Genetic distance to WHG. Remember this when anti-WHG posters say they're non-european. WHG were very european historically speaking
>>17433483Btw, I know the distances over all are still very major. That is not the point however. The point is that the the Europeans that do have affinity to them, and are pulled towards WHG. Are all very white and northern.
No one in the world has as much WHG dna as us north europeans, the standard for european really. Non whites barely have any WHG dna at all. These WHG are our people. Our ancestors. No one elses. We are not them, true. But a part of them are us. And we are their best living representation and legacy. No one else. We are the closest and we have the most of their dna in the world. Same with WSH
>>17433483>>17433504There is an extreme distance between WHG and modern Europeans. They're not the same race. Even Latvians are closer to gypsies, Arabs and Levantines than to them.
>>17433583See>>17433494Worthless subhuman
>>17433483They were white, brownoids on suicide watch itt
>>17433593They did not have white skin nor caucasoid facial features
>>17433606they had west eurasian facial features and overall they were lighter than the AHG brown pajeet trannies
>>17433606Cheddar man wasn't black
Hunterjeets were extremely dysgenic from inbreeding. They were returning to monke instead of evolving. Why someone would want to claim this cursed lineage is beyond me.
>>17433504>25% whgthis map is ass
>>17433622Blacks used to be lighter skin colored, homo erectus was tan. Neanderthals and Denisovans possessed ll the genes for light and dark skin.It's anti scientific to claim WHG were black
>>17433622AHGjeets were browner, shorter and more pajeet looking actually >>17433611
>>17433606Cheese dude is the only platyrrhine WHG find we have. Spamming cheese-man won't make him the contributor to northern-European WHG. That would be loschbour.
>>17433483Yeah, I don't think these results in South Russia are real. You get a nice gradient up to a certain point, and then BOOM, absolute zero. Even in two adjacent regions that are both populated by regular Russians.
>>17433720even the Ukrainians have more Euro HG than the Norwegians.The Balto-Slavic drift is a mysterious WHG population.
>>17433606Ok and Asians have black skin that doesn’t make them related to black people.
>>17433646Factually incorrect. But sure they became even better with that sweet sweet Natufiangod admixture
>>17433483Those retarded pygmeis? Mere fauna.
>>17433606Dogshit reconstruction. No WHG looked like that.
>>17433803>>17433815What software is this?
>>17433483>from 0.3 to 0.4Does it really matter?
>>17434662They did NOT look like modern Europeans.
>>17434303>Factually incorrect.that's factually correct tho >>17433611, AHGjeets looked like pajeets
>>17433606Yes they did. The WHGs were the direct descendants of the Cro-Magnons/Aurignacians. We know from skeletal remains found at Sunghir and Kostyonki that proto-Europoid facial features were common in Aurignacian-descended populations as early as 35,000 years ago.
>>17434707ftfy, brownoid
>>17434952They were non-caucasoid Pajeeto-Aborige-Melanesian-Negroid creaturas.
>>17435609the WHG were "caucasoid", kostenki is too ancient to matter, middle easterner contemporary to the kostenki also plot like thatdzudzuana is not exactly contemporary to the kostenki, probably more ancient middle eastern would show this even more but you get the picture
>>17435621Dzudzuana is just an abo mutted with a Natufian.
>>17435621Zamn! ANF-CHG ancestor.
Holy fuck, the spastic brownoid filth itt is cringily desperate to make it look like their abominable mutt people belong anywhere but a shallow grave.
>>17435609Yes, you're right. The Cro-Magnons and the aboriginal Indians would've been more closely related at the time because their ancestral lineages (Hgs. C1a vs. H) had only diverged and consolidated into unique lineages a mere 20,000 years prior to Kostyonki-14's death. The amount of genetic divergence that occurred between the Aurignacian/AASI split and the death of K-14 is less than the amount of genetic divergence that occurred between K-14's death and the present day, hence the apparent similarity between proto-Europeans and abojeetinals. Hope you have the math skills to understand what I said.
>>17435621>kostenki is too ancient to matter,"My name is Tardo Anonson and I came here to say that any archaeological remains that are more than XX,XXX years old should NOT be studied in an effort to understand where modern humans came from. Why? Well, it came to me in a dream."
>>17435734you're retarded, i said that it's too ancient and therefore his position on a pca is not very indicative of modern populations, the west asians at the time also plotted in a similar way
>>17433504>dagestanis>whiter than terrone kek
>>17433646wtf is AHG?
>>17435609why is this guy permanently on this board spamming this same baseless fanfiction over and over
>>17435963anatolian hunter gatherers
>>17435627natufians are a much later population