What caused this phenomenon?
>>17433468So what happened to them?
high IQ
>>17433477Currently biding their time.
>loses singapore>loses india>loses the suez canal>loses africa>loses hong kong>loses aus, nz and leafland to americaWow the 20th Century was rough for the Anglos. But look on the bright side, at least you still got the Falklands right bongbros?
>>17433468The White race is superior and Anglos are the superior stock of the White race.
>>17433545Just resetting the map so we can play it again on hard mode.
>>17433468The phenomenon of British people adopting jewish-like narcissism can be explained by pic related
>>17433545>London merged with Washington to be part of a far more lucrative and powerful empire>All these possessions were either not worth it or easier to control under economically subservient but "independent" governmentsRetard
>>17433778>London merged with Washington to be part of a far more lucrative and powerful empire>All these possessions were either not worth it or easier to control under economically subservient but "independent" governments>RetardIs thus how the modern 'gloid rationalizes his pathetic and servile state, to a former colony no less?Kevin, I implore you to investigate your own post ww2 history. Eith the Suez Crisis there could be no more explicit event of a power telling its unruly subjects to sit the fuck down and get in line. The bongoid island is one that is entirely under the thumb of the Semito-Negro States of America. Don't feel bad at least, all your former rivals were sphered into this same block.What a pathetic creature the dysgenic fauna of the European Isle are.
>>17433799uh oh, what's got the ESLjeet seething about the angloids this time
>>17433545At least they had The Beatles.
>>17433468non-threatening redditor race so they are allowed to be nationalistic despite having nothing to be proud of while getting replaced.
>>17433938DelusionalThe British are hated and aren't even allowed to express their culture in an authentic way without being brow beat for being naughty white people
>>17433778I wish you were right, you all need to reclaim your country from the traitors and foreigners.
>>17433468rapidly diminishing norman genes and jewish creative accounting
>>17433809fucking asshole you had to bait methe Beatles are glorified elevator musichere's some actually talented British bands in no particular orderstones, floyd, purple, zeppelin, sabbath, maiden, saxon, queen, the who, butterfly, cradle, priest, dragonforce, gloryhammer, alestorm etc etc.yeah these may be some of my favorite bands, but they are still better than the fucking Beatles
>>17433778India is fully independent
>>17433976And now it's all just annoying noises I cannot stand anymore.
>>17433468jewish accounting, industrial revolution, and exploding population.
>>17433468That's true at least between the 17th and early 20th. 17th century wasn't the best one but England confirmed their status as super power and showed they wouldn't bend the knee to any European power. 18th century was very glorius and when brits cucked Spain, France and any other nations on the colonization game. And during the 19th century it was absolute bong peak and uncontested dominance. After WWII it has being (and still) a constant humiliation ritual.
>>17433976The Beatles influenced every single one of these bands.
>>17433468was the majority of British citizens becoming brown a part of their plan?
>>17434221Yeah, didn't you get the memo? It was between jeets owning more of London than brits and the Pakistani rapist gangs.
>>17433468The real question is why did they win everything, and then decide to commit suicide?
>>17434242Because jews won everything, the anglos were merely their pawn.
>>17434242America pressured Britain to hand over their well-managed colonies to ooga boogas so they could destroy everything and slaughter each other. Because that's moral or something.
>>17434330>evrything i don' like is reddit!!!!
>>17433952And have they done anything?
>>17433805Feel free to point out any mistakes in my History, Harry BurnCock
>>17433952That almost every Western European country
>>17434003India provides nothing to the modern economy except men, which can be sourced from anywhere elseLetting them be independent so they could shit on their (British built) streets in peace was a no brainerAll of the former colonies that have anything worth keeping hold of (minus HK) are still de facto held by the Anglo-Americans.
>>17433778All this is at the expense of you native brits retard. Unless your part of the ruling elite you see none of the benefits of this multinational governing force
>>17434242This is simply the very logic of liberal capitalism that allowed them to soar such heights.
>>17433769>>17433966>>17434079>>17434327Man JQ'ers are so mentally cucked, so all the white man's accomplishments are just downstream from Jewish power and actually any point in history when they were on top of the world they were just pawns of jews.Even ignoring the fact that this is empirically wrong, how fo you even cope with your pathetic race if you believe this