0 Ossetians living in Tskhinvali in 1900Vladikavkaz was a Chechen townThe two capitals of the two Ossetias didnt even belong to the Ossetians? How did they acquire these territories?Do the Russians like the Ossetians that much?
>>17432735Coincidentally, I'm reading Donald Rayfield's book Edge of Empires: A History of Georgia, and just got to the part Georgia is annexed into the Soviet Union. It seems the Ossetians were far-more favorable to the Russians than the other way around. There were two Bolshevik uprisings among the Ossetians between 1918-1921, both of which were put down by Noe Zhordania's government. From my understand in the 20th century the Ossetians were confined to the northern part of South Ossetia and a small enclave a few kilometers to the East in the Russo-Georgian border. The modern day borders of South Ossetia are a product of 2008 war and the ethnic cleansing of Georgians in the region. The Ossetians themselves have been coming over to Georgia since antiquity. The second historical king of Iberia, Saurmag, was likely of Scythian origin. Can't speak as to how Ossetians and Russians feel about one another today. I know the Abkhazians are not entirely fond of Russians. There's probably a whole lot of history between these peoples from the Soviet period that I'm missing, but I'm too ignorant of the subject to speak on it. Suny's book The Making of the Georgian Nation covers the Soviet period in far more detail, which is next in line on my reading list. There's also Georgia: A Political History Since Independence, which I saw a twitter user give a detailed summary and review, saying that the author's biases are quite apparent, but I can't speak on the subject myself.
>>17432735What's the Ajarian blood feud with.
>>17432735Yes, Ossetians have always been more loyal than other Caucasians towards Russians, while Muslims such as Chechens and Circassians tried to lick ass and serve the Turks and other enemies of Russia.
>>17433983Adjarians are muslim Georgians, but they mostly converted back to Christianity now. The leader of Adjara fled to Moscow, however his children came back to Georgia.
>>17434102>converted back to orthodoxy during soviet times and accelerated after fall of USSRReally strange
>>17434139there's no turks or atheist communists to suppress their religion anymore, it's really not that strange
>>17434326Yes it is. Conversion of most of an ethnic group in late 20th/21st centuries is unheard of
>>17432735Why would ANYONE not like them? They are Christian Indo-Europeans surrounded by jihad monkeys. Oh wait...