Habsbourg Spain>age of discoveries>Trent Council and Tridentine reformation>baroque scholastic, cultural and artistic splendor with Jesuits and Dominicans at the head>literally golden age for arts and humanities>conquest and urbanization of continents following the patrons of Italian renaissance architects and roman colonies>destruction of pirate shitholes as Tunis, Antwerp and ottoman expansionism in Lepanto>Spanish ambassadors are the only Europeans allowed in the Forbidden City>etc etc etcBourbon Spain>end of baroque>culturally and intellectually a dark age >introduction of protestantism/liberalism>total destruction of spanish empire + 40 years of civil wars over dynastic struggles>destruction of Jesuits, ie, the intellectual force backing Christendom in front of Freemasonic Protestant lodges>exporpiation and destruction in mass scale of Church properties and artistic heritage, inherently sold to particulars and lost forever>etc etc etcIdk how Spanish people have not gone full republican or have take Borgias or house of Alba as new heads of the state.
>>17429697Habsburgs were R1b-U152 swiss Celto-Roman bvlls
>>17429697I like how you can Antwerp a pirate shithole but went through the effort to recapture it and then held on to it until the 1700s
>>17429697>age of discoveries Englishman did it better by actually carving a civilization out of the lands they 'discovered' instead of just miscegnating with the natives inbetween exporting everything they could load onto a ship.
>>17429743How a Renaissance empire with limited means did it better than an Industrial empire with unlimited means and access to the most populated regions in planet
>>17429746Is this a question?