6000 years later and we simply do not understand who or what built them. We are unable to recreate something this majestic even to this day.
>>17432825>We are unable to recreate something this majestic even to this day.Bass Pro Shop™ Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee
>>17432825>we simply do not understand who or what built themWhite people built them, using their teams of domesticated cattle to pull the blocks around with ease. It seems magical to non whites, who would themselves be incapable of either domestication or the planning necessary to pull off such accomplishments.
>>17432825Even little children know how to put Lego bricks together into the shape of a pyramid. The only thing stopping some billionaire or dictator building their own new pyramid is cowardice
>>17432832Animal husbandry wasn't invented by white people. Or even written language for that matter.
>We don't know who or how they made them, DUDE!!!! Only idiots say this.
>>17432857Yes they were, you are just ill informed.
>>17432832Whites were NPC-tier at this point in history, so a definitive no on that.
>>17432825we know exactly how they built them and could easily recreate it. you're a moron.
>>17432867the opinion of a gay priest from a gazillion years ago is not relevant, brownoid
>>17432832>WEPure LARPing by dysgenic retards who can't reproduce.
>>17432853It pains me that not only are you so dumb you think this is a valid argument but there are enough people like you incapable of critical thinking to agree with you.
>>17432894There are more white people on earth today than there has ever been at any point before in all of history. Reality is not like the interracial cuck porn you are obsessed with.
>>17432989someone points out whites aren't breeding and you instantly bring up interracial cuck porn lmao, can't wait to talk about your favorite genre it seems
>>17432860>archeological records are wrong because I hate shitskins /pol/tranny cope
>>17432825They looked like this back then
>>17432882>can't refute the "gay priest">resorts to ad hominem like a womanhe's 100% correct and that makes you seethe your ass off
>>17433209>whites aren't breedingThere are literally more white people on earth today than there has ever been at any point in history. You are a retarded faggot and should kill yourself.
>>17433238Your gay priest's opinion is not authoritative or representative of anything relevant to the conversation, therefore there is no reason to refute it other than perhaps to say it is self evidently complete bullshit.
>>17433211There is no proof of your claim that non whites ever did anything you say they did, the assertion is as asinine and obviously incorrect as suggesting a donkey painted the Mona Lisa.
>>17433268>still can't refute it>still assblasted beyond beliefkekerino
>>17433295There is nothing to refute because it's obviously complete bullshit. To be extremely clear, the quote makes wild and unsupported claims which are not substantiated of verifiable. You posting it just shows how utterly devoid of intellectual prowess your monkey brain actually is.
>>17432867You’re brown.
>>17432825we can create far more impressive feats of engineering now, three gorges dam, the skyscrapers of New York, oil refineries, etc etc we would have no problem stacking a bunch of rocks
>>17433304>>17433418cope and seetheyes until about 300-400 years ago whites weren't anything special it's only recently that they became so dominant and even know the asians are clearly showing that they can catch up if not surpass them. Europe got lucky that they found an infinite money glitch in the form of the American continent
>>17433304>still can't refute it>still assblasted beyond belieflmao
>>17433428None of those buildings will last even a tenth as long as the pyramids have.
>>17433428>we would have no problem stacking a bunch of rocksthen do it
>>17433547okay just give me a bunch of rocks and some workers and I will
>>17432867Wow, some guy did a quote 100 years ago, guess whites really ARE inferior after all.
>>17433552you said "we" buddy. i'm not part of "we". i thought you said "we" would have no problem?
>>17433596if it was a quote about how some minority you hate was inferior, you'd be clapping like a seal and going "SO TRUE! LE BASED!!!!!!!!!!!"
17433442Smartest /his/ poster
>>17432825It's a bunch of rocks on top of each other. How hard could it be?
>>17433547K but you have to pay for the machines, labourers, land, and material needed
>>17433596He's not calling whites inferior, you interpret it that way because your the type of retard he's mocking
>>17432828Why does OP deny this?
>>17434350>"we would have no problem"
>>17432867>normal English.. just a bunch of semi-savages
>>17432867Well since he said it then it must be true.
>>17433271>>17433304>>17433418/pol/tranny meltdown
>>17432825We know how the oldest one was built as a extension of already existing Mastaba tomb.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5yUXfj_iPk&t=1s
>>17432825I built themI did it myself with a shovelI think it looks neat