Was Kulak resistance to collectivization to blame for the Holodomor?
>>17425213If collectivization never happened, the farmers would've had no need to destroy their crops and cull their herds
>>17425213It wasn’t really resistance to collectivization. It was a resistance to being returned to serfdom. Labor without compensation, having your property stolen from you, getting moved about like livestock, and so on.
>>17427182>>17427244So you admit it's true then.
>>17427441What right does the government have to steal private property?
>>17428126What right do you have to hoard it?
>>17428126Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I'm 5'7 with a 5'5 wingspan and I weigh about 130 pounds. I have a few cents to my name. Let's see if (You) deserve what's in your wallet. Bring the deed to your estate too, pussy. Oh wait - you don't have one either, you fucking retard. Whatever, we need less useless eaters anyways.
>>17425213>moskals: we're going to take your land, your food, and your lives>peasants: no>2025 tankie trust fund kids: we're gonna represent you as top hat wearing fatcats who starved themselves as a joke or somethingcommie apologist historiography is hard to follow sometimes, you reduce the one area of the russian empire where poor people were actually allowed to own the land they worked to serfdom and that's somehow a noble cause
Crop burning was a rare event and Ukraine would need to burn millions of tons of grain in order to starve itself. The famine was due to soviet quotas and "red trains" emptying granaries leaving peasants with nothing. Ironically communists were worse than the most avaricious landlords.https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/JCS/article/viewFile/14623/15692Ukraine grain production 1932: 18.3 million tonnesUkraine grain quota: 6.2mthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_All-Union_Census_of_the_Soviet_UnionUkrainian SSR: 29,018,187Ukraine was left with 289kg per person per year in 1932. Famine rations are typically 150 to 200 kg a year, in theory this was enough, however in the real world it is never that simple. From 1929 the proportion of the rural population in collective farms rose from around 2% to over 50% leading to massive inefficiency and waste, "40 per cent was lost during the harvest due to the breakdown of machinery and the muddled transportation system", further it is unlikely the grain would be distributed evenly. Factor this in and we get a figure of 88kg in 1932, and this is just an average, so many were getting less.
>>17428297I don't have to bring anything. All I gotta do is bring a gun lol>>17428270>robbery is morally goodThen why cry when you get robbed by niggers?
>>17428533>I don't have to bring anything. All I gotta do is bring a gun lolGood. Make it fair.
>>17428535>fairLol you are cute thinking life is fair
>>17428270It is mine you retard.
>>17428585That's weird why do you need other people to do the work for you on it then?
>>17425213Yes, the USSR identified the kulaks as an enemy class and expunged them, then the country industrialized and living standards skyrocketed.
>>17428270He grew it?
>>17428596I don't fucktard
>>17428270I own 1 laptop, why should I let any random nigger off the street to use my laptop?
>>17428633Do you necessarily need to exploit the labor of others to profit from your laptop like a Kulak would need peasants to work his fields or a capitalist would need workers to run his factory?
>>17428551jej i'm literally inviting you to come to my place of residence so we may settle our differences in person
>>17428642I use it for recreation. Private property to you doesn't exist remember so it should be used by everyone. Why?
>>17429437While communists are retarded, they do tend to make the distinction between private property-that which is used for the large scale production of physical goods (like a factory or wheat field) and personal property (just about everything else). There are enough good arguments against communism that you don’t need to rely on retarded ones like “why should other people get to use my laptop?”
>>17429663Private property vs personal property has always been a lie.What is "personal" today can be decided to be "private" tomorrow.
>>17425213>>17427441>>17428270>>17428357Replace Kulak with Jew.
>>17429663Just ignore Cambodia and Vietnam and China huh? Where peoples personal belongings were taken from them.
>>17425213lmao, that's what I call 2d cheese
>>17427441Indeed. Given the fact that contemporary Russians were only a few generations removed from institutional serfdom, it's not too hard to understand why many decided that death was preferable to a lifetime of servitude.What ended up happening in the USSR anyway? Exactly what the kulaks feared would happen. A return to serfdom and the virtual nonexistence of property rights.
>>17429826>poor kulaks didn't want to return to "serfdom">Not their literal serf rent slaves though, they don't count.
>>17429947They could just move somewhere else to work. They didn't force them to stay like American chattle slavery
>>17429947>Kulak was the term which was used to describe peasants who owned over 3 ha (8 acres) of landhow many literal serf rent slaves were they cramming into their 8 acres? those dirty aristocrats
>>17427244Yeah just don't collectivize, and remain a backward agrarian shithole for more decades, being the perfect target for the Nazis to swallow as lebensraum.Every industrialized society went through a period of forced "collectivization" as in a transition from 95% of society being farmers to most being industrial/urban workers. In the Western empires, this was done slowly and "unforced' if forced just means by the direction of the state. As if "market conditions" forced you into sending off all your surplus children to be slaves in the new city, bankruptcy and your land ve9ng seized by a bank to be sold to a modern latifundia is supposed to a more "natural" and therefore "better" means.The industrialization of Japan is every western lie about the USSR times 10, but the trannoid westerner ignores them...
>>17425213Kinda funny that it was a Ukrainian that morebor less started the Holodomor with his Commie, autism science