Why is so many people's understanding of Christianity is good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell? Not a single denomination actually teaches this if you look at their theology. Not even "works based" Catholics.
>>17435669Why? Because more than 90% of so called Christians are practicing noahidism instead of Christianity.
>>17435669because it aligns better with peoples actual moral positions than by-the-books Christianity
>>17435669It speaks to one of the bigger problems Christianity is facing in currentyear. Back in ye olden days, if you were a Christian, chancer are all your friends and family were also Christians. In such an environment, the idea that non-Christians all burn in hell forever would've been more palatable.
>>17435669It's because of moralistic therapeutic deism.Here's 2 short videos, and one more extensive, on the subject.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EN2aF0cRbg&list=LL&index=5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i02bJSXOgiI&list=LL&index=4&t=264shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBFqgEOCbEM&list=LL&index=3
>>17435669>Not a single denomination actually teaches this if you look at their theology. Not even "works based" Catholics.That is precisely what the Church teaches. Only some particularly low IQ varieties of Protestantism teach that good men go to hell. Keep in mind that whatever you think a good man is as an infidel is entirely irrelevant to the conversation.
>>17435669Heaven is for the righteous and the holy. Those who fear EL, hate evil and wicked things. Those who rather suffer for the sake of remaining righteous than to enjoy the benefits of unrighteous gains. Those who had to endure living among the wicked, witness their evil and suffer their injustices, but remained faithful to God and his commands. For those theres healing that lasts forever.
>>17435754Okay that's nice. In your universe a serial murderer rapist still gets to go to Heaven as long as he performs the right ritual before he dies and "really means it".
>>17435778Where did I say that? Why would the Impeccable God who loves justice do that?
>>17435669Because that is actually moral and the Abrahamic inversion where an African migrant murder-rapist can go to heaven if he’s very sorry for raping is evil
>>17435778Where you go when you die depends on what kind of person you are. If a man really is no longer the murderer that he was when he dies, then he can be forgiven, but he will have to subject himself to earthly punishment before he can experience his heavenly reward. Calling this unfair is rich from someone who doesn't even believe evil ever gets punished at all. No form of authentic Christianity has ever taught that evil men go to heaven by performing some arbitrary ritual. You're not intelligent enough to attack Christianity, so you need to make stuff up.
>>17435742No, they don't teach that "good" people go to heaven. They teach that all merit is given to Christ and that we are saved by His grace, despite deserving to go to Hell.Jesus Himself says that no one is good but God.
>>17435795Being very sorry doesnt cut it. Judas was sorry. Actual repentance and change of heart towards good is hard to come by.
>>17435811Right, but some men borrow more of God's goodness than others, and those who only nominally proclaim Christ's Lordship are not Saints. Let's leave aside the strawman of "works-based" salvation and acknowledge there is absolutely a problem of the unsaved being tricked into believing they have done everything they need to when they've only just begun approaching Christ.
>>17435825Well, yeah, I agree with that, and I see what you were saying originally. A lot of these churches merely preach moralistic therapeutic deism, which fools the unsaved into thinking salvation means just be a heckin nice and good person, but like you said, an infidel doesn't know the meaning of the Good.