What is the chance that the studies are purposefully misinformation and serve some kind of specific agenda? This recent study of the British Celts revealed things not seen in Europe, and the information about matrifocality is strangely recalled with each mention of the study. well, that doesn't make much sense considering how tribal the European style was and how different it is from everyone else around it.and considering some matrilineal and matrilocal societies, such as those in China, marriage is at least "not relevant" and the family is always unstructured. the study even argues about male exogamy. I can't reconcile this with the European standard, it seems false.
>>17435194>well, that doesn't make much sense considering how tribal the European style was and how different it is from everyone else around it.my mistakeI wanted to say that this doesn't make sense considering what the European tribal pattern was like, which in this case was very patriarchal.
>>17435194>and considering some matrilineal and matrilocal societies, such as those in China, marriage is at least "not relevant" and the family is always unstructured. the study even argues about male exogamy. I can't reconcile this with the European standard, it seems falseThis is a good argument that I thought of when reading this study. family and marriage were very important to everyone in the ancient world, (excluding extremely and completely collapsed societies, like the Himalayas, which are matriarchal) and it wouldn't make sense for women-centered models to be the standard for anything. it would be a total disasterand the Celts were all patrilineal and patrilocal, all of them. including the Picts. looks woke
>>17435194>>17435205If you didn't notice, all the "modern interpretations" of archaeological sites seem to conclude white people were all gay and cucks. Its almost as if they're all full of shit and taking a check to continue having a job.
>>17435194The tribes had a huge variety of customs, and you shouldn't seething about some of them trying something different.
>>17435235What are you arguing about? that does explain a lot of things.
>>17435194clearly has a bias.Why is reaffirming matrilocality so important? in the study of farmers, it is said that they were patrilineal, this is not mentioned every time
>>17435235This is because such research used to be censored, so there is a huge terra incognita for such research these days.
>>17435268the point is not that everyone is the same, libartard, we are talking about how this standard was not even common outside of Europe and is strangely out of place
>>17435268>The tribes had a huge variety of customsNope.
>>17435440Don't be a moron. There was no globohomo in the past to ensure uniformity.
>>17435194They were feministsSorry anon
>>17435445Wakanda will never exist