my neck 8 years ago.Paralyzedfag now.I can't move my fingers anymore. So i move my mouse with my fist.But I have to hold my mouse at a 45°angle to press my mouse buttons by rocking my hand side to side.Is there anyway to adjust a mouse to think I'm holding my mouse at 0° INSTEAD of some 45°angle :[ ?In before I should just an hero.
>>103225354It's never been easier to find information about (and buy) any number of different adaptive controller systems. Your hand might be crippled but that doesn't mean I'm going to Google things for you.
>>103225354Interesting question. It seems like changing the axes of mouse movement should be part of accessibility settings. Microsoft would probably spend millions implementing the idea if they still had any developers capable of implementing anything.
>>103225354have you thought about getting a trackball?
>>103225488I've looked it up a million times dick head it doesn't fucking exist that's why I'm asking programs
>>103225528I wouldn't be able to click the buttons fast enough to be relevant if I'm rolling around a ball I have to use an Mouse to play the video games I use
Find some geek to 3DP a new casing for an off the shelf mouse.
>>103225503I know I can't believe this isn't a option already very sad every time I bring it up people treat me like a moron because of it
>>103225631And then the components could be mounted inside of it at a 45° angle I guess seems extremely difficult
there really should be a way to do this by default, i'm shocked it's not already a thing
>>103225354>broke my neck 8 years agoHow
>>103225354These might help.Cursory search for "Palmrest joystick"https://www.celticmagic.org/https://warfighterengaged.org/shop/joystix-l-aenefI can look further if necessary, but hopefully, this search term is enough for you find additional terms to look into.Although modern gaming is shit and not worth it, good luck anon.
>>103226457I got hit by a drunk driver
>>103226502That's actually sort of cool I love all the button is accessible for your palm but I have been using a mouse my whole life and that's what I want to continue to use unfortunately thank you for showing me by the way
>>103227021I looked for a solution based on your original query and would suggest an X and Y mouse inverter.Be warned! I haven't tried the following:https://github.com/krog78/MouseInverterhttps://superuser.com/questions/406502/how-can-i-reverse-mouse-movement-x-y-axis-system-wide-win-7-x64/406865#406865God bless!
>>103227002someone repair this man's neck, please
>>103227043There was a link to another question off of that site which seems to be something that might work for mehttps://www.maf-soft.de/mafmouse/
>>103227152Maybe Elon musk's neuralink will be able to help me move my fingers again one day and play with my computer like I used to
>>103227059Thank you for helping friend I really appreciate it
>>103227002Shame they didn't kill you, then you wouldn't be a cripple and we wouldn't have had to read your garbage.
>>103227265Wow aren't you an edgy little faggot. How old are you, 14, 15?
>>103227226Hopefully it's relevant. I'm not really doing anything worthwhile atm, so if a better solution is requested lmk.No problem.
I think I might have actually found something that might work that last thing I found actually doesn't work I'll try it out when I get on my computer todayhttps://github.com/a1xd/rawaccel?hl=en-US
>>103227390I'm thinking raw accel might possibly work I'll have to test it today
>>103227539I don't see how but I'm not familiar with that program. It looks like it might be able to change acceleration (cringey) and sensitivity in the axes. Tbh the only other solution I can see, other than what has already been mentioned, is hardware hacking a mouse to rotate the laser to the desired angle, which could require soldering just to create a way for the laser to pivot independent of the pcb. Not sure what kind of help or experience you have that would further such a design concept.Hopefully the easier solution is acceptable.
>>103225354How did you break your neck OP?
>>103227851He deserved it.
>>103227851Read the thread lazy faggot.He got in a fistfight with a drunk driver because the drunk driver was trying to be a whiteknight.
>>103227002How long did he get put away for? For me, ending the quality of life while dangerous driving with an aggravating factor like being drunk should involve a life sentence for him. He's given you a life sentence and deserves the same.
>>103227985If there's any justice in this universe he got off scott-free.
>>103225354So you can't move your fingers but you can move your arm? How about your legs? Can you squeeze your fist or thumb? Is it both hands or just one? Depending on your situation you could just learn to use the other hand, or divide the task of mouse operation to both hands so that the mouse1 and mouse2 happen with the other hand while movement happens with the other. There are also foot pedals or if your thumb works, a joystick might work. Also are you aware that there are vertical mice already available?
How so you type?
good wojaks
>>103227843op here raw accel worked it has a spot where you can change the rotation as well as acceleration
>>103227985I'm not completely sure but he did go to prison it was like his fifth DUI LOL
>>103228979Excellent. I got a vicarious W today. Thanks for the inclusion in your journey.Git gud and wreck dem nubs!
>>103228996Did he at least kill a juror on his way to the shithole? Or a judge? I liked that story a couple years ago where some guy in Atlanta killed his judge.
>>103225354I'm not totally following the physical dimensions of the mouse situation, but what if you got some sort of sloped surface with like a "guardrail" at the bottom. Then the mouse could be at an angle on this surface, and the guardrail prevents it from sliding off. Then you just use the mouse as you already do but at a more comfortable angle. Not sure where you'd find such a surface but wanted to see if this even made sense to begin with