How did pagans see anthropomorphic animism? How were werewolves viewed before jews came along?
>>17433339We used magnifying glasses. Werewolves are the Jews.
>>17433339>How were werewolves viewedprobably a regular man in a raid in a murder spree with his raid mates, a common occurrence in old times
>>17434911>Werewolves are the Jews.Aren't jews vampires?>>17434936Maybe they were a warrior archetype? A bunch of old Germanic masculine names (and plenty of feminine names) have a wolf affix, some surviving into modern times (Adolf, Rudolf, Ingolf, Wolfgang, Wolflinde, Úlfrún, Úlfgeir, etc.).Doesn't sound jewish at all.
>>17434958there's a word for it I don't recall, something that sounds old greek/IE, basically it is reconstructed from old myth, that ancient aryans, in a very primitive state, kicked out their younglings when just reaching adulthood, and the formed war bands that went and hunted, raided and pillaged. I think it was said that it was some kind of adulthood rite or whatever. I'm not sure, but I think I remember that it was named as something like "wolf pack"
>>17434997>>17434958u got lucky I found it*K%C3%B3ryos#:~:text=The%20M%C3%A4nnerbund%20(German%3A%20'alliance,their%20full%20integration%20into%20society.
>>17435002that article is filled with extraordinarily unverifiable speculation
>>17433339There's a character in Egilssaga Skallagrimson who's named "Kvelduflr," which means night wolf, because all the people in his town thought that he transformed into a werewolf at night on account of him always having an incredibly bad temper in the evening.The pagan stance on things like werewolves and berserkers is generally that they're a neat idea in theory and are fun to read about, but you would never want to actually encounter on, because they are dangerous monsters that would try to kill you.
>>17433339>werewolvesAs the Anon above mentioned, berserkers were terrifying to behold, and nigh-unstoppable. Witches who could become animals were also respected and feared. Then there were non-human intelligent beings, who could go from animal form to human. These were often regarded as tricksters. If you were lucky, you could bang one.
Zeus curses Lycaon for attempting a child sacrifice in honor of Zeus, and the curse takes the form of lycanthropy. there is no evidence that pre-christian europeans had a wolf fetish like you fantasize about you gay furry. it is consistently seen as a curse, both in pre-christian and christian europe
>>17436864>>17436263berserkrs were respected as warriors but hated on a societal level and often quarantined in a kind of way, kept on the outskirts of the village. they were dangerous and unstable, and capable of killing their own family in a rage. the eddas describe berserkrgang as being more of a curse than a blessing; in the heroic lays dealing with Sigismund, it says that as he wore the wolfskin for longer and longer, the skin begins to sew into his own skin until he cannot remove it at all and his frenzied state is permanent.
>>17435915It was theorized by scholars. I'm not even a scholar, and by barely scratching the surface I've come across such myth. The greek mith of the foundation of scythiaI assume they've read their fair share of myths and come across similar myths and just made the connection