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Is mp4 support a good thing?
I see new fraud from Hiro in that kind support. Combine it with selling a pass that gives you a larger filesize limit, and start sharing music illegally via 4chan servers.
why are you pasting a screenshot of code? the 4chan backend isn't FOSS
Fuck no
Retards should learn how to encode webms, right now it saves us from tons of shitty content because they don't bother.
H.264 support when?
>mp4 on 4chinz
You fucking wish lmao
>4chin code on github
not going to fool me that easily faggot
264 would be an improvement over VP8, but we've had VP9 for so long now that VP8 has been long succeeded, even 9 is slow as shit. If anything what we need is HEVC support, at least that has DECENT speed compared to VP9. Either way, we're most likely to get AV1 support through webm anyway, easier and quicker to get going also.
t h i s. Getting real sick of people that are STILL using VP8 of all things.
lurk more.
you know 99% of webms posted here are just reencoded from an h264 source right?
>t h i s. Getting real sick of people that are STILL using VP8 of all things.
We need to straight up murder all 2024 VP8 users.
Okay, your point? Said 264 source is 100% always of far higher quality than any of the VP8 garbage people post, or even most of the VP9 encodes.
>d-duh because of the file size limitation
Not only because of that, but because VP8 is absolute dog shit, FAR worse than 264 in every regard, including quality.
At that point you might as well just kill GIF support, like all those "GIF websites" did which are all using 264, AV1 or webp while pretending it's a gif.
The best they could do is not allowing VP8 uploads when the file is after a certain date. And yes, I know that you can manipulate that date, but most retards won't since they're tech illiterate or they can't be bothered.
supporting mp4 will allow these videos to just be posted as-is without a retard trying and failing to reencode it properly
Didn't know that you can upload 500mb files now, or anything beyond 4mb period. So yes, you still have to reencode, no matter what, even if simply because someone is trying to share some movie/anime trash that is using HEVC.
Unless 4chan plans to pay fees I doubt it. Sounds like it would lead to a whole bunch of unnecessary butthurt since they'll still probably ban proprietary shit like H264. Though I have noticed that jewtube uses it for their AV1 rips.
no point allowing mp4 when limits still 4mb
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AV1 is canonically contained in MP4, so this may be a sign of things to come.
But I worry what this means for my 6MB WebM collection. If I have to convert them to post here, they will inflate past the size limit.
>AV1 is canonically contained in MP4
While webm is the official (to my knowledge) way to transport it, a container that's already supported. So no, mp4 support wouldn't mean shit. Hell, you could use 264 with webm if you wanted.
>Hell, you could use 264 with webm if you wanted.
Find a muxer that'll do that. ffmpeg with the experimental flag doesn't count. Last I checked you can only use VP8, VP9, AV1, Vorbis, and Opus. WEBM is just royalty-free restricted and then neutered (1 stream each for A/V only) MKV.
No you dont have to, you can just cut without re-encoding. Takes like 1s.
>ffmpeg with the experimental flag doesn't count
I managed to do it just fine with MPVs broken as hell encoding function, years ago. No idea what that uses, and considering what a mess it is, probably some fucked shit.
Either way, you can do it if you wanted to be weird about it. Using anything but webm is silly and pointless, it's supported everywhere just fine.
>and then neutered (1 stream each for A/V only) MKV.
Oh no, how truly relevant for 4chan, or streaming content period...
It's not THE official container format, but is among them. I.e. the reference encoder supports libwebm.
However, AOM endorses ISOBMFF, which implies MP4.
You'll also notice what yt-dlp provides if you download an AV1 stream.
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>mp4 on 4chinz
unironically what the fuck is the usecase for this
>You'll also notice what yt-dlp provides
I always thought that's down to YT or something, but I guess webm would make a fuck ton more sense there, especially considering most content uses 264 or VP9, not AV1.
Either way, adding AV1 through mp4 would be weird and needless effort when webm would work just as well.
No need to learn when there's plenty of software that makes it so easy.
They are lazy and that won't change so we're safe on that front.
Software doesn't matter when plenty of people still use VP8 because they can't wait a few minutes for the encode to finish.
You can bet your ass that the moment AV1 support become a thing people will mostly use preset 10, if not 12, because their poorfag PCs are too slow for 6 or slower.
Hell, I bet even then there will still be plenty of fresh VP8 content flying around.
Support mp3 and txt!!
member when they added *.webp supported then reverted back
Best case would be to allow either and then convert to WebM on the fly in order to combat entropy. You could also convert everything to MP4, but you just know this would cause mass confusion for people thinking their H264 videos are valid too.

The default SVT preset is still a huge improvement from the stinking pile of fecal matter that is VP8. I think the latest update made it equivalent to last version's better preset.
>m 'p 4
>Best case would be to allow either
Something something they find some exploit with mp4 that they don't like, that's my guess as to what is going to happen to it, and why they will prefer webm.
>this would cause mass confusion for people thinking their H264 videos are valid too.
Fuck the retards, simple as that. A simple "Your file is too big / Not supported" should be plenty, it worked so far.
>stinking pile of fecal matter that is VP8
264 at veryfast is a huge improvement in every way over VP8, SVT at 10 is easily 2-3 generational leaps ahead, if not more.

Having said all this, discussing the fucking container of all things is silly, when the codec is the big problem in the end, the container is just a basic choice of "already supported" or "need to add it", nothing else.
>If anything what we need is HEVC support
will never happen unless patent restriction changes
>will never happen unless patent restriction changes
>Okay, your point? Said 264 source is 100% always of far higher quality than any of the VP8 garbage people post, or even most of the VP9 encodes.
Why are you complaining about poor quality on a site that only allows up to 4 MB file sizes? It's a shitload of work to make something look as good as it can with such a small file size. Not worth the effort most of the time, unless you're autistic. If you care so much about quality, just do what some people do and post a converted vp8/vp9 webm to 4chan, while also linking the unconverted media on another site like catbox.

4chan is archaic when it comes to uploading and hosting media. It doesn't even allow audio streams on most boards.
Why are you complaining about dumb shit that would literally never happen, nor could to begin with? Are you mentally retarded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3ta5_a1Yyc
also the "people" that encode vp9 using options that make mac firefox choke.
good desu senpai, that will mean less tech retards that don't like saying the nigger word staying here.
you sound mad
you sound mac
Hate the game, not the player.
People aren't just gonna decide against encoding 10-bit simply because some Apple user is gonna get mad.

>Not worth the effort most of the time, unless you're autistic
Did someone say my name?
6MB: https://files.catbox.moe/dpgpth.webm
I hate this shit too and im not even apple user.
I wonder if it will happen considering /gif/ was gutted recently
>considering /gif/ was gutted recently

What happened?
>6MB: https://files.catbox.moe/dpgpth.webm
impressive, I don't think I can match that with VP9, do you mind sharing the encoder options?
Mods found out about the discord group that was raiding /gif/ with race bait and troon shit and went banhammer on everyone, cutting the max allowed thread count by half
File: file.webm (3.37 MB, 720x1280)
3.37 MB
3.37 MB WEBM
You mean like this?
Just pyscenedetect + SVT-AV1 at preset 0 with a CRF in the 50s.
Cute! That one works, but anything with yuv420p10 won't play correctly. Mozilla has a bug on it for 3 years now but I guess they're too busy doing other things.
Kek thank you fren.
File: nazuna_goldkini_4chan.webm (2.72 MB, 1080x1080)
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2.72 MB WEBM
Good thing I exclusively encode in vp9 now for 4chins. Just for you.
Webm isn't even the problem.
The problem is the miniscule file size and that audio is limited to /gif/ and /wsg/.
Raise it to 10mb + audio for all boards.
not him but some vp9 10bit webms have wrong colors in chromium
I'm on ff on fedora and the colors look the same as the file played in mpv to me. I haven't run into any weird bugs so far. I encode webms with a script I wrote and have cobbled more options into as more features were supported by 4chins. It's not as good as that one deal an anon wrote since I can't crop anything or any other fancy features beyond changing frame rate, resolution, rotation, burning in subs, audio options and quality, and encoding method.
If they do add support for a new file type it'll be pretty easy to just slap it in the script.
Support HEIF
We need H.266 VVC support
mp4s i find on the web are usually much higher quality than what i see on 4chan.
Probably because everything we see here are reencodes.
The big issue here is file size limits. Most times you'll see an mp4 that is 20MB, forcing that down into the 3MB limit something has to give, either resolution, frame rate or quality
Tiktoks are usually below 4 MB when they serve mp4, and they totally BTFO anything i find on 4chan quality wise.
Tiktok is the first consumer. People directly upload the their videos there, rather than it being reposts. With a better source quality, the compression result is better.
If you go to the Chinese tv station CCTV, you see videos in an online stream that have the quality of a 4k BluRay with no advertisements.

All our (((Weestern))) platforms compress user uploads to death. It got us used to shit quality, so our toleration level is higher. When you then take a highly compressed video and reencode it, it gets worse.

Remember that if codec A adds compression artifacts and you input the result in codec B, it means that B has to compress those artifacts as well. They can act as unfiltered noise, which is hard to compress, so B has to compress even harder to get to a target file size.
I don't use shitock so I don't have any experience with it or their video quality. I wouldn't be surprised if they have some tricks to optimize file size while being able to still play the video on just about anything given they have control over the whole process of the video getting encoded to the player that displays it.
>Unless 4chan plans to pay fees I doubt it.
every website on the internet pays mp4 fees? this is turbo sperg pedantry
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>useless fucking change
Just introduce audio on all boards, that's literally all that is needed
yes, the tiktok mp4 i mean are encoded to be served to older iPhones.
They are sub 30 seconds and sub 4 MB. Which is what you typically get on 4chan either. But the mp4 from tiktok BTFOs the VP9 on 4chan.
It's the power of having access to the source.
Youtube has that power as well, they just don't use it because they hate you and they are a monopoly. You won't leave them anyway.

When tiktok serves the higher quality tiers, you get stuff like this:
> Duration: 00:00:21.53, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 13006 kb/s
> Stream #0:0: Video: av1 (libdav1d) (Main), yuv420p(tv, bt709), 2160x3840, SAR 1:1 DAR 9:16, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1k tbn (default)
1300 kb/s AV1 with 2160x3840 resolutions.
Only the 30fps is not top-notch here, but that is on the source, they would serve higher if available.

The mental illness and trash content on tiktok is rampant, but when it is about video quality, they show what google took from you.
>using options that make mac firefox choke.
>1300 kb/s AV1
Forgot one 0, its 13000
Meanwhile a 4k AV1 that youtube serves you has about 7000.
4MB for 30 seconds is 1Mbps, which is decently high by 4chan standards. Such a video looking bad is purely a skill issue.
Don't forget that the content matters. A video game is far more demanding than a person standing in the middle of a static video frame while making incoherent noises with their ring muscles.
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Who gives a shit
Why don't we have AUDIO
You don't even need to increase the ridiculously small maximum file size for it
Seriously, why the fuck do we not have AUDIO on all boards?
File: least patriotic turk.webm (2.31 MB, 1080x1920)
2.31 MB
2.31 MB WEBM
Well what do you know. Tiktok actually delivers HEVC at high resolutions. No wonder their videos are so efficient.
This one was 1.8MB
>why the fuck do we not have AUDIO on all boards?
m-muh screemers ;_;
>Anecdotes and irrelevant bullshit with 0 proof
Again, WEBM is only for Google's video codecs and Vorbis/Opus
We do it on purpose. Yes, we.
Mute by default, problem solved.
That's not really a solution. This is already the status quo on /wsg/, yet screamers are still posted occasionally.
Screamers are supposed to bait you into watching with audio, not just blast ear rape the moment you start playing it the video.
Some kind of audio normalization in place would help a lot with this specific concern.

I don't even believe this is the reason for the absence of audio. More likely, it's perceived as threatening the status as an image board and not a video board.
i don't own a mac so i wasn't even aware it can't play some of them
Oh that's gonna get messy without switch statements.
Not until the retards up the file size limits. Re-encoding to a VP9 Webm is better if they're not going to do that.
I can't upload an mp4 so fake
Audio was limited for a reason. It used to be allowed everywhere but retards would abuse it to spam earrape.
Only if they add more extensions that need special casing. It's fine for two options like that, if they add a third then maybe it's time to refactor that code.
>Rule: screamers get you permabanned
>Post screamer
It's that simple. Or will they disable images and videos because people can post porn on blue boards?
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imagine the ascii porn...
All for h264, can be decoded by any CPU
yeah h264 would be fine
none of that newfangled crap
even haswell can decode av1 fine
Ok sure, but what about filesize? Length of video? This is what's important.
Is that a... female girl..?.. HHHHHNNNGGGGGG
the point is even ancient hardware can play av1 not that it's optimal, faggot
where the hell is av1 webm support on here god damn dinosaur website
Get a load of this guy.
not enough browser support
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66%+ people are running chrome or chrome fork
majority rules and chrome has av1 support
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edge? lol fuck them
av1 would be to kind
Did your brain die?
this has never been a problem on any of the other websites that offer mp4s, this is some dumb copout that keeps getting repeated.
already tried every VP9 option and I'm tired of it, it's time for something new
MP4 is just a container, it can host AV1 video but it can also host H264 video. The former cost $0 but the latter legally requires 4chan to pay fees for usage.

See mpeg-la kikes.
Do you understand that 4chan adding "MP4" support while banning H264 video itself would result it retards panicking?

Or are you saying this would be ideal?
>Seriously, why the fuck do we not have AUDIO on all boards?
This is a shithole website ran by redditors, feds and other incompetents. Blows my mind how they got away with charging 20 sheckles a month and do sweet fuck all to make the site better.
iToddler issue, buy a real computer next time.
You NEED to re-encode to fit it in the 4MB size limit.
libwebm has supported AV1 streams for years
you can post short youtube web/vp9/opus files as-is right now yet most people don't
People need to be able to repost all the garbage they can find on twitter and tiktok. Please understand. 4chan is dying.
h264 patents are expiring in a couple of years so... maybe soon?
not happening ever, sorry frahunofer nigger.
Why do people bring up h264 patents again?
You don't need to pay anything to let people upload and download h264 videos especially not if it's a non-commercial.
how to give a horse diabetes
4chan has ads, therefor it is commercial
I hate how everyone is posing so fake on these soicial media videos. They put up all those retarded fake expressions and poses way worse than any D movie actors of the 70s ever did
4chan is "user-funded", just like catbox.
Do you think catbox pays royalties?
retards, the videos here are free of charge therefore 4chan doesn't have to pay
pretty sure it's like a gray area full of patent trolls and other jew shit
and 4chan is quite a large website
so even if the patents exempt that specific case, it can still cause trouble
>Do you think catbox pays royalties?
do you think the mpeg patent pool will invest resources going after a website that 0.01% of the population knows even exists?
4chan would be making a profit off H264 based videos, anyways VP9 is superior at lower bitrates (under 4MB), if anything Hiro should add AV1 support.
>4chan would be making a profit off H264 based videos
they're still free to watch and download
>VP9 is superior at lower bitrates (under 4MB), if anything Hiro should add AV1 support.
yeah, the image formats also need an update... jxl and avif seem like the best candidates
>im right im right anyway lets change the topic
concession accepted
no browser supports jxl.
So for mp4 h.264 is supported as evident by >>103236898 .
How about audio?
firefox nightly or firefox stable with extension
librewolf, mercury, thorium, waterfox, safari
I hate this fucking board so much it's unreal
your mom is inflated past the size limit
get in here
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I thought it was going to be VP9 on MP4.
oh boy cant wait for zoomers to start uploading phonefag video brainrot!
oh boy cant wait for you to stop being a humorless whiny gayboy!
It's only going to get worse from this point.
I'd guess that's simply staying in line with what YouTube uses.
I *think*, tiktok is also h264/avc.
>do you think the mpeg patent pool will invest resources going after a website that 0.01% of the population knows even exists?
This. All the more reason there needs to be tens of thousands of tiny chans, even if theres maybe less than 1k people on it. Set the upload size to whatever, even a tiny VM can support 1k people. Anyone could stand up a tiny board in no time.
this shit looks terrible
Nigga just use catbox (or any other service).
we're so back
>t. mindbroken millenial
Why are people so obsessed with uploads.
Do ADHD neo-zoomers not know how to have fun with text only?
this is an image board.
Not a video board.
lmao. is this really the tech board? 4mb x264 is much worst than 4mb vp9. this is a regression.
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Doesn't work
It's not about the quality but about the ability for subhumans to repost garbage from twitter/tiktok/yt.
youtube is vp9, you can download a youtube short and post it here without any encoding needed (if it is below 4mb)
>Is mp4 support a good thing?
i can encode mp4 with my gpu in webm4retards and it's way faster than using cpu and way better quality
webm is trash
Imageboards by their nature have images, sometimes even videos. A few of mine allow 7-zip and other file types too. Text boards need only care about number of lines and bytes allowed in text posts but that's a different topic. Some of mine allows 65535. I dont even know what this site allows for text.
those are containers retard
I don't care what they are
webm is T R A S H
CAPS LOCK Is Fun But You Can Exercise The Shift Key Even More This Way. Reminds Me Of My Lois BBS Days.
>poorfag is also a tech illiterate retard
my condolences
Just tested it:
hevc on mp4=no
av1 on mp4=no
h264 on mp4=yes
vp9 on mp4=yes

Should have at least added support for AV1 on MP4 like youtube.
There is an archive actually. I go there to read Terry's old posts. But they were mean to him.


4chan stuck in the past, as usual

site will soon be dead two more weeks
Which is better compression wise, h264 or vp9?
no, this change would enable computer illiterate retards to post media here
we don't want that
which is better for lossless
h264 or vp9?
You @'d me first lol

You'll @ me again lol
quality is lesser than vp9. Using the gpu only makes sense if you are encoding the video on the fly and want minimal delay (eg: streaming). Otherwise, it doesn't matter if it is slow; you are only encoding it once and thus should favor quality/bitrate. Please, never get a job in video production.
>ai slop
this ^^^ and if doing a lot of encoding get a machine with an assload of cores and as much L1-L4 cache as possible. Intel and AMD make custom CPU's for this.
File: victorialynnmyers_.webm (4 MB, 576x1024)
4 MB
skill issue
here, you fucking baboon, this will beat any h264 storage waste your silly app can vomit under 4chan limits:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
numThreads=$(nproc --all)
ffmpeg -y -i ${1} -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -sn -dn -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -pass 1 -quality good -profile:v 2 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 300 -cpu-used 0 -auto-alt-ref 6 -arnr-maxframes 15 -arnr-strength 3 -aq-mode 0 -tune-content 0 -tile-rows 0 -tile-columns 0 -enable-tpl 1 -c:a libopus -b:a 64K -row-mt 1 -threads ${numThreads} -passlogfile /tmp/webm-passlog -f webm /dev/null
ffmpeg -y -i ${1} -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -sn -dn -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -pass 2 -quality good -profile:v 2 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 300 -cpu-used 0 -auto-alt-ref 6 -arnr-maxframes 15 -arnr-strength 3 -aq-mode 0 -tune-content 0 -tile-rows 0 -tile-columns 0 -enable-tpl 1 -c:a libopus -b:a 64K -row-mt 1 -threads ${numThreads} -passlogfile /tmp/webm-passlog ${1%.*}.webm
File: 1712529223339827.webm (3.9 MB, 1920x1080)
3.9 MB
vp9. i tried to encode a .mxf with both and h264 already had 2x the size of vp9 after four seconds of encoded video. also, most video players are bugged with lossless h264 according to ffmpeg documentation.
Does anyone remember anons settings for this?
enable audio, raise file limit to 16mb then 4chan would be up to 2010 standards
tiktok source, had to bloat it to minimize generational loss
the only benefit of getting h264 is not having to reencode short videos like it
>that webm
it's from a high bitrate 2160p 60fps HDR source, not hard to make something nice out of that
what is the point
netflix backend is written in javascript, NEET.
brainlets can't into vp9, that's basically the reason
>still no site-wide audio
Won't ever happen.
My guess is fear of music companies/copyright holders. Keeping it all contained inside wsg is easier to janny than the entire site posting music videos.
fucking based, terry and other "schizo" worship attracts nothing but children to this board
The 4chan backend is written in PHP, retard.
I'm using this but it keeps saying file unsupported

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus output.mp4
4chanX hasn't been updated to allow it
presumably on a sound board
also vp9/libopus goes in a .webm container, you want something like libx264/aac or whatever
Don't put VP9/opus inside mp4. Why are you doing this?
Only H264 and AAC is allowed inside mp4 here.
only works on /wsg/ too
it has though
Nobody made a release. 4ch-x is pretty much dead.
You have to edit 4chanx to allow mp4 yourself
so it's useless.
I set some of mine to 64MB and would never block because it has sound. Soundless videos make no sense to me.
they'll probably enable it for the other boards
so a format phones can reasonable encode on their own
What's next? IPv6 support?
people may also start posting audio messages to avoid spam filter/moderation
>Soundless videos make no sense to me.
You mistake is seeing webm/mp4 on 4chan as videos instead of just GIFs on steroids.
Actually there shouldn't even be any controls UI and webms would look no different from any other images here (pngs, gifs, jpeg, etc).
I think only on /wsg/ and only h.264

Christian website 4chan
>yaay, we're adding mp4 support in 2024
Russki FSB honeypot 2ch
>40mb file limit
>site-wide audio
>4 files per post
MP4 supports both OPUS and VP9
>enable audio
>>>/wsg/ >>>/gif/
>raise file limit to 16mb
6mb ought to be enough for anyone.
Seriously, though, the file size limit is reasonable.
it's cos they're normies, not actors. not even bad ones.
why is this website so outdated
Japanese owned website
maybe they will allow av1 videos.
I dont' buy that, given /gif/ allows sound so they don't really treat it as gifs. If they want only animation through gifs then force gifs. Either way it's silly, just allow videos with sound everywhere. The size limit is the only limiting factor otherwise.
Forget about h264 and hvec, no way Hiro will want to pay the decoder tax.
>Japanese owned website
Made to look that way but really US Federal Government and I am fine with that. It's one of the few good uses of my tax dollars.
Best /gif/ ever was was right after audio got enabled.
Then they decided to ruin it by spinning off /wsg/ and replacing /gif/'s few highly competitive not-porn threads with absolutely stagnant /wsg/ perma-generals.
>US Federal Government
You are thinking xitter there.
Note: I'm not complaining.
Musk gives off a similar aura to hiro.
Xitter was more in bed with the feds prior to Elon. He has cleaned that up a little. There will soon be an agency that does to all the social platforms what Elon did to Twitster.
I would have wanted 8MiB just to achieve parity with Discord, but they increased their own limit since then. There's also Steam with its 10MB limit, although that seems to be explicitly MB and not MiB.

H264 patents are already partially expired. It will be 100% libre in a couple of years.
Trying to upload this https://files.catbox.moe/o82n9s.mp4
But seems not to work
Might 4chan x block the video from being uploaded or did I do something retarded?
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only h.264 for mp4
Thanks, seems I was just being retarded
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I meant: Elon literally is the federal government at this point. (Nothing wrong with that.)
It seems very unlikely considering the situation, but Japan could really use hiro in a governmental position.
/gif/ got so awful they trimmed the board to 5 pages. Splitting it in half absolutely killed both ends and it's never going to recover.
>6mb ought to be enough for anyone.
most people have now phones with a 1080p screen at minimum, 6mb is just enough to old one second of video at that resolution.
>I meant: Elon literally is the federal government at this point. (Nothing wrong with that.)
yeah he is a golden child like bezos, ellison, gates, etc...
Isn't the typical use-case in-line expansion?
~640x360 is perfect for that on HD displays.
When I want long HQ video, I go to YouTube, tiktok, X, whatever.
im glad
I will be honest with you: /wsg/ is by far the most enjoyable board at the moment.
You get long and engaging discussions in threads that stand the test of time with a regular flood of new content being posted.
Find (or make) a thread you like, and enjoy the ride.
omg elon musk is aryan hero or something because he hates troons and sexy niggers
>but we've had VP9 for so long now
And yet it still takes 10 times longer to encode.
>t h i s. Getting real sick of people that are STILL using VP8 of all things.
Cry about it retard.
No AV1 support = don't care
Thanks I've decided to remove the pix_fmt yuv420p parameter to filter you from watching my webms
Slow boards never recovered from "Marked for deletion (old)" going away globally.
4chan isn't world4ch. It's not supposed to be a living mausoleum.
>4MB for 12 seconds of barely anything moving on screen
I mean it looks nice but anyone can produce these results with a 2pass vp9 encode
Here you go lil bro try this
lel you must be blind then, everything is moving. in the first scene, the birds, the people walking, but also the clouds who are getting distorted by the lens. second scene, the water reflection. last scene, take a look at the railings.
File: 1725981506964534.png (603 KB, 640x458)
603 KB
603 KB PNG
>t h i s. Getting real sick of people that are STILL using VP8 of all things.
And you know how long it took just for us to finally get vp9 AND increased size limit for some boards? By that point everybody had already made mountains of webms in vp8. I'm not redoing all my webms.
File: 1708505615830204.webm (3.86 MB, 1920x1012)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
That anon's just using a set of high compression / slow encode options and then he has ffmpeg cut once the bitstream hits 3.9MB
Probably only going to be so mods can funpost.
But when are we getting webp?
basically never, cos it's a shit format.
HEVC re-encoded to h264 or to VP9 for best quality?
File: in.gif (1.39 MB, 1152x744)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB GIF
Notice anything interesting about this webp? Besides the freakishly small file size of course.

WebP [302 KB/ -79%]
This I remember it took me forever just to get this working properly

Wasn't hate but definitely a tard filter
File: ezgif-1-272ab3e4cb.gif (264 KB, 288x186)
264 KB
264 KB GIF
yep, what are you going to do about it?
PNG's supported animation 20 years ago.
holy shit
why even bother
It would help with compatibility/and those too retarded to even fire up handbrake to encode their own web bums.

I get that the H264 parents are expiring and whatnot but this might have the unwanted side effect of attracting more normalfaggots here.
>attracting more normalfaggots
exactly what hiro wants since they're too retarded to use an adblocker
Welp, I should have suspected something was amiss when they began limiting us to only saying the nigger word 3 times per post. The future looks grim now.
>attracting more normalfaggots
there are daily twitter, reddit threads and bluesky spam nowwadays, what the fuck do you mean it would attract normalfaggots? how new are you? even vtubers post on /vt/ all the time.
I know, I guess I kind of wanted this ride to be over.
so sad for what 4chan has become
Porn is better acted.
The only reason they would ever want to switch is if they want videos here to not look like compressed little bit right garbage. That's how most videos look here, especially if it's not some animated cartoon that can get away with having lower resolution and bit rate and still look more or less the same That's the high bit rate MP4 counterpart. No one posts entire videos or documentaries here. The longest video you'll get here is like 3 minutes tops on average. The best majority or short clips. Depending on what kind of site you use it can also lead to better cost-effectiveness when used at scale since low but rate webms consume less bandwidth than decent looking h264 vids. Of course this only benefits moot since only would have to do is change a few lines of code in order to allow or deny any MP4 videos, while we have to go through the trouble up encoding a video to a kind of sort of irrelevant video format (iPhones couldn't even play them until relatively recently. I don't even fault Apple for that Even though I typically give them shit for everything else they do because who the flying fuck other than this website cares about Webm?)
Compressing a file down to a certain size and reencoding it into a different video format are two completely different things.... One is much easier than the other.
NO, increase file size and duration limitation instead.
too much load on server please understandu
No because that means people can post shit from other sites more easily.
How about double the filesize limit on /wsg/ instead?
Having to learn how to use FFMPEG or something similar is why the webms on 4chan aren't complete garbage.
can't wait for socials to implement the 'share this on 4chan' button, going to be glorious
now we only need https://losslesscut.app/ to make clips keeping the source quality if the size is below 4mb
about fucking time
i was sick of having to convert mp4 to webm just to post a video
mp4 should have been supported here over a decade ago
You just know
Too many unpatched exploits.
File: 1720993266833185.webm (3.92 MB, 1280x720)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
>a new golden age of gifs on 4chan has begun

Let's fucking go
Nah they've been mostly patched AFAIK. However it is true that someone with an outdated webp decoder could get hacked. That's also assuming this webp is crafted in such a special snowflake way that it doesn't trip windows defender.
So would this work for the new MP4 format?
 libx264 -crf 20 -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart [\code]
which boards support mp4 now?
The only thing supporting mp4 is going to bring is more low effort shitposts. webm worked well enough for video in comparison to gif.
>more low effort shitposts
I'm sold!
On a positive it encodes very fast.
Compared to x265 and googles bullshit libvpx-vp9 encoder? Sure but not compared to SVT AV1 especially on the default preset 10.

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