>is just casually the greatest monarch of the 18th centuryHow the FUCK did he do it?
>>17428500Not even close.
>>17428500>fag who got lucky
It's obviously either later George.
>>17428508Whoops meant for >>17428491
>>17428491https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexuality_of_Frederick_the_Great>in July 1750, the Prussian king teasingly wrote to his gay secretary and reader, Claude Étienne Darget: "Mes hémorroïdes saluent affectueusement votre v[erge]" ('My hemorrhoids affectionately greet your cock')
>>17428545Imagine being the first person who wasn't Darget to read this.
>>17428491>>17428500What a coincidence, they're both nicknamed "the Great". Do you think it's related to the fact that both are usually ranked high?
There is absolutely no criteria where Maria Theresa wasn't superior and I say this as someone who hates female rulers and loves soldier-kings. Frederick deserved to die in the mud.
Looks like you attached the wrong imagine OP; it should have been joseph_ii.jpg
>>17428955>his commitment to secularizing, liberalizing and modernizing reforms resulted in significant opposition, which resulted in failure to fully implement his programs. Meanwhile, despite making some territorial gains, his reckless foreign policy badly isolated Austria. Yeah, no.
>>17428790>just casually runs a multi-country shadow government through her daughtersBased and Theresa-pilled. She deserves more credit for brutally mogging all of her contemporaries just by having tits kek
>>17428491>>17428500>both were dutchboosreally makes one think
>>17428491Old Fritz got TWO miracles, most people don't get even one.
>>17429754>both were DvtchBvllsftfy
>>17429842Dat SCHNOZE
>>17428500>Greatest ruler in Russian history>Was highly autistic about boats>>17428491>Greatest ruler in German history>Was highly autistic about warfare
>>17429855Nose shape/size has a direct correlation to penile girth.
>>17429870Positive or negative?
>>17429754Even great men make mistakes
>>17430165But that would mean jews and arabs have BSC and in reality (I believe statistics says so) they have 5.2 inch peckers.Contradiction.
>>17428545germans sure do have a rich history of gay scandals
>>17428508>>17428537WrongObjectively a genius and productive ruler
>>17429476'liberalising' in the 18th century is almost conceptually opposite to how the average /pol/ chud uses it todayIt stood for centralisation, the humbling of the noblity, replacing the papal hierarchy with a national church, free speech, external tariffs, internal free trade and freedom of movement
>>17431316>/pol/ chudRent free.I just don't give a shit about some austrianfag, anon. He's fucking boring.