man is not fallen. you dont need a human sacrifice to "save" yourself.
>>17431518Have you met many people?
>>17431518You don't understand what sacrifice means.
Christianity's "guilty until proven innocent" doctrine is the most sadistic form of psychological terrorism ever inflicted on the human mind. You're born condemned, stained with "original sin" before you even take your first breath, and then told the only way out is through complete submission to an invisible cosmic dictator. But here's the sick joke - you can never actually prove your innocence in this rigged system. No matter how many prayers you say, how many commandments you follow, or how much you debase yourself, you're still a worthless sinner deserving of eternal torture. It's a perfect system of control that keeps you permanently enslaved to a guilt you never earned.The only real escape is realizing that this whole corrupt system is bullshit and we don't need external validation from some celestial judge. We are the only ones who can set ourselves free by rejecting the very premise that we were ever guilty to begin with. No god, church, or religion has the right to declare us broken from birth. The power to judge our own worth and define our own meaning has always been within us - we just need to deprogram ourselves from this inherited guilt complex that serves no purpose except to keep humanity psychologically chained. True liberation comes from telling this whole rigged cosmic courtroom to go fuck itself.