Did anarkiddies or lolbertarians ever come up with a response to this that wasnt seething or insults?
Just say you want to tell people what to do and be done with it, Marx. Stop justifying your power grab.
>>17429139Most of the hardcore Lolberts I know don't really believe in the commons.Anarchists would retort with some shit about management councils and community solidarity while kicking abusers out.The state is not really a solution, either.
>>17429139This is an argument for capitalism, not against it
>>17429139>Without regulations or collective managementPeople did regulate and collectively manage commonly used land though. Like how many sheep someone was permitted to hold.
The "tragedy of the commons" is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. It's used as the basis for the proposition that regulation of the environment is inherently necessary, and therefore government has the implicit authority to do so. None of that would be true if people didn't act like niggers.
>>17429383This, implicit hatred of the common man is not a reason to oppress him.
>>17429139>Buy the land as a private land owner>determine the most profitable amount of sheep, as well as taking good care of your grasslandNigga libertarianism is based on the concept of private property. Your anarchist commune with common lands can suck my cock
>>17429139This is an argument against immigration btw
The commons didn't disappear because of excess demand; they disappeared because scammers enclosed them and started charging.
>>17429419so India should be encouraged to pass the 100 billion people mark as long as your country's border is closed?
>>17429139The tragedy of the commons is literally a lolbert talking point FOR private property rights over collective property rights?
>>17429383The economist Elinor Olstrom solved the problem actually but libertarians can't really appeal to her answer though because of their commitments.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIvmMRzcSvMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr5Q3VvpI7w
>>17430020So ugh, the solution is guilds and cartels?
>>17429139When a peaceful anarchist state manages to stay in existence for a period of more than 12 months, I will condescend to debate the anarchists.Until then, I will assume, as many do, that its a "I have political beliefs but don't want to hurt anyones feelings by doing what it takes to implement them" safe answer when asked about politics
>tragedy of the commons constantly used as an example of why any economic philosophy that isn't completely psychotic Randian libertarianism won't work>look into it>every documented instance of it supposedly happening is actually outsiders intentionally overexploiting the commons to drive out the people who were originally using it
>>17429139People aren't sheep.
>>17429139Yeah it’s called homesteading and property rights, retard
>>17430862Cool it with the antisemitism