The idea of the creator of the universe demanding praise from his creation is absurd.
>>17430297I'm going to change a few pixels in all my future posts just to get past your filter anon
>>17430412less work for me than it's for you :^)
>>17430424Not if I write a python script to randomly change pixels
>>17430438click the v thingfilter image MD5
>>17430446run script on image folderpay indian 10ยข to solve captcha
>>17430455>>17430446>>17430438>>17430424>>17430412>>17430297What are you autistics talking about? This is a thread about God
>"demands" praise>gives his creation the freedom not to praise himHMMM REALLY MAKES U THINK HEHEHEHEH HAHAHAH HOHOHOHO
>>17430465Filtering jacks and extremely low quality shitpost-enabling images
>>17430475Force by coercion is still wrong.
>>17430516>coercionWhat's the coercion?I don't believe in fire and brimstone hell.
>>17430528>I don't believe in the New Testament
>>17430528>if i make up my own christianity i can win any argumentboring
Sure buddy.
>>17430293Show where he demands praises?