Why can't christian chuds admit that this is canon?
>>17434607I don't know, should I read it? What are the bullet points?
>>17434607>>17434825I'm back. That was a short read. Everyone should check it out. Some of the pages are missing, which is a shame.The end seems to advocate for a culture founded on positive advise, as opposed to restrictive laws. This seems to be the conclusion.I get a sense of constructive criticism and support, instead of hard line restrictions and oppression.>preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said
>>17434607>Why can't christian chuds admit that this is canonSo as to fulfill the prophecy, "Andrew answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For certainly these teachings are strange ideas."The work itself defines itself as non Canon, and so it is out of respect to the author, and the truth of the message, and the origional inent, that it has been left out. But it is still there for us to find.
>>17434607>canonIt is a message of repentance through the salvation that came from an immaculate concept. The cannon destroys the wall. The Holy Mother bears a son.
>>17434607Because it was written by modern catholics with an agenda, people who never knew Mary.