Does epoxy work? Should I get this and fix it just to fuck with epoxyfags?
Use case for epoxy in regards to laptops?
that's some serious gore
>>103245838you could pretty easily access the screws just by scraping it off but I think the ports are unfixable, maybe if you soak it in a tub of toluene it can dissolve enough.
>>103245838why would anyone do this, other than to upset others
>>103246331Maybe some schizo corporate requirement.
>>103245838Get a 3d printer
>>103246331clearly he was attempting to waterproof it
>>103246331Who knows what BSDfags believe they're doing
>>103246535no, because the VGA port isn't blockedCorporate security - every input port is sealed, only output is allowed.
I've never seen ports physically blocked in the name of "security"their IT guy has to be literally schizophrenic
Schizoid thread
>>103247433>tell me you've never worked on any secure facility or sensitive government agency without telling me
>>103245845>>103246331paranoid pedophilia