Will the religious choice of the children of credobaptists be a real choice?They have a Christian upbringing. All their family and friends are Christians. This adds a non-religious motivation to their choice, no one wants to be an outcast. Children of credobaptists don't study other religious and philosophical traditions (Amish are little more consistent with their Rumspringa).So, credobaptist parents decided everything for them. This is good, but why not baptize the children in infancy?
>>17433372Same reason betrothals are not made at infancy.
>>17433386Credobaptists don't know if Christ is right choice for their child?
>>17433402>no scriptural basis>no means for the child to accept the baptismInfant baptism is a relic of darkness.
>>17433456>no scriptural basisThe apostles baptized entire households. When Lydia believed, the apostles baptized not only her, but her relatives as well.>no means for the child to accept the baptismThere is no Scriptural basis for this.Psalm 22:9Luke 1:44
>>17433509Yes relatives, this does not mean infants.>infants can knowingly accept baptismpreposterousBehind every paedobaptist is a crypto-papist.
>>17433555>relatives, this does not mean infantsAlmost every household in the Middle East and Mediterranean had a large number of children. None of the apostles mentioned that they baptized everyone in the household EXCEPT the children.>crypto-papistNo, I'm Eastern Orthodox, I reject papism.
>>17433582There's no mention of including infants or very young children. Young but accountable children can be baptized. Belief and repentance are often mentioned alongside baptism (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38-41, Acts 8:12) and the Great Commission says to teach them before baptism.>Eastern OrthodoxIf you're giving worship and honor to idols, that's a greater problem than doctrine surrounding baptism.
>>17433604>There's no mention of including infants or very young childrenWhen it comes to baptizing entire households, it means all the people who are part of it. Do you consider children as non-humans or not members of families? If you have an unbaptized baby at home, can you say that your entire household is baptized? Protestants have a strange logic.>Young but accountable children can be baptizedWho determines the age of accountability? You deprive children of baptism based on subjective criteria. If God wanted us to avoid infant baptism, He would have given a minimum age for baptism.>If you're giving worship and honor to idols, that's a greater problem than doctrine surrounding baptism.No, we don't worship idols. You don't know Orthodox theology well. What treatises on the subject of icon veneration by the fathers of the Church (which you also consider yours) have you read?Most Protestants also have icons and they also venerate them.
>>17433630It's actually really simple. Can the person understand what baptism is and agree to it? Then he can be baptized. I do not consider the so-called Church Fathers to be authorities on true religion. I was also careful to include a distinction between honoring idols (supposed veneration) and worship of idols (communion liturgy) in case you want to deny that bowing to icons is worship. The fact that other sects also practice idolatry doesn't make it right.