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Why are Anglos so individualistic
high IQ
then why do the chinese and japanese, traditionally collectivist societies, have even higher IQs than anglos?
exception that proves the rule
Chinese national IQ figure is somewhat manipulated by eastern urban bias and Japan is an individualist society.
probably because of their very high IQ
They don't
They keep sending their best men all over the world to die in third world shit holes, leaving asocial behind.
Low empathy merchant culture that idolizes Judaism, the most individualistic culture
Japan is collectivist, but its work culture (based around Western anglo-Protestant ideas of ‘work as a duty’) is individualist and highly alienating.
Its work culture is collectivist as well, retard. "Individualism" isn't working yourself to death with 80 hour weeks because leaving your job would be shamefur dispray for famirry honor
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Because feeding negros is and always will be a mistake. You faggots can't help but bitch about it when you aren't given what you want just for asking.
Individualism is just a euphemism for not being a real people, of not having any real collective sense of self, therefore they are not able to compete and survive against other groups and only serve as a vehicle to further the interests of others, they even helped to drag down more cohesive and functional mainland Europeans into extinction with them
They arent, they are extremely collectivistic but lack the organizational skills to work well with others so they appear individualistic like that japanese guy who looked like a lone protagonist but was in reality just a mentally ill homeless man.
>most of europe has lower TFRs than south korea
>"this is the angloids fault o algo"
cope more, johnny rottenteeth isn't why italian women only want 0.7 kids each
>“Individualism" isn't working yourself to death with 80 hour weeks
Every prominent “individualist” liberal I’ve ever heard of praises this behavior as it boosts productivity
This, but unironically
Pic related, the PINNACLE of the Anglo species
Anglos directly subjected mainland Europe to enslavement by Jewish international finance capital, Italians are bled dry and impoverished by Jewish usury, they live in a debtor nation with a malevolent zionist occupation government, young Italians are unemployed and have no economic future, while their government is rapidly replacing them with the racial scum of the earth, if Anglos had been a more organized and cohesive people the Europeans might still have their own sovereign governments.
Liberals aren’t individualistic. In fact they’re extremely puritanical and mainly govern themselves by shame and peer pressure. Their interest in productivity as a statistic is an extension of their moral utilitarianism.
Just because they hijacked the liberal brand name doesn’t mean they’re in any way liberty loving.
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>High IQ
Europe is a literal continent of midwits - England included. That's why they're a bunch of liberal cucks.
>"Individualism" isn't working yourself to death with 80 hour weeks because leaving your job would be shamefur dispray for famirry honor
there's plenty of places in america that work well over 40+ hours all because they believe in the le company mission or some equally gay shit. >>17433326 too, the idea that you'll be rewarded down the line (you won't) if you commit to the company now
If you read into China's participation in international IQ testing they made sure that all of the PRC citizens who were tested were post-grad STEM students (genuinely the people who do best on IQ tests) as a way to artificially inflate their numbers. If you include the hundreds of millions of Chinese people living in agricultural communities where life and education haven't really changed all that much since about the 12th century they'd be lucky to come out with an average score of 100.
>liberal wants to decide how long other people work
Are you seeing the name not meaning anything when combined with your image? There is nothing "liberal" about wanting to decide FOR your fellow man.
Because liberal's meaning was changed by FDR to mean populist money printing and welfare programs back in the 30's

Liberals are socialists if socialist wasn't also a made up term with no meaning
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>welfare programs
Yes. See the easiest way to maintain power is to give people free shit, and that's all the welfare state is. Rather than being torn apart by their radical populist constituents, the socialists just threw money at them until they calmed down. If the world was just there never would have been populist uprisings by actual retarded people, which are uncoincidentally the foot soldiers of the left.

In the US this was made even more strange by the sheer amount of illegal dirt farmers immigrants from Europe with socialistic tendencies, like kikes, Sicilians, and Irish.
Oh can't forget the Germans. Fun fact, the son of the German newspaper magnate that was bribed by Lincoln to support his presidential campaign was behind the kapp putsch in germany trying to reclaim Berlin from the separatist socialists there
low population density
high admixture between noble blood and commoners
low food availability for casual impregnation
NW europe has always been a poor backwater part of the world until they learned to do more with less.
Being poor has nothing to do with IQ on a global scale. It has more to do with trade routes
I said nothing about IQ
Oh, right. I think English individualism comes from the fact that they were able to coexist with the scots and the irish without genociding them. They're learned the art of diplomacy and reason. Also the amount of times foreigners invaded and took over the trade in the south, ultimately they were absorbed culturally by a large group of noble landowners with an distinct understanding of individual rights. So that even when you win the war of invasion, the English diplomatic system largely restricted you.
>they were able to coexist with the scots and the irish without genociding them
Lol not for a lack of effort I assure you
There were many points in history where the nobility could have instead of focusing on france, dissolved the scots and the irish forever. They probably still should have killed all the irish though
>If the world was just there never would have been populist uprisings by actual retarded people
What an absolutely NPC mindset of slave-mentality. So you're saying the inbred inheritors of the wealthy should just be left to rule over your retarded ass forever? Don't think about anything better than miserable poverty and gruel for every meal peasant, you don't deserve it.
Why are you so concerned with other people when you're a piece of shit?
Why are you so incapable of forming a counter-argument? Is it because your mother was a meth addict when she got pregnant with you?
You're in a thread about individualism and you're espousing collective populism
in the few hundred years since anglos have committed the sin of industrialization our species has
1. grown far past what the earth can support and will collapse once we run out of resources
2. allowed a small group of oligarchs to rule the world unchecked
3. homogenized culture to the point where people have to find meaning in vapid subcultures
4. broken the human spirit to the point where people are so desperate for guidance they are willing to listen to any self appointed "guru" retard
Despite the success of the western world it understands how flawed it is and is actively trying to commit suicide to this day
And...? Just ignore my post if it upsets you so much faggot, this isn't your little autistic safespace
So why are you as a collectivist concerned with other people
Because I'm not a dysgenic autist like (you) who thinks the real world functions (or should function) according to a handful of words. "Individualism" isn't a thing. The "Anglo individualist" of history still worked within his collective group of fellow Anglo "individualists" you retard.
Try actually studying history for once in your life instead of jerking off to platitudes because you want to be a contrarian to "le lefties".
>You can conquer man with a sword therefore it is useless to try and find moral truth.
You are arguing morality for a serial killer, get help.
But it's almost always dysgenic people that are mindless populists? Can you explain how FDR's deficit spending during a depression did anything but rally his base of populist supporters? You know like economics? Not like bread and circus plebeian chest beating
>But it's almost always dysgenic people that are mindless populists?
>[insert pic of the mutts at Jan 6. or literally any T*ump rally (but preferably the ones where they started wearing adult diapers) here]
And your point is...?
Both the left and right wing in the USA are tribalist collectivist retards, we know this.
>I literally cannot stop thinking about trump
Well you're a collectivist so I don't suspect you would understand how trump is the last gasp of an anglo individualistic america fighting the socialist mob of illegals that want 10 times more welfare spending year over year
>muh both sides
And you're "le heckin based transcendentist" of both, right?
>rent free
I was making a point faggot.

Only retards that can't argue in good faith try to pigeonhole others as a strawman.
>muh welfare
But it's okay when the technocratic and military-industrial oligarchy drains the economy entirely for themselves, right? Musk doesn't get any government welfare at all, right?
Fucking retard. Enjoy your clown world.
>it's okay when the technocratic and military-industrial oligarchy drains the economy
>as long as I get my cut
typical "collectivist"
Left want to chain you to the radiator in the boardroom while leaving you to do what you wish in the bedroom. Right does it the other way around, you can do anything you want in the boardroom but only if you are white straight catholic cis man. Both are force initiating niggerfaggots who want to control half your life, collectivists.
>not even the semblance of an argument
I accept your concession.

Stopped reading there. Turn off the monitor and go get your pills refilled. Now.
Your argument is you have no morals and want to be paid off like some whore
>literal schizobabble
Hello? You're okay with a crooked government exploiting you as long as they print inflationary money that instantly loses its value and pay you with it? So you can sit ignorantly on your ass in some rat infested hovel?

No actually you would still get you money and STILL complain wouldn't you? You're nothing but an ideological gangster and should be treated as such
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>Hello? You're okay with a crooked government exploiting you as long as they print inflationary money that instantly loses its value and pay you with it? So you can sit ignorantly on your ass in some rat infested hovel?
>No actually you would still get you money and STILL complain wouldn't you? You're nothing but an ideological gangster and should be treated as such

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