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I know this board is dead but this seems fun and will hopefully encourage some life.

I'll start. No cheating. If correct, post another one and keep it going.
Approximately 2nd-6th century AD. East of the Mediterranean, but no further east than Afghanistan. Approximately 30 degrees lattitude, give or take.

Am I getting close?
Visancio or somewhere in the Middle East? more or less like Persian culture
...I'm going with Arabia. Yemenite. Appx. 500 AD.
Couple of centuries off
Several features are throwing me off. Good choice, anon.
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>Couple of centuries off
Before or after?
You're all pretending to not know
Looks Tartessian to me
Grecobuddhist bros
Looks either egyptian or mesoamerican to me. Say 200 BC
All wrong
Not even close
Seljuks, actual Turks
>Head of male royal figure of Seljuq Turk Empire in Persia, 12–13th century, found in Iran
Correct. Your turn.
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I'm drinking so I'm in a good mood. Here's a softball
Iberian-Aryan, obviously.

>file name
Nice try. That is 100% Nordic Aryan Anglo-Saxon.
>Nordic Aryan Anglo-Saxon.
NTA but aryan has nothing to do with it, i'm assuming you just throw that term into things you think are LE HECKIN BASED, but yes it is anglo-saxon. it's from the famous sutton hoo burial site.
BRO the filename lol
Turks are Turks. Obsessing over genetics is retarded.
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My turn
Was about to say Sumerian, or maybe Babylonian/Akkadian, but then remembered it's actually Hittite.

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