under what historical pretexts did millennials grow up to post stuff like this online?
>>17436648This is the culmination of 100 years worth of liberal leftism, which ultimately failed at everything except being the golems of neoliberalism.
None of those memes became popular, except maybe Jordan Peele and weed which is a boomer meme. White millennials were played, in the 00s they were one of the dorkiest generations concerned mostly with education and their careers, then the housing bubble ruined their prospects so they took to the streets and the establishment doubled down on identity politics which completely superseded them, every divisive diversity issue they could think of, BLM, feminism, LGBTQBBQ+√-1 was released at once.This is the problem with socialism and maybe liberalism too, they open their doors to everyone who gives them lip service and convince themselves it is a revolution, but soon the newcomers take charge and reveal they never gave a shit to begin with, they just wanted the wealth and high trust communities your people built, and they are not going to adopt the ideals that made it possible, rather act as though they have been wronged because you did not share it sooner or share enough.