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Why is fascism so interesting to study?
fascism appeals to innate human nature and hardwired feelings. Things like strong in-group loyalty, and uplifting yourself out of a miserable situation with your community. This will appeal to any first time reader's conscience
Because of its juxtaposition of Enlightenment and Romanticism. They embraced the technological and scientific development of modern progressives while simultaneously embracing the morality and spirituality of ancient peoples
Because it's highly contrarian and a system that already failed and died
You can claim to pick up the mantle and "fight" for its survival without worry of having to do any actual fighting for it
It's a power trip, you imagine what you would be like if you could decide the fate of a country on a whim. Your little knees are starting to buckle as you imagine the force you could enact on individuals just to feed your ego.
Because it’s based
>Nguema got dethroned by his own nephew who is still alive and ruling over the country

Family can be traitorous.
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This. It's a spiritual borderline mysticism ideology waging war against materialistic modern world
How tf is mosley neo fascist? He was contemporary to and heavily inspired by Mussolini
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I'm a Croat and Pavelic was a bad leader. Every Croat is a bad leader, period. Croatia is a racially mixed country and a lot of us are German(ic) that for whatever reason adopted the Slavic language in the past. I would say we are little Germans (not all of us, there are also a lot of meds,dinarids, turks, etc. in Croatia). But since we are not pure Germans we can't lead, and that's why we should have became a part of the German Reich (autonomous region) and be lead by a German.

And all of the meds would be sent to Italy all of the Turks would be sent to Turkey, etc.
Because once you put aside all the gay empty rhetoric about le ebin warriors and the joos, it's essentially a pretty alright technocratic system compared to the shitty monarchies that were still around for some reason after WWI.
Pseuds will hate me for even equating the two but communists are interesting to study for the same reason.
>implying germs can lead
Kek what an absolute cuck. Croatians aren't Germans in anyway. There are a few Germanic origined ones who are the descendants of the former high classes that live in Zagreb but its negligible. Jesus have some self respect. You are slavs mixed with illyrians with the slav part maybe having an origin in Persia. End of story. Muh German goth origin theory. Idiot .
Hitler: “If the Croats were part of the Reich, we'd have them serving as faithful auxiliaries of the German Führer, to police our marshes. Whatever happens, one shouldn't treat them as Italy is doing at present. The Croats are a proud people. They should be bound directly to the Führer by an oath of loyalty. Like that, one could rely upon them absolutely. When I have Kvaternik standing in front of me, I behold the very type of the Croat as I've always known him, unshakeable in his friendships, a man whose oath is eternally binding. The Croats are very keen on not being regarded as Slavs. According to them, they're descended from the Goths. The fact that they speak a Slav language is only an accident, they say.”

Hitler mentioned that "Croats are desirable, from the ethnical point of view, and should be germanized.

On the one hand, the Nazis described the Croats officially as being "more Germanic than Slav"

Pavelic: Croatians were the descendants of the ancient Goths" who "had the Panslav idea forced upon them as something artificial".
Why is it that studies of fascist movements are almost entirely done by leftist or liberal academics, meanwhile fascist don't study the histories of far-left organizations and groups?

Leftists will publish the history of fringe Italian years of lead terrorist nazimaoist groups. Chuds couldn't tell you anything about the dozens of left wing guerrillas around the world in the 60's and 70's
Western leftists are obsessed with theory, which is why they're always fighting with eachother and never accomplish anything, while fascists literally don't have the concept of 'theory' other than 'shit that sounds kinda cool when a big guy is saying it'
Every 70's guerrilla's read Marx, but not every 70's skinhead's read Giovanni Gentile.
Fascism is just larping as the Roman Empire.
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Fascism: the centralized control of man , land, and resources; husbandry of everything and everyone

You are livestock that toils at behest of the ruling class - zero discretion on a fate that has already been decided

Your fear and desperation at times however is captured, managed and manipulated to perpetuate scripted agendas that only facilitate the reaping and the harvest

A process of ritualistic consent to being eternally subjugated by a system that doesn't represent you nor functions as it claims

You are not a fascist, the elites are fascist
You are not a dissident, you are a gimp
Yawn. How is it any different from literally any pre-democratic system?
>implying democracy isn't the same thing repackaged in a way that manufactures consent
yeah wow we can polish your marshes!?!? golly gee thanks daddy hitler!!! see serbs! i told ya we were goths after all!!!
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and kvaternik was literally half german. seems as though hitler didnt think all croatians were as "aryan" as him

picrel is stijepo peric
>From 5 November 1943 he was Foreign Minister. During his career as Foreign Minister, he was opponent of terror, supporter of the idea of cooperation with the Croatian Peasant Party and he advocated more independent foreign policy. During the meeting with Adolf Hitler in Schloss Klessheim near Salzburg, Hitler called him a "Levantine", while German Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop stated that Perić was a person with whom they would have problems. Perić protested and demanded punishment for German soldiers who had robbed Ston during the November and December 1943.
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these are symbols of the elites that you recontextualize as a door the cattle can evventuallt walk through towards greener pastures but there is no escape
Don't you have a war to lose serb

Pic rel is grand grand son of famous chetnik
Liberal democracies simply change the selection process of who is ruling, and that goes for Communist countries too. Hitler had his own ideas for reforming the party to select and engineer Germany's elite on a long-term basis to be moral and competent, though because of the situation only tiny parts were implemented.
Is liberalism more responsive to the feelings of the people? Maybe, maybe not. But the liberal era brought us newspapers so that the elite could impart their own beliefs onto the masses, while the fascist era brought us opinion polling so that the governments could actually learn what people believed. In fact, the governments of the Axis were obsessed with these new methods and polled people constantly both in their home bases and in conquered territories.
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fascism is inherently atheistic.
Fascism didnt exist before atheism.
Fascism is the atheist version of monarchy: being obsessed with being told what to do by a few generic bureaucrats turned into control freaks in order to secure their positions, since fascism being part of atheism and its circlekering over bureaucratic trifles, they have no external supernatural justification for being here, contrary to kings who claimed God put them in charge.
any solution to atheism will not be found with an new -ism from the plethora of -isms the atheists created due to their freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.
i am actually croatian i just find croatian cocksucking of germans to be so unbelievably cringe it makes me wish i was anything but croatian. puke.
Fascism is pluralistic when it comes to the religion question.

Since classical fascism died in 1945, we don't have a model for what a modern fascist state would be like. I would image a modern fascist state would adopt similar positions of both social progressive and social conservatism polices that previous fascist states had:

* Secular state
* Strict environmentalist and animal conservation laws
* Pronatalist polices (women should be given medals and awards by the state for more than 2 babies)
* Some restrictions on abortion, outside of rape, incest, life of the mother or fetus.
* Decriminalized sexual activity among homosexuals. Promotion banned or limited.
* Restrictions on sex change on children under 18 and serialization required for sex change. Promotion banned or limited.
* No restriction on gun rights for the folk, but not enemies of the state
* Hard line restrictions on immigration (DPRK as a model)
What is this picture?
>Garvey, not a fascist
>The Mufti, not a fascist
>Evola, not a fascist or a neo-fascist
>Dugin, same as above
>Mosley, nothing neo about him
>Nguema, pretty standard African nationalist
>Papa Doc, just a schizo
>Yockey, imperialist yes, fascist no
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> We were the first Fascists, when we had 100,000 disciplined men, and were training children, Mussolini was still an unknown. Mussolini copied our Fascism. - marcus garvey
>see image for mufti
>evola was a super fascist so technically correctly, but also not
>dugin is kinda evola, but had to moderate to join russian government
>while oswald mosley existed pre and during ww II, he has most influence after the war. His concepts like individual collectivism and views on colonialism (just give the third world money so they stop coming here) is key
>the rest, fuck it I ain’t doing all that work

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