>high refresh rate miniLED: multiple options for $200>look at similar monitors in evrop>$400 minimum
what website nigga
ask without ebonics and i might tell you unless
>>103232416Not even worth $1Going straight to the landfill in 2 years max after you get sick of looking at itDeliberately making ewaste should be illegal
>>103232475>just spend $800 on a monitor kys
>>103232416miniled is not good on monitorqdoled/woled flagship monitors are better
>>103232559>monitors that are 3x as expensive are betterbullshit
>>103232573they’re $1k and will be cheaper on black friday for a big “monitor” the lgc4 42” is $900 and will be cheaper on black friday just like last year
>>103232584ah you're right5x then
>>103232416you got that healthcare tho right?
>>103232602yes i hate toothache and i was told to wait 3 months if i wanted them to cover it
>>103232614are the waiting times really that bad? why?
>>103232725ntai have an infected tooth and i went to the dentist in march for them to extract it, they told me the wait is 4-6 weeks but it’s november now, im joining the army to get the benefits and fix ita big piece broke off already. it’s the tooth right behind the canine in the top row. the half outside broke off ava i have the other piece in tact though but i can see the rotted part
>>103232602loleuro gibbs only exists because America subsidizes their defense among other things
>>103232485>>103232573have you tried not being poor?
>>103232602yeah well go to public healthcare for an acute issue and wait 5hits so shitty it makes you want to spend money on private healthcare
>>103232746two weeks ago i had an infected tooth removed. my gum was so swollen puss was popping out of it. my total wait time was 1 day. already seen my dentist twice for checkups. they put me on another round of amoxicillin and clavulanate as the gum was still a bit swollen.total dentist bill was $400 with no insurance. the amoxicillin was $15 a prescription.all i hear and canadian and eurofags is how badly they have to wait for shit. i don't mind paying more if it means i don't have to go so long to be seen.
>>103232879let me guess first worlder?
>>103232746>>103232817>>103232559>>103232475>says nta>reddit typesLeast retarded newfag
>>103232968you mean american? europeans are not first world anon. there is a reason why we call them europoors
>>103233001>no i'm not first worlder i'm americanwhat the fuck did he mean by that
>>103233014if you engage in reading compression, anon explained it in the next sentence after his first.here, let me break it down for you europoors.>you mean american? first>europeans are not first world anon.second>there is a reason why we call them europoorsthird
>>103233019do you want me to write it out in math logic you fucking troglodyte or will you concede and admit to being a dumbass muttmerinigger education victim
>>103232475Yeah let's just make monitors illegal, fuck that noise.>IPS glow>VA smear>TN everything>OLED burn-in>miniLED bloomPure e-waste.
>>103233059>CRT uhhhhhhh being too perfect
>>103232817makes sense...ungrateful dipshits
>>103233068Everyone would still be using them if they were.
>>103233111>everyone would exercise if it was good for you
>>103233068Flicker, skew, skull irradiation, weight, scanlines, etc etc.
>>103233355>t. never owned a crt
>>103233371I have and I've used them as recently as this past weekend. They're objectively shit, ugly pieces of tech which garbles whatever you're trying to display.
>>103233633what resolution and refresh rate
>>103233653480p 60hz NTSC, through some of what I was playing might've been running at 480i.
>>103233311You're such an enormous retard.
>>103233674and what does this have to do with my 1920x1440@100Hz CRT monitor (not tv)
>>103233681ad populum
>>10323241632 inches is the new minimum, poorie
>>103233792why would i want a big monitor
>>103233792I wish, because 32" 1440p OLED/mLED are almost entirely non-existent.
>>103232746>doesn't have an emergency dental servicewhere the fuck do you live, i had the same problem last year and it was solved in a day
>>103232416that'd be at least 1000 usd in bangladesh
>>103233854i live in socal, one hour east of la
>>103233059Burn-in is a meme just like running out of terabytes written on an ssd is a meme.It'll never happen, not even to insane spergs that use their devices 18hours every single day.Only testing enviroments specifically created to cause the problem will ever actually run into it.
>>103232416mutts will start suffering after voting the MIGA president that will impose tariffs and make literally everything more expensive lmao
>>103232614You have to wait 3 months in the US as well, doctors will regularly say they aren't accepting new patients.
>>103234299two more weeks until tariffs
>>103232416I will never buy another acer monitor again after my last one
>>103232416I have a nitro 28'' 4k cost me around 800 eurobucks lol
>>103235174I have no idea how Acer became such a shit company. I guess being around forever doesn't mean you produce quality products.
>>103234269I can post you atleast 20 reddit threads about burn in oldeds
>>103232746>ntacan you fuck off back to r3ddit?
that one is on sale though. Is tax included in the price? Always is in yurop, and you get 2 years warranty and 2 week return free>>103232905emergency dental care is pretty much drop in my europoor country, they charge more for it though
>>103234269This goy ate the marketing material.
>>103232602It took 2 years under free healthcare for me to get a gastroscopy.
>>103235505why would reddit be saying "not that anon"?
>>103234637Highly dependent on the specialty and if you're trying to use medicaid or whatever.
>>103234085Are they really going to let you into the military in a class 3 dental status? You generally need to be in near-perfect health to join.
>>103233059Miniled mignt be able to bruteforce through its weakness by cramming in 10,000 backlights but the rest are completely hopeless
>>103232725In my eastern european shithole they blame lack of medical specialists. Which is sorta true, there are 1-2 specialists that are considered good in each area, most are pretty old. Plenty of bad to okay docs though.