>be me>randomly stumble upon a video of a Christian debating a Black Hebrew Israelite>realize the Christian's argument for the trinity was sound>huh, interesting>well it can be logically sound but not reality>out of interest decide to see the arguments in Islam>find the circular logic in the Quran>find out that Muslim arguments all rely on an unverifiable claim of the gospels being corrupted>that was easy, now lets do it for the Bible>Cant find the circular logic going to the Torah>discover the prophecies of Jesus>realize they haven't been severed>realize Im unable to find a single contradiction in the Bible>realize the arguments for Christianity are logically sound>study the history>come to the conclusion the spread of early Christianity can only be defined as divine willphew boys, the madman actually died for our sins. Guess I'm a warrior of Christ now.
>be OP>post lies on the Internet
>>17433612>be you>project
>>17433598It really is true, once you actually hear Jesus' words, there's simply no one who compares to them. His voice is just simply different from anybody else, ever
>>17433837How do I hear his voice?
>>17433846Oh I meant reading his words in the Gospels