How exactly is he the bad guy again? GDT's Hellboy is juvenile, impulsive, and rude, whereas this guy has pretty reasonable and mature motivation for his actions (saving his people). Why am I supposed to root against him?
He wanted genocide
>>206066072of whom?
>>206065980wanted to fuck his sister
>>206066189non fairies
>>206066330It's a fruity fruit world.
>>206065980>you're supposed to be happy your race is going extinct goy! Movie ends with literal race-mixing, too.
Because he's a fucking hypocritical retard who did dick all for thousands of years and wasted his last few days grandstanding, getting his allies and minions killed for no reason, nearly ending himself and his bloodline through retarded bluffs of holding his sister hostage which work then finally dying. His cause would be sympathetic if he weren't such a moron,
>>206065980He was a genuinely sympathetic villain.