My apartment has a roach and mouse problem. Even though I keep it clean nothing works because the whole building is in bad shape. I can't have people over because it might be embarrassing even though it's not my fault. What should I do?
>>32602820Never had to deal with mice. But rodents in general are a real pain because they breed like a motherfucker, shit everywhere, and chew wires and pipes n shit. Fucking Squirrels.What kind of roaches?
>>32602902>CockroachesGod you're a piece of shit. Big ones or small ones?If its german roaches (the small ones) they can be a real fucking pain. That's my guess since they're indoors. My building has an infestation that I had been dealing with myself. Use advion roach. It's a bait and killer. Fucks up their endocrine system so they can't breed. Life saving shit man. They were breeding in my apartment. Like 20 on the walls near the cat food and a brood in the coffee cup one morning. Fuck those things. So glad they're gone.If you got big ones like the American roach or Texas tree roach they're primarily an outdoor pest. idk if advion roach will work.
>>32602918>God you're a piece of shit????? You know that it's not me who caused them right?
>>32603080You're the piece of shit who answered a simple and necessary question in the most microsoft way possible.
>>32602820You are right. If one apartment has them, then all do. The obligation is the landlord's. If he won't do anything, report him to the Health Department of your town or city. He is obliged by law to fix this.
>>32603080if you keep your place clean they will starve... They're there bc someone is filthy. They eat shit off of plates. Also get a cat or some cats. They will gradually kill all the rats and I have one cat that loved killing roaches too. Cleaned my whole house out not kidding. Loved eating roaches now I don't have any roaches. Great cat but you probably won't get one as good as him. You will need a pregnant cat befriend it and put it somewhere close. Let it come inside through a cat flap and it will love you and bust out it's litter in your living room. The mother cat will kill the rats and the kittens will hunt the roaches. That's what happened in my apartment anyways.