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What is it about islam that isn't good for nation building? Country after country, time and time again we see non-muslims being just so more successful than muslims nearby
imagine the worst parts of christianity
now imagine you can't change that too much else some retard gets warlord syndrome and forces it to everyone else who isn't as strict
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>we see non-muslims being just so more successful than muslims nearby
Not true for the Volga.
abrahamic religions are a sham
>makes a bad idea
>My actions are justified because le vague holy book said so!
>bad idea ends up being shit
>"God/Elah/Allah works in mysterious ways"
Didn't the Volga get destroyed by Vladimir the Great after he rejected Islam and converted to Christianity?
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The Cumans were also known to have gradually become more Christian over time, and were mogged hard by the Islamic Golden Horde.
No, but his father did literally wipe out the Khazar civilization, resulting in nothing but Cuman/Pecheneg savages for the next 200 years
>Volga Bulgaria adopted Islam as a state religion in 922 – 66 years before the Christianization of Kievan Rus'.
>he Volga Bulgars attempted to convert Vladimir I of Kiev to Islam; however Vladimir rejected the notion of Rus' giving up wine, which he declared was the "very joy of their lives".
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It is more like Islam practices and beliefs tends to be very conductive for cementing extractive institutions like slavery, and various policies like polygamy and tribal systems when taken together create a lot of political instability. The focus on the Quraish tribe kinda centered that. Pic related, the book provides multiple examples of extractive institutions and a lot of them appear in various places with an Islamic history.
You know muzzies are coping when they pick these random eurasian tribes as chief representatives of their faith rather than the actual 99.99% of brown araps pakis and anatolian turks
The instability is also enshrined via fiqh or Islamic law. The details of which actually make it more unstable because they insert more hands in various processes than necessary and also undermine methods to combat economic and institutional corruption.
A lot of expectations about law from Islam also make it difficult to develop an account of responsibility, moral or political legitimacy. Basically, this is why a lot of countries get into a cycle of revolutions of various hardliners. This is connected to tribalization. Basically, rather than thinking of procedures other than institutions it is more about who is doing the law making. Some countries like Lebanon have developed a bit away from this but still have issues with it.
Jeets are garbage regardless of their religion. Volga Muslims are the only ones that can be classified as anything close to "white".
You might say it was colonialism. That was theory until recently. Last year's Noble Prize winner in economics showed that not all colonized countries performed the say way and it has do with institutions. Some placed never colonized also underperform some areas. Far East Asian places that suffered colonizations for example have done extremely well because of their institutions. Many Latin American countries likewise have do well or perform poorly based upon what a strong executive does. Mongolia is the best example of a country thriving because of its institutions and one that rushed into development. They still have strategies but basically developed economically faster than any other country in world.


Anon I think you may actually be the most intelligent person to ever exist. No one has ever said this.
Mainly a holdover from the shitty dogshit borders left by colonialism. The countries that broke off/ were not colonised have a much better track record. e.g. Turkey. The one left most alone in colonialism due to itself colonising. Probably the most successful Muslim state that didn't get deus ex machina'ed into shitloads of money. The further away and less artificial your border, the more successful you will be in general.
Literacy rates in English lol. These stats don't count literacy in African languages or literacy in Arabic script. My friend's grandpa is technically "illiterate" even though he wrote Wolof and Arabic in the Arabic script
>developed economically faster than any other country in world.
Garbage takes.
Disingenous because more developed countries tend to be less religious overall. Obviously Christians are richer here because they were the ones who interacted the most with Europeans historically (why they adopted Christianity in the first place) and became (relatively) rich off of that. It would be like pointing to upper class Japanese and Koreans being Christian and saying that means Christianity is better than Confucian culture.

>>My actions are justified because le vague holy book said so!
Versus -->
>It's perfectly fine for me to get stoned and jack off to anime porn all day because we're just meat robots and the sun is gonna explode in a bajillion years anyway!
>extractive institutions like slavery
Not particular to Islam lol.

>various policies like polygamy and tribal systems when taken together create a lot of political instability.
Most people don't think do Polygamy (Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu is 105 and only had one wife) and you say tribal systems but the area has had full formed and organized states for ages that underwent the "growth to irrelvancy/collapse" cycle every other place underwent so I'm not sure how that can be called tribal.
>It would be like pointing to upper class Japanese and Koreans being Christian and saying that means Christianity is better than Confucian culture.
Western literature and academia used to shit on Confucian culture for ages before they started to do a total 180 and started linking every single success in East Asia to it. You'll see more of this getting done in the future in regards to other cultures
The difference is that East Asia actually has actually had an economic leg up on most of the rest of the world for the majority of its history. It would make zero sense if they started doing this with Africa or the Arabian peninsula or something.
These are perfectly fine takes, Mokhtar.
The biggest driving force in human history is pussy, in the west most men, in theory, can find a wife as long as long as he contribute to society, in the Islamic world however, between polygamy allowing wealthy men to hoard women, highly protective male relatives, and arranged weddings, obtaining sex let alone a wife is neither guaranteed nor in your control, thus there's not real incentive to be ambitious. While in the past this was offset by the arab slave trade, in the contemporary world those nations that have not adopted western courtship are often host to radical groups of sexually frustrated men with nothing to lose.
Brunei has the highest literacy rates in SEA and they're majority Muslim thoughbeit.
>East Asia actually has actually had an economic leg up on most of the rest of the world for the majority of its history.
Not all of it. China mostly fit that bill, Japan was mostly on the side and Korea was abackwater by the time of Japanese colonialism
>polygamy allowing wealthy men to hoard women
Not really.
>It would make zero sense if they started doing this with Africa or the Arabian peninsula or something.
They dis it with Korea, they did it with China. Libs always flip flip on the narrative so they can be right in some shape or form
Again, it makes sense with China, because compared to most of the world China has, with a few interruptions, been fairly stable and prosperous for most of its history. This has nothing to do with 'muh SJW cringe compilation!!', it's just an observable fact.
>compared to most of the world China has, with a few interruptions, been fairly stable and prosperous for most of its history
Atbthe time back then it was pretty much synonymous with "backwards backwater" what it was back then didn't matter to the people who dominated China or took thinks of it apart.
Before colonization, there were over 30,000 Arabic language schools (Almajiranci) in Northern Nigeria. Northern Nigeria was among the most literate regions in Africa. The British deposed all the Emirs, defunded the school & brought in Christian missionaries to educate the people Very few mission schools were built & the vast majority were concentrated in the South, which was more open to Christianization than the Muslim North. Without institutional support, the Almajiranci system collapsed. By independence, Northern Nigeria was almost wholly illiterate
pic on left isn't even real, it's some ai generated art from the 21st century.
If you want to make a comparison, at least use something real and concrete. Show real evidence that islamic civilization was better not some fictitious cartoon
I'm mad at myself for wasting time with a deluded faggot like you. There's no point dealing with people who cant see reality
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I forgot.
Here's what Islam look like in reality. Their holiest city look like a grim copy of Las Vegas kek
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Ok. Kazan vs Cheboksary, one looks like a total shithole compared to the other.
Both of those pics where made by state aithest Soviets
And yet Japan is somehow evidence of Buddhist success.
No, it's an example of American success
Correct. All truly Buddhist countries are shitholes, like Tibet.
Even if it were true that Christianity is better for development than Islam, it's ultimately a mute point seeing as all modernized and developed countries shed religion all together
Not speaking English today is like not speaking Latin in the middle ages, its the language of commerce, diplomacy and learning.
Although I would argue in the 21st century literacy should be measured on the ability to read and write computer code.
Religion is a poison to national prosperity.
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Countries like Saudi, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Syria etc islam was good for them
israel far richer
based. /druk/bros stay winning
>unsustainable dictatorships based solely off of extracting oil and selling it to succesful countries, that can only exist because 90% of the population are slaves imported from impoverished Asian countries

Yeah real great society you have there, truly a model for the whole world to emulate
Teaching niggers, slavs and iberimoors to read is a waste of time, upper class of muslim society understood that perfectly well and gatekept all of the knowledge they had, muslim libraries were the richest in medieval europe
assad is not muslim
Oil is infinite
>Although I would argue in the 21st century literacy should be measured on the ability to read and write computer code
You are a pseud
other countries don't even allow third world labor to arrive
Been given trillions of $$ in US aid would make anyone rich you delusional kike, Israel would still be a dirty shithole Inferior to even Iranians
But once a country sheds religion altogether, it begins to slowly revert into a primitive pre-civilized state. See: The de-industrialization and economic decline of Europe, the decline of American hegemony, and mass illegitimacy in Western countries.
This + That is /thread you can pretty much go by where we are in history.

Trillions of dollars 80% spent on funding missile defense systems and military because of being constantly attacked by all sides for fifty years thoughbeit.
Muhamad was a pedophile warlord con artist who made up Islam to get people to give him money and join his military. Over a billion people today think he was the most perfect human to ever exist.
>upper class of muslim society understood that perfectly well and gatekept all of the knowledge they had
Not really. Non arab muslims still hadnplenty of access to it
>its the language of commerce, diplomacy and learning.
Not really. You still have to use other languages that are more relevant in the area and merely knowing English doesn't suddenly bump your salary up twofold.
Islam has been fairly stable for most of its history.
If you're too stupid to understand why Islam is stupid, you're probably partial to Islam yourself.
Is a shithole because a batshit crazy pagan who was in charge of the country decided to conduct what can only be classified as genocide against the sunni majority

In older times Syria was the jewel of the muslim world and one of the wealthies and most prosperous nations in the world
>Muhamad was a pedophile warlord
Isaac and Moses actually

Rabbi Yeshua too kiddie fiddled litlle boys

Judeo-Christianity is a pedophilic homosexual cult
>solely off of extracting oil
Gulf is modernizing and actually variating their economic basis

I wonder what the islam and arab hater excuses will be once they remain wealthy nations even after oil stops being a thing for transportation (it won't run out before that)
This charge is completely misleading

The ""literacy""" rate is based off the english language, of course the christian nigerians who are all neopentecostal converted by american and british missionaries will be fluent in english

If this was based on arabic I bet the christian parts would all be 100% illiterate
Arabic is basically a meme of a language. It’s missing half the letters and can’t even handle complex ideas. Honestly, being literate in Arabic is like being 30% literate in English.

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