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Historically speaking, how do you prevent a government from falling in practice into the hands of a select rich few?
You can't, even purportedly Communist societies of the 20th century fell into the same organizational schema. The reason being is that its human nature to crave/enact hierarchy. Only in a system without hierarchy could a government avoid falling into the hands of those few rich families with the money and influence to matter more than the rest.
You can't do that, that's an iron law of oligarchy.
There is NO way for that NOT to happen unless you’re willing to have a system where the average Joe has a complete monopoly on political power.
I heh'd
read Proudhon
Hierarchy is a natural element of all large scale societal organizations that aspire to exist by systematic means of State Operation and Societal Structure planning.
Simply Put, It is not realistic.
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Have a large cross on the podium and bless the building every 4 years
It drives them away like classical music drives away niggers and rap to white people
> muh hierarchy
retards. why should hierarchy be based on who is rich??????
Because that's the way it was set
Now deal with it
>classical music drives away niggers and rap to white people
Are you from the 50s or something
That made news just last week, dumbass
Separation of powers and decentralization of authority so that a small clique can’t monopolize governance.
To Rule is to be able to establish authority and generate deterrence which you are capable of enforcing a consequence to. There is 3 systems of theoretical hierarchial sustainance which abide to the nature of human civilization;
A System in Which One rules through Personal Strength and his capability for potential destruction, power through purely individual means of Law Enforcement, Defense and Attack. Such system is non existent as there is no superior-human class of individuals.
A System in Which Ideology and Belief Incites the Gradual Organization of a Law Enforcement And Attack Unit, This Includes a Class of Ideologues, Philosophers or Theologues who utilize belief and indirect power over men which are organized into the material force of societal enforcement.
The Last would be a system in which those hording Material Resources or Significant Amounts of Monetary Funds Convertible to Material Resources can utilize the exchange of Resource For Service, which they would receive from men, therefore accumulating Power through the control of strategic assets and the use of those strategic assets to provide those said assets with actual value and ownership.
There are only so many Socio-economic classes who can achieve oligarchic control.
Frequent internal purges. Hard to make sure it consistently sweeps out corrupt elements and may require a few passes.
>how do you prevent government from becoming a government
Just live like a nigger. It's the final redpill.
what if instead we just ensured the select few were altruistic and fair?
Ah, OP listened to Biden. Biden isn't really reliable when it comes to taking on China. Communism and feminism are both about destroy the USA, the West, England, and the Commonwealth of nations. If we're going to really get manifest destiny rolling in mainland China, we have to whip the bongs into shape. And we have to whip the poos into shape, too. And we're going to have to get Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, and Hong Kong all on the same page, too.
Guess what: the best people to do this are the rich. Those greedy assholes know how to dominate the people of the Far East and Southeast Asia. In fact, we should be clapping and cheering on the oligarchy and ramping up the anti-Chinese jingoism just to show our rich, greedy masters how hyped up we are for absolutely fucking CRUSHING the Chinese.
I mean, the poos can take our jobs, but there's gonna be a TON of new jobs because that's what happens when you liberate people, and we're going to liberate the mainland Chinese, trust me on this. We've fucking HAD IT with the chinks, and there's no stopping us now. it's PAYBACK TIME for all of the feminist and communist totalitarianism we had to endure from democrat yappers. FUCK THE DEMOCRATS, FUCK THE CHINKS, AND LET THE POOS HAVE OUR BORING JOBS. GET IN THE CAR, WE'RE GOING TO WAR, ANON!
So, let me focus on one thing that is definitely going to hold us back, and that is the annexation of Egypt at the hands of the Roman Republic in 30 BC. There are a few problems here. First problem is, everybody freaked the fuck out, Jesus Christ came along with his emergency circus religion of mass ignorance. We're still stuck with this loser religion made by a jew. I mean, Christianity is great for a while, but grow the fuck up already, alright? Anyway, as I was saying, another big problem is the Romans converted from a republic to an empire around the same time. So, there's a real problem with authority and keeping order in a democracy, and the thinking is that the Kingdom of Egypt helped to stabilize Roman democracy in the period 750–30BC, then Egypt fell to Rome (just like a fire burning so out of control that it burns the fireplace down) and Rome made Christianity the official religion, but it didn't help and Rome eventually fell around 500AD. Then we had a thousand years of crap and finally with the Renaissance things got humming again. So what are we going to do? Problem with taking on China is that we might get the same deal: democracy in the USA might take down the CCP, but what happens to authority then? Only way to fix this that I see is to take on historical materialism and write a history of the period 750BC – 500AD where we take Jesus real seriously and study dominance, supremacy, authority, and how they're in conflict, and how democracy and war get them tied up in knots. In other words, we should take the position that the dark ages happened for a reason and we can figure out what that reason is to avoid a new dark age once Chinese totalitarianism falls to American democracy, and we know it will because the Chinese are screwing up so bad there's no way they're going to prevail. Same way with Russia. The Federal Reserve System is a giant killing machine running around with its head cut off. Put lipstick on that pig. Blood doesn't count.
So, just to kick start this whole process, I think you should read Matthew 24: 42-51 and John 21. This should give you some idea how deep we're in doo doo.
You have a benevolent, incorruptible dictator rule absolutely. The problem is A) finding such a miraculous person and B) what to do when he dies
Bureaucratic bloat will eventually lead to consolidation of power into a handful of key offices that dominate the entire apparatus. Happened to the United States in the 20th century.
Historically speaking the solution is hereditary monarchy. EVERYTHING is nominally "his" so at least there is a _possibility_ that he won't be overly predatory. The heir might also - randomly - happen to be a decent man. No such possibility exists in election-based systems which - with time - will inevitably get exploited by outright psychopaths.
You empower the middle. The poor are hopeless and easily manipulated, the rich are malicious sociopaths, only the middle have both the means and the will to create something resembling a lebenswertes Leben. Preferably a group averaging 100 IQ.
Hyper decentralization and a strong culture against the formation of dynasties. Beyond that it's almost inevitable, direct democracy doesn't work at large scales and in represenative democracies a small group will always hold power. The best you can do is have your local level of politics be the most important and stop Dave Smith the highly influential mab in the town from having his son Dave Smith Jr. from succeeding him as being the most influential person in town who would be succeeded by Dave Smith III.

Ultimatrly though how important an issue is that? If people are okay with being ruled by a few, the few are competent, and their ranks are open, is this a problem?
Revolution and endless purges and cultural revolution
Every elite has a power strategy, from the bronze age until the 20th century all Europeans were ruled by Aryan military aristocracies whose power basis was military force. During the 20th century we were conquered by a new elite which projects power through ownership of capital. If you want to overcome the power of capital the first thing you will need is an cadre of hyperfanatical ideologues who cannot be bought, the question is what kind of ideology can inspire that sort of fanaticism among intelligent and ruthless men. We only have one historical example of oligarchs being overthrown, and that is national Socialist Germany, racial fanaticism is the only real counter to capital, everyone else can be easily bought off
The rich are more intelligent than the poor so they will always be able to gain more leverage out of a system. Government is a necessary evil. They survive not by being perfect, but by being better than anarchy and civil war.
Strict Immigration.
Educated population.

That's why Education was ruined and immigration was fucked beyond all recognition. Guns are a meme until there is an open season on bankers and politicians.
Hitler was handing out gibs to his cronies like no tomorrow. Btw, when he generously rewarded Manstein with shitload of RM the guy had spend it on _buying_ real estate in East Prussia (during the war mind you), rofl. Easy come, easy go.
And he "bought" the estate from German government too. Peak retardation if you ask me; then you wonder why this abomination couldn't last.
One of his generals got a mansion? He didn't take anything from Germans, just some rich guy's mansion in the countryside. I suppose Hitler could have preached frugality to Manstein and the mansion could have been converted into apartments and provide marginal benefit to the locals, but this form of "corruption" isn't exactly crippling. Compare this to the current German elite that undermines the volksgemeinschaft and favors foreigners over them, discriminating against white people for not being "diverse".
>Strict Immigration.

Why are chuds like this?
You separate economy and state, no more lobbying, no more copyrights and regulations, the government cannot play favourites with private citizens and companies, that is how monopolies are formed. Separation of church and state did wonders for human freedom, it's time to separate state and economy.
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