I've heard that the story of his wife having sex with other dudes was just slander written by someone who hated him, is this true?
>>17436190Roman history as written by the Romans is 90% pure fantasy and fabrication
>>17436190He had 14 kids with one woman, I doubt he was a cuckold. Back then people in power were expected to actually participate in stuff like war. It's not like now where we have dudes who LARP as competent leaders and just fuck around and are complete sexual deviants and degenerates. Marcus was criticized for taking a 4 day holiday, he didn't have time for cuck shit.
>>17436315I wrote my very first grad level paper on Marcus. Guy never had a good day in his life lol.
>>17436190Nobody knows, either trust sources or make stuff up in your head. At the end of the day who fucking cares if Marcus’s wife fucked around. It’s perhaps the least interesting thing to think about when it comes to him.