>Security through obscurity
It's better than nothing, I guess
>>103223428That's the highest-resolution Pepe I've seen to date.
>>103223454It's updated with new and more subtle tracking lines
I don't want people to see my website's genitalia
Seriously though it is a good security measure to keep your adversary as unaware as possible of where to even attack.
>security through jewish approved authorityI hate https so fucking much.
>>103223428Sometimes it's good enough
>blur house on google maps>boss can't see anime doll collection in your window>get to keep jobwerks
>>103223428You cant obscure anything in the web you know? Everything under your site's root directory is accessible.
>>103224299>write web server>nigger requests mywebsite.com/1488>web server says nowhat are you going to do about it?
>>103223428Security through Obscurity keeps my logs clean, reduces alert fatigue. The real targeted attacks get tarpits and fake shells.
>>103224753Saar I hack u with my Kali Linux mainframe tool saarSend google play gift card now or else I hacj ur Instagram saaaaar
There is literally nothing wrong with security through obscurity. It adds to defense in depth.
>>103223428>Authority through obesity
>>103223531this is actually making me scared, why do people keep referencing this?
>>103226404You know whyIt's in your dossier
>>103223531I prefer the CIA-Pepe tbhdesu
>>103226495It's just a harmless line
i want to disappear
>>103223428long time ago the nazi government created a cryptographic machine, called enigma. this machine was open source, meaning that both civilians and the government could learn the basics of cryptography and modify it as they pleased, this created an advantage for the allies to do cryptanalysis easilywhile for the allies themselves, they had several separate groups that created their own closed source cryptographic machines, making it difficult for the nazis to do cryptanalysis on it because of the diversity of allied cryptography
>>103226646You don't have a fukkin clue m8.1) The enigma machine was incredibly difficult to crack. They had to have a manhattan project type project to break it.2) The allies didn't have anything even close to as strong as the enigma machine. At one point they even hired Navajo Indians to speak over comms because literally only like 50 people in the world spoke Navajo and they were all Americans; that was the height of American cryptography in WWIII, just speaking in a foreign language
>>103223428It is one of the main concept, right?
>>103224249>I hate httpswhy
>>103226835Polish cryptographers cracked it wayy before the war began, though.
>>103226835It was just ROT13, bro.
>>103226835pophistory-kun, I...
>>103227235if it's even required then you've fucked up
I need more eich kyu pepes
>>103223428Jesus is my security
>>103223428It works. But should not be the only layer of security, just one of many.
>>103226473Fred back derf put the fry grease on it. The dossier is potato and seed oils now.
>>103223454it's not 5k but this one speaks to me more
>>103228624>worshiping a literal kike
>>103223428nothing wrong with that