I failed last weekend when a girl i took on a date told me she was on her period and didn't want sex. I took her to my place anyway and we just slept together (literally, as in no sex) and then never heard from her again. Did she want me to fuck her anyway? Im not sure if im mixing cause and effect. She seemed to sort of tune out when we were on the way to my place. Her opinion of me might have changed.I only care because it's not the first time i had this situation happen.and i never can figure out if i should have tried to have sex or they were using me for a feel good night
>>32597872Don't even worry about.
You took a girl back to your place to do what? I don't understand. Was she homeless or just visiting the city with no hotel? Wtf are you doing?
>>32597879Why not, i don't know. Wanted her to suck my dick maybe but didn't happen
>>32597879They are whores even when they don't whore out
>>32597881You wanted her to suck your dick but did nothing to make that happen? Wtf are you talking about? You took this bitch to your house and tucked her into bed. But you don't understand why she doesn't want to talk to you? lol.
The ol' dolmio grin situationdiving into a bloody axe wound can be intimidating
>>32597872There are two possibilities here. The first is that you took a girl back to your place on a first date, which is not a great look. Makes it look like you want sex on a first date, which is trashy and shows you just want sex and aren't interests in her as a person.The second is she just doesnt like you.
>>32597889No i really don't get it. So she can somehow read my mind and wanted to suck my dick? I touched her but she went to sleep after a bit>>32598136I asked her to my place she said she can't have sex. Then she asked to go to my place anyway
>>32598136>>32598549Or third, she was actually on her rag and is in that hormonal bitchy insecure stonewall phase that women go through on the tale end of her period and doesn't want to talk. Probably a bit embarrassed too about the whole thing if she was actually a decent woman.Give her a few days. If she is still distant afterwards then drop her and move on.
>>32600198You sound irrationally upset about this.
>>32600312no u
>>32600312I'm always irrationally upset.
>>32597872Honestly I’ve ghosted after situations similar to this (minus the actually sleeping over at someone’s place part, I usually leave even if very late), and it was usually because I could tell the guy probably wanted sex or at least I assumed, and I am too much of an awkward virgin to even consider doing it with someone I didn’t know for a while who isn’t a bf. She may have just not liked you/the date that way, or also pulled back when she thought you were speedrunning sex by inviting her back to your place.
>>32597872>girl i took on a date told me she was on her period and didn't want sex.This has happened to me. She slept at my place too. End result is that she was impressed that we could sleep in the same bed and I didn't try to feel her up. We stayed together for 3.5 years. Best sex I'd ever had.
>>32597872It was a shit test. You failed.Women rarely mean what they say. If she wasn't open to sex she would've wanted to go home. Instead, she agreed to go to your place, and even slept in your fucking bed. She wanted to see what you'd do and you did nothing, so you got nothing.
>>32602029Idk i rubbed my hard cock against her and she still fell asleep. Sounds like she failed my shit test then lol
>>32602048That might be why she got mad at you lol
>>32602048>Idk i rubbed my hard cock against her and she still fell asleep. Sounds like she failed my shit test then lolYet your OP is complaining about how you didn't get to fuck her. Sounds like you're in denial about being a coward and not making a real move. Women rarely initiate anything; they often operate like traffic lights, meaning they give out signals and passively tell you what to do. If you "rubbed your hard cock against her" as you claim, she's most likely wondering "Ok why isn't he going any further?" Your escalation of sexual tension sounds terrible, and you're clearly inept at reading women. Bottom line is:-She agreed to a date with you-She agreed to go home with you-She agreed to SLEEP IN THE SAME FUCKING BED as youSpoken words are deafened by screaming body language. You did nothing, you get nothing.
>>32602048Ok you’re a freak I think this is why she ghosted
>>32602100> Women rarely initiate anythingMaybe not with you!
>>32602143Yes, of course women initiate more with men they're really attracted to. It was a generalization.
>>32602174The point is: rubbing your dick against a lady is not the proper way to escalate to sex. It’s creep shit and is exactly why she’s not texting OP back. The right thing to do here is reconfirm “you want to sleep here and not hook up?” And if she says yes you either let her or send her home.
>>32601647fuck you whore piece of shit get off this website
>>32602387Virgin… whore…?
>>32602387Take a walk, take deep breaths, something kek
>>32598549You're just proving my point. You invited her to your place and she immediately said she didn't want to have sex. She wasn't on her period. It was a first date and she knew that you weren't interested in her and you just wanted to screw her. She was afraid to leave because you'd either trash her reputation or get angry. So she went with you anyway.
>>32602088>>32602100>>32602138You guys are so schizophrenic. I should have fucked her but then say she ghosted because i tried? What is it? Lmao. Should have noted we were in bed together and i was grabbing her ass and she was kissing me
>>32602570Bro i asked if she wanted to come over to my place for sex she said she couldn't have sex i said ok. Then she said she wanted to sleep at mine anyway and pushed for it. Whether she told the truth or not i don't know or care anymore. I think she just wanted my attention and nothing more
>>32603774It's like you didn't even read my post.
>>32603778No YOU didn't read mine. SHE grabbed my cock in bed and then she position her ass on my cock you dumb virgin have you ever left the house
>>32604746I'm sorry that you've gotten so upset. You should probably not insult people when you're on an anime website asking for advice as to why a girl didn't sleep with you.
>>32603767Trying to psychoanalyze why she ghosted is a waste of time. It gains you nothing. Who the fuck knows, OP. People are weird and scared of intimacy and picky and completely mind-captured by a culture of instant gratification and serial dating. She's gone. Move on.
>>32602048Hahaha there it is. Indecisive, didn't commit to being respectful but also didn'ttake her like a chad would. Not surprised you git ghisted
>>32603767You failing to supply details doesnt mean we are schizophrenic, you moron. We just disagree>Should have noted we were in bed together and i was grabbing her ass and she was kissing meThis is obviously different than what you said earlier which was understood as “i rubbed my cock on her while she was trying to sleep”
>>32601647Ghosting is such a cowardly way to deal with people At least give an explanation or say something >>32602387Relax bro