Any alternatives to lithium batteries? I want to buy an ebike but they are burning houses down too often for me to a take chance
>>103218729Just don't buy chinkshit and don't use them past 300-400 charge/recharge cycles.This is why everyone with 2 functioning brain cells hates apple. Their cheaper models intentionally come with small batteries that you have to recharge twice a day so the fucking thing is nuked beyond all salvation after year 1. Apple obviously doesn't want exploding iPhones to become a thing so they send killswitch updates that throttle the living shit out of said degraded cheap iPhones. Thus the poorfaggot retards live in this cycle of having to buy a new cheap iPhone model every year and to mitigate this somewhat they end up on leases like SLAVES.
Don't buy shitty chinkshit and you'll be fine.Just go to a bike store if you really don't want to risk itOtherwise the alternative is /fit/
>>103218729yeah lead acid
>>103218729get a normal bike fat fuck, there was these big condensator bike idea, but we don't ear much about it now>>>/n/
Phosphate batteries.
>>103218729>Any alternatives to lithium batteries?internal combustion engines
>>103218729Lead-acid is the future. They're recyclable and environmentally friendly as long as retarded poors don't throw their old batteries in rivers.