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Why have women been irrelevant in every culture despite always being half the population? Is it biologically predetermined or did just every society coincidentally develop this way?
I think women CAN be historymakers, but instead they just bunker down on reddit and complain, although to be fair that's basically what we're doing right now
Bullshit. If this guy killed men instead of women, specifically attractive young women he'd still be a free man and they'd never seriously try to catch him. The world bends over backwards for pussy and we all know it.
Europe is the only continent where women were given elevated status and were treated as near equals/given any sort of property or marital rights. Europeans throughout their history have always been progressive libtards compared to chuddish indians and Chinese who would murder women once their husband dies.
> Why have women been irrelevant in every culture despite always being half the population?
Did you learn history from incels? :|

In any case, most people (male or female) were, are, and will be unimportant. For every Caesar, there are thousands upon thousands of background extras.
In pre-communist China it was noted by Westerners how only men were seen outside on the streets in daytime hours and women only emerged after dark to gather water from a well or other such chores.
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> women were of no importance in pre-communist Chi-
Not true
Look at the posters... lots of cope and crying
The US was more liberal even than that. One European in the 1890s observed that it was not rare for American women to own or operate businesses or to be employed in skilled professions like law or medicine while it was not common in Europe at all at that time.
She's right.
> it was not common in Europe at all at that time.
because jews took such jobs here
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Second-class citizens would be clergy or something. Maybe knights? Women from the upper classes have always been more important than men from the lower classes. Nuance lost in modern world too many.
So how many empresses did they have?
Are you retarded or are you autistic
woman are primitive like FERAL dogs.

What will a Feral dog think of? FUCKING, nothing else matters to it. It has no future plan, no 5 year or 10 year plans. It just cares about pleasure for now.

Thats women. When you see so many white women copulating with negros who can barely hold a job and are violent, that doesnt deter them. Because like Feral dogs, they just want pleasure of now. The man's thinking of future, what they will do 10 years from now is ALIEN to them. They just want to fuck that Nergro now.

Thats women and why you are seeing so many single moms from interracial relationships. They are Feral dogs, consumed with pleasures of the moment.
I think you may be confusing assertive confidence with masculinity. I think we've come to consider them the same thing. I don't think they are. I bench press 200 pounds. Does this make me assertive and confident or masculine? Or does that make me a lesbian? No, saying I date women makes me a lesbian. I am simply a physically strong woman. I'm not an Alpha, because I don't belong to a pack of wolves. Tags are for clothes and insecurities
This is for you>>17422571
Here it is.

>James Muirhead wrote in "America, The Land of Contrasts" (1898) that "The American woman has never learned to play second fiddle." He reported that Boston had 80 female physicians and Chicago had 25 female attorneys. "There are numbers of women dentists, barbers, and livery stable keepers...a railway pointswoman in Georgia; and one of the regular steamers on Lake Champlain, when I was there, was successfully steered by a pilot in petticoats." Further, in 1898 the California Perfume Company made the controversial move of hiring women as door-to-door salespersons.
we have a different understanding of masculinity the term masculine in relation to a woman refers specifically to physiological attributes, that is, deep voice, aggressive energy, square and broad shoulders, large feet, absence of a soft and caring spirit, traditional masculine energy, speak loudly. The kind of woman that men normally don't mind being intimate with. But the behavior necessary to be an entrepreneur and negotiator at work, also being opinionated and strategic, I don't consider masculine or feminine.
kek Thanks for pointing that out. You're right, everyone is an individual. But if that were true, things are fine in the workplace as they are. But they are not for women and minorities. In my example, I ask what is the equivalent? If you can bench press 200 pounds, then you have a different equivalent compared to the average woman. Do you agree that we need to make definitions first to identify what they are and THEN we can remove the labels?
Hundreds? The empress is just the wife of the emperor.
The question is how many of them de facto ruled China like Xixi.

What about all those niggers who copulate, disappear to god knows who and leave their kids with single moms? Kinda unfair to paint it as a woman's fault.
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I don't understand your argument? anyway, I'm talking about patterns here.
I kind of saw physical features as masculine and those features as just features.
I would say based on your description that I have a lot of masculine traits. Leadership role in all careers. Assertive, direct, extroverted. I like building things. And so I find that I naturally shift my vibration to a softer feminine energy when I'm around a stronger masculine energy and to a more masculine energy when I'm around a soft feminine energy.
in fact, I never saw my behavior as more masculine... I always found it strange that women were corralled into more demure passive roles, controlled and quiet roles and behaviors...

I am now learning to embrace my masculine energy in balance, as we all have both within us, and learning to work with both in harmony is fundamental in my experience and understanding... And once post-menopause, the quest for alignment seems even stronger as our energy shifts from procreative to a more balanced direction and a more fulfilling life in the future.
European women since the Middle Ages always had a relatively high degree of personal freedom, especially freedom of movement and ability to mingle with men that were unrelated to them. Medieval Arab writers noted this and thought Europeans to be degenerate for that reason.
It's less about judging but being aware of how you are being perceived.
we are talking about different concepts again here.
women must then use it to our advantage, turning one on or off. I see it as a tool. I definitely have masculine traits, but I'm strong alpha. There can't be two alpha males, so we both make a conscious shift into relationship mode after slaying dragons all day. Too exhausting to be in masculine mode all day
This is just atheistic slander. Christian Europe was not degenerate. And there were no medieval Arab writers, the golden age of Islam is a fabrication.
No, I disagree. I want to be masculine all the time, no matter what. I want to be seen as powerful and not vulnerable. I don't care how it will affect my mental health as long as those around me fear and respect me.
I never want to submit to anyone, I never want to show my emotions to anyone. I want to be happy and this is the only way.
Haha the avarage Christian couple
INJT women makes abrahamics seethe
The 1950s housewife meme was almost a fluke period of history we came to believe had always been the case.
Reddit gold awarded from r/Christianity to you, my based kekerino epic crusaderino friend!
It's almost like men are more competent than women, who would've thunk.
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not quite
human population explodes as women regain relevance
It's almost like industrialization, science and technology.
They weren't irrelevant in any culture. History books do not capture the entirety of culture. Every single man in a history book was given birth to by a woman, and most of them were married or had relationships with women.
This is what pisses me off about the modern feminist rhetoric, through their dismissal of the feminine throughout history they are creating the perfect environment for that to really be true
trad Chinese literature tended to barely mention women at all
There is a culture called Wayuu, they are matriarchal, they are led by a great mother or shaman.
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studying "history" as a "series of significant world-changing events" is missing the fact that the vast continuum of human existence has been governed by menial household minutiae; which minutiae women had a large contribution to.
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domestic history if rife with "shit women did"
the problem with people today is that women historically propagated culture... but industrial society and urbanization have eroded culture. leaving women thinking that all they're meant to do is imitate men.
The water margin does when someone offers to cook their wife for people because they don't have food to feed their guests
depends on the dynasty but at their worst the chinese were worse than muslims
Women choose men like that. It’s not rape.

Women are hardwired to rawdog gorillas and trick betas into raising them.
Men also choose women like that. They don't choose the women who aren't like that because they consider those women ugly.
Men are hardwired to establish and dominate hierarchies to get women. Civilizations, empires, conquests, inventions, industry, it's all for women. Women don't and can't do that stuff.
That's romance of the three kingdoms
I bet you're not even into femdom.
Has she never studied female rulers?
Turns out having more than a third more of the muscle mass means men can pretty much force women to do whatever the fuck they want. What's the woman gonna do about it if she's unhappy, fight back against a person who can deck her in one punch? Women only start to equality when capitalism/industrialization gives them collective labor power which they can withhold in order to extract concessions.
You forget they have the power of reproduction
Hey Ladies, when you achieve greatness, then History will record it. Simple as.

Pro Tip: Women don't care about being "great", or "making History", or "being the best", or "Conquering the World", or any of that shit, which is why they've never done it and never will. It's no more complex than that.

Of course, there have been many powerful women rulers in recorded History, guess how many of them "enacted Equality for all"? ZERO

ONLY WHITE MEN have EVER insisted on "The Rights of Man" for all men and WOMEN.


The only people stopping Women from being "Great" are other women and themselves.

Quit yer bitchin', Bitches.
>is missing the fact that the vast continuum of human existence has been governed by menial household minutiae

Fuck off back to Botlandia you fucking bot.
Are you alright?
I think I wrote in pretty clear English.
Explain your cope
>The only people stopping Women from being "Great" are other women and themselves.
Women can't be great
What part of "Men had the power to physically force women to do anything" do you not get? Women never had any reproductive control for the same reason they never had control over anything else, there was no way for them to physically resist. The relative reproductive autonomy modern women enjoy proceeds directly from them entering the capitalist/industrial workforce.
Women are already great. They single-handedly keep this species going. Men are destructive retards who would have killed all of us thousands of years ago if they had full control of everything.
Forced on women by a culture produced by degenerate men. Vast majority of women experience depression after having an abortion.
Medieval Arab writers thought Europeans were degenerate because European women were not prudish like Muslim women.
>ONLY JEWISH MEN have EVER insisted on "The Rights of Man" for all men and WOMEN.
Women also experience depression after giving birth. They will whine about anything.
>They will whine about anything.
I guess that makes you a woman, then
They have very primitive brains, the only thing they care about is:
Social Vanity
Their vaginas being wet
Their ego being gratified

Any woman who deviated from this prehistoric mindset was ruthlessly bullied by women as a hivemind causing them to resent being a woman and take solace with men as only men can appreciate them, the female autist in history so to speak
White women know that blacks are horrible romantic partners but dont give a shit the orgasm from being bred by a wild man override any sort of fear they feel from being a single mom 100 percent of the time as even PhD white women end up as black bred losers
All vain women were pampered or abandoned by their fathers and that is the cause of their vanity
why don't they fuck incels then if they are always ready to fuck
They were busy birthing and rearing children. Women only became relevant outside the household since the widespread adoption of birth control in the 60s.
>Women only became relevant outside the household since the widespread adoption of birth control in the 60s.
That doesn't make much sense. Also, women in tribal societies sometimes hunted and fished. They became relevant outside modern households when technology made it possible for them to contribute in a more substantial sense. Many desk jobs can be handled by women.
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you ever observed how fathers and brothers act when it comes to their daughters/sisters?
some of them "love" them.
insane, I know.
>inb4 arranged marriage
not how my beautiful hillbilly and peasant ancestors did it.
only inbred "nobles" cared to "arrange" marriages.

we can observe societies where women had no control over mate selection. It's India.
Today women read and author way more books than men. Why were almost all ancient texts written by men
>Why were almost all ancient texts written by men
Only men had idle time to afford doing so. Now, both men and women have idle time, but men are more likely to spend it watching porn and playing video games then doing something creative or scholarly.
Pretending that the average Europoor woman was better off (legally and practically) than a jeeta is retarded. Pajeets are just inherently a subhuman race, thus their culture sucks, not the other way around.
>Also, women in tribal societies sometimes hunted and fished.

(nta) While women sometimes helped out with that, hunting's still mostly the domain of men. Also the hunting women did was often of a different sort, like trapping small game. Aside from looking after the kids, women were also relegated to doing the cooking, fetching of water, sometimes butchering or skinning, making/mending clothing, and other home-based tasks. They were kept pretty busy.
There is also empress wu zetian, the actual only empress of her own dynasty in china, though she derived a lot of her legitimacy from her husband the emperor
What a load of shit, they are simply wired like that, women that had abusive dads and women with decent dads all end up as stupid whores creating children for degenerate felons because that makes their vagina feel good so they dont ever question it.
My point was just that it's not completely black and white, and women shouldn't be considered some other species who are mentally incapable of handling the tasks of men. What limits them is their physical strength, menstrual cycles, and pregnancy, but there were still cases of athletic women and women (often lesbian) who would forgo having children to pursue a different calling (or we wouldn't have Artemis as a religious icon, or Sappho as a historical figure). But I agree with you in that typically, women were doing domestic work.
>we can observe societies where women had no control over mate selection. It's India.
Thats literally every society dumbass because only recently have women had absolute control over who breeds them, India is a shit because its a result of Steppe savages racemixing with Australoid subhumans.
Narcissus was male while Echo was female in the original myth. Men are more likely to be vain than women, historically speaking.
>absolute control
moving le goalpost lole
male relative veto power =/= lack of choice.
>Pajeets are just inherently a subhuman race
yes, this is a comforting thought. much more comforting than the reality of monophyletic dysgenics.
a lot of them retard
Frontier societies tend to not have as much room for gender disparity because there aren't enough people to go around as-is.
ask the Norns.
Women are kids with boobs and vagenes.
Women peak intellectually at age 15. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.
As soon as you give women rights, the demographics go down and your people degenerate.
Both are vain, but women are also incapable of realizing anything meaningful to match that vanity, so they are worse.
>Why have women been irrelevant in every culture despite always being half the population?
Warfare primarily
>Be civilization
>Need to defend self
>Have soldiers
>Have generals
>Have generals as political leaders because they control the armies
It's pretty universal that political influence was drawn from warfare from the citizenship service of Athens and Sparta requiring anyone politically relevant to be a soldier, to Roman consuls and emperors, to feudal states. You only begin to see moves away from militarized politicians in developed, centralized empires like those of the late Renaissance in Europe when kings almost entirely ceased leading armies or in China, and even then in most cases military service was an excellent route to social advancement, look at US presidents, Napoleon, Wellington, Marlborough, numerous petty Italian princes, and Wallenstein for a few examples. Really the only major state that didn't praise military leaders and tend to heap rewards upon successful ones was imperial China.

>Is it biologically predetermined or did just every society coincidentally develop this way?
Women suck at warfare so that part's predetermined but a society already disinclined towards militarism like imperial china might have had the potential to transition to a more egalitarian or even matriarchal society, of course every empress and highly influential empress consort or dowager just used their power to further their own short-term gains instead of reforming society towards a more egalitarian nature. Honestly might have been better to replace the eunuchs with women, the eunuchs already acted like women with their constant backstabbing.

Now could the few matriarchal societies that existed become developed civilizations? I'd say no, war is part of the human condition and as soon as a man leading armies decides he wants to be in charge women are fucked.
Don't forget size matters in the military. If your city state or empire, government, whatever. Has an average birthrate of 12 kids per woman, it will dominate another nieghboring state that has lets say 6. Assuming you have roughly equal development.
Tits or gtfo
Sauce of pics?
Women aren't irrelevant culturally. The exact opposite, in fact. Most culture resolves entirely around women.
socrates teacher was a woman it's just that christcucks went around removing this shit form the main canon of western history.
This is the correct answer, much as people hate to admit it. Show a women in a leadership position that doesn't let her emotions control her decisions. Women are retarded, emotional children. They have low emotional intelligence which is why they cannot control their emotions or detach themselves from them. Every woman in power spends all her time trying to be like a man without any of the understanding of men. Literal mental children.
and like every rule there are exceptions that prove it
Atussa, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella of France, Saint Jean of Arc, Veleda etc.
Sappho was married with children
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>women's situation has improved so much XD!
Lets be real, we're all among fellow chuds here and biological women don't use this website.
Think of all the "girlbosses" you know then subtract the number who were total and complete yes men sock puppets being worked by and basically acting as executive assistants to their male superiors.

I went to some very, very liberal schools and work in tech. I need less than 10 fingers to count them. Women are still powerless, their titles have just changed. Instead of my Lady Gray, its now "assitant VP of Marketing" Gray.

In spite of all this supposed "progress" I can't think of a single major company, invention, work of art, etc, anything that shaped society in the past 20 years and which people talk about daily that a woman was the leader in. Not 1. If things had really changed that wouldn't be the case. If you want to find that sort of thing, you have to look for it, and look quite hard.
>women have been irrelevant in every culture
That’s just not accurate, retard. IIRC, among the people who eventually formed the Iroquois confederacy, priestesses had significant political sway. In the Ottoman Empire, there were several mothers and/or spouses/concubines to sultans that were essentially the power behind the throne, and in the pre-Christian Mediterranean, such as Greece and Rome, several religions had significant priestesses (the oracle of Delphi being the most well known, but far from the only example). Let me be clear: I never said these were matriarchies or feministic societies per se, but to say that women have always been irrelevant in history is just objectively wrong.
Maybe it's about what kinds of societies survive. Women can be great, but perhaps the societies in which they are great can't compete against other societies. Which one is better, to be a great woman, or to give birth to three great men?
They are not worse, they are different. The man is the narcissist in that story.
This women dont think about consequences, all that matters is what happens in the moment. Truely a worthless gender deserving of no rights.
>women have been irrelevant in every culture

Simply, they weren't. There was a big difference between the roles men and women played for practical reasons due to lack of modern technology. Child mortality was worse and pregnancies were more dangerous so women would spend a larger chunk of their life pregnant at home. Most of the work you could get until modern industrial society required physial strength, which meant women had a harder time supporting themselves from their own work. So yeah, much of the hard work outside homes would have been done by men, and these are the things that would get recorded in history.

But women tended to pretty much run households. Like, in a Greek or Roman noble family, when they had servants, the wife was usually their boss, and she was mostly in charge with the family finances, kept inventory of their things etc.

Generally, men tended to exert power directly and do the things that were recorded in history, while women were doing a lot of the making sure everyday things are in in order AND a lot of the influencing and manipulating of personal relationships. Like, Sir Whoeverthefuck would be the one who lead the kings army and commanded in battle, but before that his wife would have organized that feast that scored him points with the king, and before that his mom would have kept tabs on potential brides in the realm etc.

Also much of the stuff men do, they only do it to impress women.
because they're weak and stupid
Wasn't that the insane bitch who, upon receiving the gift of trains by the british, got bothered by the noise they'd make, ordered the fucking engine to be stopped and then ordered her servants to pull the fucking thing?

Honestly a mirror of the fucking insanity that our society is becoming now that women have half of the political power due to being allowed to vote.
Bitch what's your point besides talking about yourself like a fucking narcissist?
>women in tribal societies sometimes hunted and fished
Bull fucking shit, they were gatherers and crafters. Hunting is a massive fucking undertaking, it involves trapping, chasing, practicing and staying out all day or night depending on the season and/or location. Women don't have the physical fitness to do that without the modern amenities we have.
fucking dumb take, almost as dumb as the feministards
you're taking their bait and arguing on their terms
metaphorically fighting a battle at a time and place of their choosing
learn how propaganda works and especially marxist propaganda
read up on the basics of hegelian dialectics
now to answer your question without answering it
Women were arguably far far far more important and influential before they were given (not fought for, not earned, not won) universal suffrage and (((political rights)))
Just by making and raising strong and intelligent children they achieved much more than all the phd in fluffology roasties can ever aspire to.
I don't know why I'll effortpost at all, but guys here don't understand how women work internally. No I don't mean they aren't emotional, men are emotional too. Why do men like to create and study things? Because that's inherently pleasurable for men. Interacting with the objectivity and the the world is an instinct for us, it's our emotion of pleasure that makes us seek those paths. Women like to deal with people.

So you say they assistant VP of marketing, well the reason why she's there, or in HR or in teaching is because women seek positions of power over other people. Meaning that they want to have a group following their orders not because it allows them to conquer a village, or build a factor or assemble the plans for a new plane, but because she derives pleasure in the hierarchical position, on the status and on the action of telling other people what to do. Why do Focault ideas resonate so much with them? Because all he says is that EVERYTHING in the world happens because there's a social power structure that reigns everything and that there is always either a losing or subservient party on every single interaction. That's quite literally porn for the mind of a woman.

How do I know? I'm gay, I read gay fiction, most gay fiction is written by woman for women, and that has given me a very deep understanding of what they are inherently interested on. You'll see them go on and on writing these social interaction of jealousy, shaming and drama while spending barely a paragraph talking about how things work, even on stories where the focus is supposedly the main character's capabilities in a field.
Not really in the pre-modern world as beyond infant mortality rates there's simply a maximum population you can reasonably support. If every Gallic woman had 20 kids it wouldn't mean ancient Gaul would have had 60 million people eventually.

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