C.S. Lewis said atheists 'hate a god they think doesn’t exist.' How self-unaware can Christians get? People don’t hate Jesus or your imaginary friend—they hate you for centuries of damage: the fall of Rome, the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, witch hunts, anti-science stupidity, colonialism, and your narcissistic need for control. But instead of introspection, you cope by blaming everyone’s disgust on their supposed hatred of Jesus. Newsflash: nobody hates your savior; they hate what you’ve done in his name.
Jesus is good, was the son of God and resurrected from the deadhe made you and loves you and is good alonewhatever you wrote above means nothing except in the context of a very world-consciousness>LORD, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me.
>>17434490>the fall of Rome, the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, witch hunts, anti-science stupidity, colonialismextreme reddit take. Now do judaism and islam. Do you need a hint?
What if i don't hate the non existent god, but the actions of his followers?
>>17434490It's just run of the mill "if you don't like this you are hitler" deflection.
>>17434550>being this historically illiterate>trying to blame Muslims for Christian Europe turning into a shithole>Islam was actually preserving and advancing classical knowledge while christcucks were burning libraries>literally had to get classical texts BACK from Islamic scholars because Christians destroyed the originals>Islamic world had universities, hospitals, and advanced mathematics while Europe was having witch burnings>Muslims preserved Aristotle and Plato while Christians were declaring philosophy "demonic"The absolute state of christcucks trying to cope about their destruction of classical civilization. Your death cult turned Rome into rubble centuries before Islam even existed. You were already burning libraries, murdering philosophers, and shitting in marble bathhouses while Muslims were still herding goats in Arabia.Europe was already a backwards shithole of illiterate peasants ruled by christcel kings who couldn't write their own names when Islam showed up. The only reason we even have classical knowledge today is because Muslims preserved it while your ancestors were too busy having religious spergouts to maintain basic Roman plumbing. But keep coping about how it was totally someone else's fault your cult caused centuries of civilizational collapse.
>>17434490I'm a theistic Satanist, I hate a god I think exists
>now do judaism >Now do islam How many times, bitch?Light shall be vanquished
>>17434583Islam colonized Africa and attempted to colonize Europe nigger. Every bit of cruelty the Spaniards learned came from the cursed Turks. Rome fell on May 29, 1453 when a muslim sacked Constantinople.
>>17434490>they hate what you’ve done in his nameThen by all means, return to monkey and gtfo of his kingdom.
>>17434596It's actually the christcucks who get exposed from the light of knowledge, facts, history and reality.
>>17434614I know, I was saying light (religions of le light) shall be vanquished
>>17434550Christians literally demolished so much classical architecture around the Empire in the 300s and 400s because they kept rioting against pagans. They were the modern Muslims of yesteryear
>>17434623No they didn't
>>17434626The absolute state of these christcucks claiming they built Western civilization when they literally caused the dark ages - imagine being so delusional you think your desert death cult "civilized" Europe while spending centuries destroying classical knowledge and shitting in the ruins of Roman buildings.These historical revisionists are actually bragging about inheriting the greatest civilization on Earth and turning it into an illiterate shithole where people thought bathing was heresy. Fucking parasites spent generations burning books, murdering philosophers, and destroying art while claiming divine right to rule over peasants who couldn't read. Then their modern slaves on /his/ try to take credit for civilization while coping about how great it was when their cult turned Europe into a disease-ridden wasteland of superstition and shit.>destroyed the greatest empire in history>turned classical knowledge into toilet paper>caused centuries of civilizational collapse>murdered anyone who could read Greek>proudly maintained illiteracy as policy>"We built Western civilization!"Pure narcissistic historical revision from brainwashed slaves who think civilization is when you burn scientists for saying the Earth moves. These parasites still crying about their "contribution" to Europe while their ancestors turned Roman baths into torture chambers because cleanliness was "pagan."
>>17434628Sorry, not sorry. Rome was a corrupted shithole overrun by non whites and under the thumb of jew shits, liberating its people in the name of the Son so that his people could take over management was objectively for the best.
>>17434628Lmao nigger christian monks did what they could to preserve knowledge. Europe descended into chaos and war due to non-religious reasons. After Islam sacked Constantinople for no reason other than "muh prestige" the intellectuals of that city brought the Renaissance to the mediterrenean. Begin the Spanish holy war defending Europe from the barbaric Arabs and Turks. Then the jews finance anglo-colonialism. You're cringe to get so mad at a particular religion. Religion never mean anything to those in power other than as a tool to govern.Science was created because westerners thought god made a rational world that could be understood. Islam niggers preferred magic and djinn
>>17434626Yes they did you idiot. So, so many times. A lot of ancient architecture and art is forever lost thanks to Christian fundamentalists
>>17434550>Now do judaism and islam.What makes you think these religions are exempt from the OP? Christianity is a Jewish religion, and Islam is a Christian religion. You do the math. All three should be eliminated.
>>17434490You have confused the anti-christ with Jesus.
>>17434755Look at how organized religion fractures the human psyche - programming binary thinking and paranoid dualism so deeply that followers literally can't process reality without splitting it into cosmic good versus evil. These spiritual narcissists are so thoroughly broken by theological abuse they need to imagine eternal warfare behind every mundane interaction. Pure induced schizophrenia masquerading as divine truth.Notice how they're always the loudest about persecution while desperately trying to control every space they enter. Can't handle reality without filtering it through their religious programming, so they create elaborate coping mechanisms about demons and cosmic enemies to justify their constant psychological meltdowns. Most obvious manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder masquerading as spiritual wisdom.The absolute state of their fractured minds - so damaged by theological manipulation they can't engage with anything that challenges their programming without retreating into paranoid delusions about spiritual warfare. Eternally trapped in loops of cognitive dissonance, desperately trying to force reality to match their religious psychosis. Peak weapons-grade spiritual narcissism coded into their very souls.
>>17434756You're projecting
>>17434635you call turning classics into palimpsets to copy psalms into "preservation of knowledge"? by the time of the enlightenment the only people saving knowledge were private collectors, most of whom couldn't hack it in the church because it was becoming too repressive for anyone who wasn't a toady of the pope.
>>17434490>RomeRomans were murdering christians and feeding them to lions, unless you are talking about roman catholicism which isn't christian.>Dark AgesWhat?Are we blaming christians for the black plagues now?>InquisitionRoman Catholics aren't christian>witch huntstotally justified, fuck witches>anti-sciencewhat? Jesus was totally rational dude>stupidno you>colonialismthat's just God's commandment to the first humans, go forth and multiply. If it wasn't us someone else would have.
>>17435278>and all of the sudden, after 1500 years of apostasy, god finally revealed the TRUE christianity to a random german monk. All the other christians before him werent actually christians at all. All the hundreds church fathers before then just totally overlooked how salvation comes from “faith alone”Protestant theology is so fucking stupid. Especially the ones who think catholics arent christian. Even your precious luther and calvin said that catholics were christian. I would love to hear what your definition of a christian is, im guessing catholics need more rock n roll jesus between pastor bobs butchery of sacred scripture?
>>17435323Protestantism served a vital purpose in the early modern era much like the Catholic Church did in the Middle Ages but I think it's run out of gas and become self-parody now.
>>17435323The true christianity is in the scripture since adam and eve but Jesus wasn't revealed until he decided to reveal himself. I don't even regard luther or Calvin because they believe God predestines people to hell, stop assuming idiot.
What I mean is the Protestant revolution was critical to helping Europe grow out of the Middle Ages into a modern industrial/capitalist society but it simply lost its purpose and is an obsolete ideology now.
>>17435342That is because protestants were protesting catholics, the entire world hate catholics now so yeah their job is done.
>>17435344Makes sense. Satan wages war against the church founded by Christ, both inside and outside. Protestantism was one of his greatest victories.
>>17435383> church founded by Christa church is made up of people, it's not an institution or building or anything of that sort. A pope can't own the church.
>>17435387Thats a cool 500 year interpretation of the scripture. I guess Jesus just changed Peters name for fun?
>>17435400Peter wasn't a pope. He was just suppose to feed the sheep the gospel of salvation, no one called him pope or rabbi which Jesus said not to.
>>17435400The bible and God hate slavery,if you have already read it, consider reading it again withing context of anti slavery. Remember the phrase, context dictates interpretation. People think we need better bibles, no, we just need people who can interpret it better. When Jesus said call no man pope, rabbi, or master he meant it.
>>17435403According to who? Because he was understood to be a pope by the church fathers who actually spoke greek and read greek. I trust their interpretation of scripture over pastor bob, RC Sproul, Calvin or whoever. >>17435414There are so many uses of the word “Father” in the new testament calling people father that the protestant interpretation of Matthew 23:9 emphatically has to be incorrect. Jesus is saying to not equate other earthly teachers as an equivalent to jesus when it comes to teaching spiritual matters. Thats not what catholics do when they call their priests “father”. Its surface level readings of verses like that makes protestantism comical. They will take that verse as Jesus literally telling people not to call others Father but think that he was just being symbolic when he says to eat his body and drink his blood. That statement literally horrified his followers, and it wasnt because he was speaking symbolically. There is truth in scripture. There is a absolute truth in scripture. The true interpretation is divorced from whatever context you think the bible needs to be put in, and that is the interpretation held by the Catholic Church .
>>17435487According to Jesus[Mat 23:7-10 KJV] 7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. 8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, [even] Christ; and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, [even] Christ.
>>17435492Sounds communistic.
>>17435500>communism required dictator>Jesus said don't have dictatorsHow is that communistic?
>>17434490>the fall of RomeWas inevitable loooooong before Christianity arrived on the scene>the Dark AgesA myth, literally made up by one Italian romaboo. Also, interestingly enough, the only reason we have ANY primary sources from Rome and Ancient Greece is because the Catholic Church worked for centuries to preserve them. You're fucking welcome.>the InquisitionI assume that you mean the Spanish Inquisition there? Which was an arm of the Spanish state, not the church, and was a source of major diplomatic friction between Spain and Rome while it was active - and also the target of a lot of reformation era propaganda, which you definitely know nothing about. >witch huntsCategorically suppressed and preached against by the church. The idea of a 'witch'/magic contradicts Catholic doctrine in a dramatic and fundamental way. >anti-science stupidityI'm sure that your basis for that is entirely rational and based in things that definitely actually happened, and not just the same tired old memes.>colonialismEuropean secular political and economic concerns, see above. >and your narcissistic need for controlYeah, definitely unlike your narcissistic demand that everyone fall in line with your retarded tumblerite tier nonsense. >tl;dr - come back when your balls drop, and you've read anything on the subject.
>>17434609Retarded take. Most niggers are christian and europe was set back 1000 years into past by the destruction of Roman empire
>>17435553Christianity if anything helped unify and preserve the empire way past the point where it should have collapsed. Plague, Germanic niggers and Generals constantly trying to overthrow the sitting emperor had much more to do with it than christianity
>>17434490Get back in your tunnel, kike.
>>17434596>doing christianity>"now do islam"so whenever we do christianity, we should do something else?>"now do judaism"no jew ever called me heathen. perhaps you missed the part where they are almost secretive about their religion instead of pushing it. christians do it instead of them.
them who thinks Christianity destroyed the RE probably also think the CIA destroyed the Soviet Union when both fell apart because they were overstretched unsustainable collections of different nationalities only held together with force majure
>>17435553>Most niggers are christianYeah, now. Not then.
>>17434490This site has been complete garbage for so many years because of chinless fatties like you posting every fucking day about the same exact thing. Lift some weights, go outside, run, do something. Just stop being a faggot.
>>17435691At this point I'd take the actual Pride March faggots over chinlets like OP.