Any good software for testing latency on different operating systems? I wanna try out a low latency kernel and see how it compares to windows 10 ltsc or something, considering windows has the better drivers etc. also wanna see how fast my latency is in KVM/QEMU and other virtualization software
>>103220127On windows we have Latencymon, on linux there's latencytop. I don't know of any cross-platform solution :(
>>103220127Why is she making that face? Did she sit on a thumbtack?
>>103224856It's "natives" chimping out because they might actually be treated equally to the rest of the population instead of reciving gibs and privileges
>>103220127Why did they allow a woman to be an elected representative?
>>103226373NZ is an island of cucks.
>>103224856looks like a stroke
>>103226809JFC even America isn't this bad.
>>103224898>It's "natives"What are they really?
>>103226772Immediately after the video was recorded the bill she was protesting against passed, and then she got suspended from parliament. It's a video of a woman losing and getting nothing.
>>103226809>maybe they will respect me more after thislmao
>>103226809>>103226833you fuckers are just mad because you've never heard the call of the warrior soul.
>>103224898>american projecting this hardMan, I can't even begin to understand how an american's thought process works; everything to them is about race and skin colour and guns and complaining instead of any kind of reasonable discussion or thought process.Even when they try to hold a conversation, it's all past through a filter that colours it in those above things, so they end up spouting idiotic nonsense.
>>103229795If she was so offended why didn't she start a massacre instead of grandstanding like a typical social media age woman? >>103229852It's literally one party making everything about race (intersectionality). Nobody else cares.
>>103229795>you fuckers are just mad because you've never heard the call of the warrior soul.Woman warrior LMAO what next? Woman King?
>>103229852What the fuck are you talking about retard? Did you reply to the wrong person? Because it's true.>>103226772We are.
>>103220127their hakas are so cringe that i never saw that full video nor heard the audio because its so dumb
Sex.>>103231572>If she was so offended why didn't she start a massacre instead of grandstanding like a typical social media age woman?what
>>103232101reminder: >>103228997your theater kid hero's display achieved nothing and she was punished for it
>>103226809seems like she'd be fun in bed
>>103226809lara and jonah in tomb raider 4
>>103232101Show tits cunt.
>>103232101im not white
>>103220127Looks like it's not the first time.
>>103232757im in love
>>103229795Chuds have no native culture of their own to revere, that's why they worship a gun.
>>103229852A dumb retarded cunt sperging out in the Senate is a "reasonable discussion"?Should be shot on the spot.
They're all lame.
>>103232757Here's the proper full context of that moment. starts at 3:20 if foreign words scare you.
>>103233714What is the point of context when outbursts like that happen regularly? It's not fucking circus. It's embarrassing that they allowed this to happen at all.
For the love of god stop posting that bitch.
>>103233949The linked video was her maiden speech as a newly elected MP, paying respect to her ancestral indigenous culture. Issues on which is the reason she ran for office; at an age where most of you are having internet piss fights over what a makes a real computer, or preoccupied with "catching 'em all."OP's pic is from a protest of a bill where NZ chuds wanted to renege on one of the country's founding documents. The haka was an apt protest in the situation and barely lasted a minute; they don't do it over every thing that inconveniences them. Some legislators in other countries break out the fists. Some read Seuss for 20 hours.
>>103233672That's so fucking pathetic lol
>>103229795she looks nice, i like her emotion, but its not about war. its more about sex than war. such emotions are only good when righteous, otherwise its a clown show. i liked Kamala's khe-he-he emotion btw, it was widely advertised but had only a clown impact. the one who is able to combine both is a good ruler/leader