How do I stop wanting to be a woman? Sometimes when I see a girl I feel intense pain because I feel like my life would be so much better if I was her. Everything I want could be achieved so easily if I was a woman, they get so much free attention online and can market their projects so easily.
>>32592444You'll just get older, and it'll be harder to be a woman because you'll never actually be able to grow a real womb and develop real female breasts. So might as well Viking and survival max and try to settle down and have kids.
>>32592444You'd be getting pumped and dumped by chad
>>32592454Gay. Hopefully I would be a lesbian
>>32592444> How do I stop wanting to be a woman?Transition
>>32592541That would just make me a freak
>>32592444Women are stupid and gay.White men created the world and everything and are the most awesome thing that has ever existed.
>>32592611That doesn't help me much in 2025
1) Reduce your media consumption. If you really think it's better to be a woman right now, you're stuck in a thought-loop of comparing yourself to others and thinking you don't measure up. Social media bombards us with images of people that have what we want, so you're just seeing more of what you're jealous of. That shit is NOT helping you right now, bro. 2) Do some self reflection. You haven't said what the "everything you want" is, but if it's fame, money, or a relationship, it won't solve your problem. Is this everything-you-want actually valuable, is there a real achievable goal you're pursuing, or just something to chase to feel better? You can't fill the hole in your life by adding some X, Y, or Z thing to your life, you need something that will give you real meaning. And "being a woman" wouldn't improve your situation, it'd just add a new layer to deal with. Trying to add "womanhood" to yourself is just another shallow thing to chase on top of what you're experiencing, only it would require expensive drugs, which you don't need. 3) Get more dude friends, or go to church. You need other guys to encourage you to live your life well and pursue the right things. All guys need good male role models, and having more sane voices in your life will help curb your negative thoughts.
>>32592667You're gay too, dumb faggot.Why would anyone want to be a stupid woman?What are you gonna do, nag and whine and gossip all day?You wouldn't even be able to lift your own body weight.Do you want to be a woman and major in stupid useless shit and then get a job in sucking ass and contributing nothing of value to anyone.Or you could ruin young men's lives by divorcing or show your ass hole online for gibs.Wouldn't you rather be someone of actual real value and not some woman that gets everything given to her because she's frail and stupid and immoral?
>>32592444What do you think make up and high heels and lipstick is?It's all a big fuckin lie.Women are not heroes like men are.Wouldn't you rather be a hero?
>>32592444Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,From this day to the ending of the world,But we in it shall be rememberèd;We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
>>32592696>You can't fill the hole in your life by adding some X, Y, or Z thing to your life, you need something that will give you real meaning.I might not know what 'real meaning' is. I guess I do want fame, I want people to pay attention to my creations. Plus my dream job of being a published writer is dominated by women.
>>32592835I also just love the aura of women, a beautiful woman is showered with love and adoration. I wish for that so bad, as someone who has never been loved or valued by anyone or anything other than my mother
>>32592866>a beautiful woman is showered with love and adoration.Yeah, from MEN.You're wishing to be showered with love and adoration from MEN, you faggot.
>>32592891Better than nothing
>>32592444Spoken like a true shut-in misogynist.
>>32593125I'm not a misogynist, there are things that are easier for men and easier for women. It's just that the things that are easier for women align with what I want out of life.
>>32592444This is obviously a sign of gender dysphoria. I'm sorry, but you're trans. It's destined to be. Transition now while you're young>>32592583Not if you put in effort. You could look really pretty, just like the Stacies you admire
>>32592444> my life would be so much betterI can tell just from this that you do it really want to be a woman. You just want to be more attractive, either because you don’t find your current self attractive or because you just want to be lazy.People who transition seem to fall into two categories. Either they can’t quite make it and they end up living as an ugly woman or they invest an extraordinary amount of effort to maintain their looks. In either case, you will just be miserable in the end.
>>32594784lmao those warp fails on the left pic
>>32592449Time to settle down