I'm 20, have crippling self-confidence issues and cannot talk to people without freezing up and stuttering due to believing that they are always looking down on me. I was bullied all through school so there have been times where I have been viewed as a retard and I hated it so much it has permanently changed the way I interact. I wasn't like this as a kid. I fear others opinions too much and I fear others viewing me like a spastic or like someone like Chris Chan where they've got no social awareness, which in turn makes me clam up and embarass myself because I'm so shy. It's a vicious cycle.I have tried countless confidence building techniques and therapy but to no avail, is there any way I can get rid of this. Or, maybe I am the tard I fear myself to be, and I just have to accept that?
>>32591906You should go on a magical subterranean journey. I didnt have self confidence forever but i started going to subterranean spaces. It gave me confidence that i could find these places and execute a plan to go to them. I think it shows you what you can do. Be safe though.
>>32591920This is a serious answer by the way
>>32591906sounds like psychology rationalization. you're not being awkward due to bullying ptsd. you're being awkward and socially unsuccessful for the same reasons you were bullied back in school. you need to take responsibility for your flaws before any progress is to be made.
>>32591920>>32591924Sorry but I have no idea what that means.>>32591942The bullying started because I was already closing in on myself, sorry should've mentioned that in the OP. My mom actually has BPD and a lot of other issues and she'd make me feel pathetic in the same way the bullying did before it happened. I started losing confidence because she'd flip and start attacking me over everything, and that eventually bled into my school life and made me a target. I'm not trying to solely blame her but she is responsible for a lot of the problems I've had through life.
>>32592091Find underground spaces like caves or drains or tunnels. It takes alot to find and goto. It gave me a great amount of self confidence and a sense of purpose. I think modern society lacks this sense of exploration and adventure. I think if you can find and explore these places you can gain natural confidence from this. Like down there no ones looking at you and your the man because you eventually will learn these places and you will have confidence in them. There might also be people there who wont judge or look at you wierd. Not taking about homeless people but others who goto these places. This is sort of only applicable if you live in a big city though.
>>32591906"Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" - Nathaniel Branden"Reframe Your Brain" - Scott Adams"The Power of Positive Thinking" - Norman Vincent Peale"Think Big" - Donald Trump
>>32591906"How To Win Friends and Influence People" -Dale Carnegie
you need to expose yourself to situations where your negative ideas and thoughts get disproven. get a job where you interact with lots of strangers. it sucks at first but it's worth it
>>32595768I am/was on the same boat as he isMy advice is try not to get a job full of people your age, it can make your condition worse.For me personally I have became asocial since the pandemic. The only thing I want is a wife, idc about the rest.
>>32595768>get a job where you interact with lots of strangers.not OP but i tried this for a few weeks for my first job at age 18, and it went so badly my boss moved me to the back, away from customers. i pushed myself out of my comfort zone and really tried, and i failed. i haven't had a public-facing job since then, and never will. never subjecting myself to that sheer distress ever again.
>>32595768>>32595863Thanks but I did do this and it went just like >>32596410. I got a job in a retail store and then one working in a cafe plus trying to talk to my classmates but I failed tremendously.
>>32591920Caves are nice, though i prefer going up to going down. Any very high risk activity or a near death experience will help a lot
>>32596905i've never seen a solution for when you're crippled by negative thoughts about yourself, and those negative thoughts are all actually correct
>>32597636I wish I could believe that but if it was true, I’d have never been a target in the first place. When I began to close in on myself there were others who stayed alone and didn’t talk too but something about me made people choose me as a target without me even saying anything. A girl in my class would show me Snapchat videos an older boy she knew sent of me saying stuff like ‘look at this austistic kid’. There must be something extremely autistic or spergy about me, the way I present or my body language and that makes me below others.