how do they have such big expenses?whats the deal here?
>>103239790they spend like 2% on hosting, hardware and dev. The rest is spent on political propaganda.
propaganda is expensive to produce
>>103239808>>103239809why would they spend on propaganda, arent they supposed to be paid for propaganda?
I'll never donate to these cocksuckers.
>>103239818its funnier when golems pay for propaganda aimed at them, themselves
>>103239846you are right, it is funnier
>>103239790They don't need any of that. Save your money. all a scam. "You use wikipedia, right? you have been getting free services from us for decades! We will die without your donations!">proceeds to spend like 2% on the site and squanders the rest
>>103239864based loondook
I'll never forget the old memes from when Jimmy put his face all over the site.
Wiki's jannies still do it for free. I've seen the same admin usernames around for 20 years now.
Once StackOverflow dies completely, Wikipedia will be next victim
>>103239950yeah, and where will I fact check the bullshit that chatgpt spews out?
>>103240017you ask it for sourcesbut even that closed ai will find a way to mess with
>>103240017>uses wikipedia to factcheckngmi
>>103239790They don't, operating expensives are super lowThey give the money to political NGOs
>>103240050i don't care what tHe JeWs are trying to program me with or w/e, i just want basic facts.
does someone has an archive of wikipedia in case everything goes to shit?
>>103242073knock yourself out.