>Bro, you know there are people out there who want to start a war between us? >Damn bro, what a bunch of faggots.
>>4928384desu I don't get this need to have console wars in every board.
>>4928384Cat "people" are the only ones that feel the need to compare their "pet" to dogs, and in particular one person.
>>4928391And here's the console war faggot right on time
>>4928387You should ask the catfag spammer. I think it's just mental illness, but who knows...
>>4928391>"I'm not part of the problem" says person that's clearly part of the problem
>>4928448>I'm a seething catfag that cannot face the obvious truth.
Hide consoleposts.
Ohh cool, a friends thread!
>>4928534I like dogs. You clearly enjoy this perpetual state of retards arguing and only seek to extend it.
>one guy with the name "warm hearthy dog soup">no guy with the name "cat soup" or a derivative I rest my case.
>>4928769are you in the wrong thread again ?
>>4928795that ain't a dog OR a cat das a herpestoidean get this posing nigga outta here
>>4928769Yeah the so called catfag trying to start shit doesnt actually like cats, he just uses them as a platform for his dog hate. He actually wants you to hate cats and catfags too.
>>4928798no shit sherlocknow post more frens
>>4928384Dogs (whites) and Cats (blacks) need to team up and overthrow the reptilians
>>4928806What kind of adventures do coyotes and badgers get up to?
>>4929326Cheetos and their need for an emotional support dog is just the cutest thing isn't it?
>>4928384What boards would cats browse compared to dogs? Would they use “noclaws” or “nofur” as an insult?
>>4929935>catsAll the porn boards, /lgbt/, and /gif/>dogs/pol/, /out/, /k/, /an/, /lit/, /g/, and /s/
>>4928806>yo, lets go lardass!>fucking zoomers...
>>4929935>nofurCheck your non-sphynx privilege.
>>4932009>sph*nxfuck those flea-dodgers
false flag double reacharound console war thread