Catherine the Great> divided Poland, conquered Crimea> shitposted with Voltaire> enlightened Empress vibes> kicked the Turks so hard, they’ve been "ill men" of Europe since> set Russia up to BTFO Napoleon> never got coalition against her (and trust me, they tried)...60 years later> losing streak starts> russia gets BTFO in Crimea by European Coalition (military and diplomatic disaster)> sells Alaska for pocket change> russia getting cucked by Berlin in San Stefano> loses war to Japan, like wtf> freaking revolution> losing in WW1 even though they were on the winning side> actual revolution, Nicholas II is dead, Romanovs are BTFO What happened? Why did Catherine's successors drop the ball? She was a woman, and yet the men couldn't do better?
Catherine was more closely linked with other European monarchs than at any time in Russian history. Her court was basically French and Germans, by then more noble or urbane Russians started comparing themselves directly with western European way of life and conditions. After her, Alexander I led some moderate liberal reforms after contact with Napoleon and after the wars that presaged big things like the abolition of serfdom, however he died suddenly and there was a confusion in his succession. Nicholas I created a repressive state of inertia and nothing was done on these crucial domestic issues. Russia needed: 1.A comprehensive constitution, 2.reform of agrarian economy, 3. Consolidate new territories without over extending 4. Reform the army from its antiquated structure 5. Get foreign investment for the industrial development. In all of these Russia failed concurrently for about 50 years. Alexander II made some moderate and slow effort to that effect but he was assassinated after 30 years of rule. Overall concentrating so much power for so many micromanagement and crucial decisions on the Czar and his close advisors backfired for Russia.
>>17433275>shitposted with VoltaireVGH... lucky bitch
>>17433275I'm half Volga German.Volga Germans are Germans that were invited by Catherine to colonize the Volga river region, because she thought Russian peasantry were alcoholic retards.She just proves a German woman is better than Russian men.
>>17433275Other tsars didn't fuck enough horses
>>17433275Nicolas I and Alexander III were a disaster for Russia
>>17433528Started with Crimea, how come they not wait on Austria and Egypt mobile own army against the Turk?
Speaking of Egypt….
>>17433350The jews did everything they could to crash tsarist Russia and make room for communism, and they succeeded at it.
>>17434062If Russia hadn't partitioned Poland, they wouldnt have had a Jewish problem
>>17433275Failed to properly teach her son how to lead and the rest didn’t realize that you have to crush the Russian people into the dirt if you want to get them to listen to you. It’s weird how it seems the more you kick the shit out of them they love you but if you actually try to give them something to help them they plan to kill you.
>>17433275Horsefucker lol
>>17434323>>17433514Fabricared myth. Still hilarious though
>>17433275Negative selection under Nicholas I.
>>17434096What the actual fuck is wrong with Russians?
>>17433275Catherine the great hoe> shitposted with Voltaire> enlightened Empress vibesShe alienated the russian upper-class to the church (her and Peter the "great" and I think Elizabeth too, the sister of Peter the little (I would say).> freaking revolutionShe's responsible of that. Enlightment, fight against the clergy, harshness against serf (freed by Peter III but she annuled it as she sized power from him). A real decadent that makes the legends against Marie-Antoinette made by french revolutinaries blush. >Catherine, throughout her long reign, took many lovers, often elevating them to high positions for as long as they held her interest and then pensioning them off with gifts of serfs and large estates.[126][127] The percentage of state money spent on the court increased from 10% in 1767 to 11% in 1781 to 14% in 1795. Catherine gave away 66,000 serfs from 1762 to 1772, 202,000 from 1773 to 1793, and 100,000 in one day: 18 August 1795.Slept with other men before her husband, her son might have not been from her husband, etc etc And then you wonder why the revolution. Also, she was ugly (like most female aristocrat apparently), far from the one in your pic
>>17433275Also :>In this chapter, which deals mostly with the eighteenth century, Solzhenitsyn argues that Russia under Catherine the Great was one of the first European countries to give Jews “equal civil rights, ” before even France and the German lands (37-38). >The new order had consequences for the cities, which only took status into consideration, not nationality. According to this arrangement, all townsmen (thus: also all jews) had the right to participate in the local class governance and occupy official posts. “Corresponding to the conditions of that time this meant that the jews became citizens with equal rights… The entry of jews as citizens with equal right into the merchant guilds and townsmen class was an event of great social significance,” it was supposed to “transform the jews into an economic power that would have to be reckoned with, and raise their morale.” It also made the practical protection of their life-interests easier.” At that time the classes of traders and tradesmen just like the municipal commonwealth had a broad self-determination…Thus, a certain administrative and judicial power was placed into the hands of jews just like Christians, through which the jewish population held a commercial and civil influence and significance.” Jews could now not only become mayors but also advisory delegates and judges. At first limitations were enacted in the larger cities to ensure that no more jews occupied electable positions than Christians. In 1786 however “Catherine sent… to the Governor General of White Russia a command written by her own hand: to actualize the equality of jews ‘in the municipal-class self-governance … unconditionally and without any hesitation’ and ‘to impose an appropriate penalty upon anyone that should hinder this equality.’”
>>17434439>It should be pointed out that the jews thus were given equal rights not only in contrast to Poland, but also earlier than in France or the German states. (Under Frederick the Great the jews suffered great limitations.) Indeed: the jews in Russia had from the beginning the personal freedom that the Russian peasants were only granted 80 years later. Paradoxically, the jews gained greater freedom than even the Russian merchants and tradesmen. The latter had to live exclusively in the cities, while in contrast the jewish population could “live in colonizations in the country and distill liquor.” “Although the jews dwelled in clusters [G39] not only in the city but also in the villages, they were accounted as part of the city contingent… inclusive of merchant and townsmen classes.” “According to the manner of their activity and surrounded by unfree peasantry they played an important economic roll. Rural trade was concentrated in their hands, and they leased various posts belonging to the landowners’ privilege – specifically, the sale of vodka in taverns – and therewith fostered “the expansion of drunkenness.” The White-Russian powers reported: “The presence of jews in the villages acts with harm upon the economic and moral condition of the rural population, because the jews… encourage drunkenness among the local population.” “In the stance taken by the powers-that-be, it was indicated among other things that the jews led the peasants astray with drunkenness, idleness and poverty, that they had given them vodka on credit etc. *reception of pledges for vodka+.” But “the brandy operations were an attractive source of income” for both the Polish landowners and the jewish commissioners.>The Senate permission of 1786 permitted the jews to live in villages and “jews were allowed to lease from the landholders the right to produce and sell alcoholic beverages, while Christian merchants and townsmen did not obtain these rights.”
>>17433275>shitposted with VoltaireI thought it was with Diderot, who also slapped her ass. She also had a room or palace where you could see depictions of sexual body parts everywhere.>loses war to Japan, like wtfThe japs were financed by Wall Street because Russia was antisemitic.
>>17434484> Russia was antisemitic> Catherine the Great was one of the first European countries to give Jews “equal civil rights”
>>17434539I meant during the war with Japan
>>17433275the was not russian her successors where russian
>>17434435She looked okay as a young girl, but she quickly grew fat and ugly as all Germanic women do.
>>17433275>set Russia up to BTFO NapoleonRussia lost countless battles to France with numbers favoring Russia's side. By all means Napoleon was the one who "blew the fuck" if you would use that language, french troops saved people in moscow while russian prisoners burned the city...Napoleon lost the war, because of one mistake, not mismanagement of attrition or whatever the anglos will tell you, he thought the muscovites are fellow europeans who would surrender gracefully to a worthy foe, he was gravely mistaken
>>17434580The Russian dynasty was about as Russian as the English one was English. (Not in the least)
Catherine the Great is an incredibly interesting historical figure, as women rulers tend to be and even more.Sad that there are so little artistic depictions of her.
>>17435071It's all makes sense, anon.....
>>17434346No it is real
>>17433275Of all the historical figures called great, she's probably the one who least deserved it. In reality, though>divided Poland, conquered CrimeaPoland divided itself, Russia picked up the wreckage>shitposted with VoltaireAnd this is why she has such absurdly good publicity in the West that she doesn't deserve>enlightened Empress vibesHer reign is a cultural black hole. She invited wagon loads of mediocre Italians to do everything while the local culture stagnated. The Russian cultural golden age didn't begin until the reign of her grandson.>set Russia up to BTFO NapoleonI bet she also prepared it for Hitler in advance and for the Martians as well.Catherine the not so great's greatest and most notable role is the mother of serfdom. Until her, even in the time of Ivan the Terrible, serfdom was an insignificant curiosity and not very oppressive. But she made it the foundation of the entire society by arbitrarily enslaving most of the country's people and handing them over to the aristocracy. Of course the aristocrats who wrote the chronicles thought she was great, she set them for a parasitic lifestyle for the entire upcoming century. She emboldened and entitled them so much that they chose to destroy their country as oppose to relinquishing any of their power. The normal people ought to call her Catherine the Terrible. She didn't fuck horses, but I wish she did and had her intestines crushed by a horse cock.
>>17433350>Russia needed: a bunch of leftist Enlightenment bullshitNo. The only thing Russia *needs* is nuclear annihilation.
>>17435267Why are you so russophobic?
>>17435284Because I love civilization.
>>17434371The most basic way it can put it they have an odd obsession with power and the way they view it is extremely unhealthy. Like it’s not enough to make a number of sweeping reforms, win great battles to either expand/defend the motherland, or build up and develop important and lasting infrastructure. No you have to also burn down 30 peasant villages and utterly crush a rebellion leading to the deaths of at least 50,000 or else you’re considered a bitch by Ivan Ivanovich and his group of pig shit huffing peasants.
>>17433275She doesn't look Russian there at all, that actress looks Quebecoise or northern French if anything
>>17435885I mean Sophie was German so.
>>17435902Fuck you French/German phenotype shitter
>>17435885That dude shares zero resemblance with her
>>17435908I’m not who you think I am, I’m just stating facts.
>>17435916She is EHGrito as fuck
>>17435919I don’t know what that means.
>>17435920No one does, haploautism was the worst thing to happen to this board
>>17435217Based take
>>17433275potemkin did all that not her.
>>17433275> never got coalition against her (and trust me, they tried)Elaborate?