>"Your password hint cannot contain your password"Okay well then he's a password hint for you, FUCK YOU NIGGER, don't force me to have a password hint then.
>>103240976>enter a password hint>>"Password">Password hint cannot be the same as your password>>"password is: pass0word minus 0">thank you for setting your password and password hint
>>103240976but goy! we care about your secuuuurityyyy!!!!
>>103240976>having a terrible day>trying to log into government site>can't remember password>getting frustrated>hint comes up>"FUCK YOU NIGGER"
Username: UserPassword: Password2FA: Disabled
>your password MUST contain at least 8 characters>AND some uppercase letters>AND numbers>oh AND special character symbolsFUCK YOU NIGGER FUCK YOU FUCK YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I always make my passwords for work related accounts like the most incendiary shit possible specifically targeted at the people who might be able to see the password, like it if it's an account for Initech I'd make the password "InitechSys@dminsRapeChildren1488" or something like that. I consider it a form of red teaming to see if they're saving the password in plaintext or snooping at logs or anything.