Why didn't Germany gas the Soviet prisoners of war?
Uh oh. Why can't anybody answer?
They didn't. Soviets were getting pounded relentlessly by the germans and every time they captured some they were already three quarters dead. Communist propagandists don't want to admit how underfed and poor conditions the russians were being forced to fight in so they simply say the germans killed all the POWs. 60,000 prisoners were evacuated from Auschwitz by the Germans ahead of the soviets, if these were supposed death camps they weren't doing a very good job. And really you can only claim they're death camps if you're completely ignorant of german histroy. I wonder how a modern german copes with all these historical lies when they would be the ones most aware of the intricacies of the propaganda and their history.
GazProm costs a lotta shekels. It's much easier to starve someone than to "gas" them. Ask Koba-Khan (pic related)...
>>17433435Forced labor
Oh also, look up the German "starvation plan". germans were too weak to take on the soviets in a conventional way so they would need to rely on capturing food assets for the military. I don't think they expected the soviets to burn all the fields So not only was the german military low on food, but the food they were planning on being there when they took over was destroyed by the retreating communists. Soviets were engaged in a mutually assured destruction countdown by deleting all useful assets within their own territory. And then you ask why the soviets were starving
They did.
>>17434798Hunger plan pre-dates Barbarossa. They planned to starve millions of Slavs even before they started the operation.
>>17434815Yup, some of them got gassed. I think the whole method was actually tested on Soviet POWs.
>>17434820Right the hunger plan is used a proof by communists of the holocaust, when it reality they were talking about GERMAN hunger to fuel the war effort.
>>17433435Death by insecticide was for jews onlySoviet pows might be scum but they're still human beings
>>17434836What are you even talking about? They were talking about deliberately starving millions of Slavs to feed Germany. You're also full of shit. It's not communist propaganda. It's all literally in German documents. Like in the infamous letter of Rosenberg to Keitel where he says this:>For instance, according to information on hand, the native population within the Soviet Union are absolutely willing to put food at the disposal of the prisoners of war. Several understanding camp commanders have successfully chosen this course. However in the majority of the cases, the camp commanders have forbidden the civilian population to put food at the disposal of the prisoners, and they have rather let them starve to death. Even on the march to the camps, the civilian population was not allowed to give the prisoners of war food. In many cases, when prisoners of war could no longer keep up on the march because of hunger and exhaustion, they were shot before the eyes of the horrified civilian population, and the corpses were left. There's zero justification for this. This is just few months after Barbarossa, millions of people starved during the winter of 1941/1942.
>>17434860(X)You're looking at a german military plan for supplying food to their own soldiers and then semantically taking the name of the plan out of context and attributing it to an explicit action to murder people through starvation.I can assure you there's no german military document in existence planning the murder of civilians.In actuality the mass death caused by starvation on the eastern front was caused by soviet scorched earth tactics. And guess what, when the soviets swept back over the land when the germans were retreating, they did so taking food as they went to try and beat the western front to berlin, stealing food from civvies.
>>17434877>caused by soviet scorched earth tacticsLiterally not even Germans talk about this. You pretty much invented it, lol. Did you even read what I posted? It's a German document. Why were the civilians not allowed to give food to Soviet POWs? Apparently, despite the Soviet schorched earth tactics they still had enough food to share it with the prisoners. Explain this. This is the racist Rosenberg complaining about the fate of Soviet soldiers. And again, hunger plan is pre-Barbarossa. Obviously the Germans couldn't expect that Soviets will destroy food sources. They don't even mention it in their documents, yet they still predict that millions of people will starve.
>>17434893>When German soldiers discussed Soviet "scorched earth" tactics during WWII, they would often express frustration and anger at the deliberate destruction of infrastructure, food supplies, and villages by the retreating Red Army, which left them with little to utilize as they advanced through Soviet territory, hindering their logistical capabilities and contributing to the harsh conditions they faced on the Eastern Front; this tactic was seen as a desperate measure by the Soviets to deny the Germans resources and slow their progress.
>>17434900Your point? You cite some vague article? Cite actual German document where they complain about the destruction of food sources they could use to feed the Soviet POWs. More from Rosenberg:>hey lay under the open sky during rain or snow. Even tools were not made available to dig holes or caves. A systematic delousing of the prisoners of war in the camps and of the camps themselves has apparently been missed. Utterances such as these have been heard: "The more of these prisoners die, the better it is for us".>The more of these prisoners die, the better it is for usDoesn't sound like they gave a fuck. And then in November:At a meeting in Orsha on 13 November 1941 between the chiefs of staff of all armies and army groups fighting on the Eastern Front and the Head of the Army General Staff Franz Halder, Wagner invoked Göring’s aforementioned directive of 16 September 1941 and made the following explicit statement >Non-working prisoners of war in the prisoner camps are to starve to death. Working prisoners of war can in individual cases also be fed out of army supplies. Given the general food situation this cannot be generally ordered, however. The food supply situation at Army Group Center is currently such that immediate help cannot be provided.
>>17434910where are you going with those goalposts?
>>17433435shit, they got Charlie Brown? This is a war crime
>>17434915You blame the Soviets for a crime clearly committed by the Germans. The fate of Soviet POWs was the least of their concerns. They were perfectly fine with starving millions of people because they thought they will win this war and won't have to answer for their crimes. This is reality.
>>17434929Can you show me the German document that said to blow up Soviet bridges, burn their fields and villages and destroy food and munition stores?
>>17433435The Soviets did say that Russian POW's were gassed, and plenty of Germans were executed for this.>Experimental execution techniques were tested on prisoners of war: gas vans at Sachsenhausen and Zyklon B in gas chambers at Auschwitzhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_atrocities_committed_against_Soviet_prisoners_of_war>The Nazis carried out the first experimental killing of prisoners on a mass scale on September 3. Immediately after evening roll call, they placed 600 Soviet POWs, 250 Polish patients from the camp hospital, and 10 prisoners from the penal company in 28 cells in the Block no. 11 basement. Soil was shoveled to block the basement windows. The Germans then introduced the gas. On the morning of September 4, SS man Gerhard Palitzsch checked and found that some of the prisoners were still alive. The Germans introduced more gas and barred the doors. By the night of September 4-5, all the prisoners were dead.https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/news/64-years-ago-first-nazi-use-of-poison-gas-for-murdering-people-in-auschwitz,422.htmlAs far as I know, the gassing of Soviet POW's is still the standard narrative in Russia, it has only been retconned in the west.
>>17434910>Non-working prisoners of war in the prisoner camps are to starve to death.I don't get it, why would this be wrong? Germans treated Polish and Western POW's well because those parties signed the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War and reciprocated. The USSR did not care about their goyim cattle POW's and did not sign the Geneva Confention, in fact Soviet POW's faced the death penalty for being captured alive, and Germans captured by the USSR faced almost certain death. Why would Germans be obliged to care for non-working Soviet POW's if the USSR refused to reciprocate or negotiate prisoner exchanges?