i was homeschooled as a kid which was actually just me being locked in a house for 10 years. luckily i am a psychopath so im not retarded or socially inept. but it doesn’t matter how many girls i fuck or how many fake adult friends i make. theres a deep hole inside of my that’s beginning to fill with anger. i cant escape the fact that i was alone for a decade with absolutely zero friends or the fact that i missed out on simple teenage lifei have no empathy now. and i am incapable of love. i get extremely angry when im with a girl and get the urge to bash her head in. same with “friends”.i watched some teen movie the other day and almost snapped. my mind is constantly plagued by an image of my child and adolescent self performing on a stage in an all black room with an audience of me. while wearing mime makeup a stage light above them and myself. despite the audience being empty theres still clapping and laughing as they sing money tree by patience and prudence on repeat. im 20 . i know im still young but.i was robbed of my humanity
>>32596533It's not that bad. It sounds great but it's rather similar to being an adult. And 20? Yeah, you're still fairly young. Date an 18-year-old or something and live some of it idk. If only psychopaths could take some sort of health supplement to restore their damaged brain.
>>32596533>How to get over having Noo friends as a child/teen and being isolated from the world?I didn't read the rest, focus on something else. Also don't type shit like whatever you posted.
>>32596533hey man, exact same upbringing and problem I'm dealing with here. no solutions at the moment but life is good so I try to focus on the bright things.
Hide your life in G-d and live for Him.Forgive your guardians; hold them not guilty of the ill hand you experienced. Feel the anger, let it wash over the self, let it pass, “breathe” out, the feeling passes with the breath. Go live many wonderful things, your Creator still made you for a purpose that discovering will be Fantastically Fulfilling! Your good future (<—that’s a statement of Faith.) is not wrapped up in your past. But it is waiting to be unwrapped. Have Faith. Move forward. Your can much more likely find genuine people and thus friends outdoors through nature activities like climbing, hiking etc. Don’t look at cities for those people. Community is important.