>be me>american>forced to deal with the medical system>have to see a [specialist redacted]>"oh, there are lots of [specialist redacted] in your area. you'll get an appointment no problem.">call to set up an appointment>"yeah, no. all of the [specialist redacted] in your area aren't taking new patients. the closest one is 35+ miles away. here's your appointment - it's in [around 8 months].">months go by...>out of the blue earlier today...>"hi, we have an opening for [in less than 20 hours]. are you available then?">"no, bitch, i work for a living. i can't just drop everything on a dime and go 35+ miles one way to a place that i've never been before for a [specialist redacted] since you guys keep jerking me around. i don't have a lot of mobility and it takes time to get a ride, especially that far away. go fuck yourself and see you in [less than 6 months]."how does one tolerate the american health care system without pulling a luigi?
>>32600296You have to make money to get treated with respect. It may improve once Trump ships out all the leeches lurching the system.
>>32600296I feel the same way. I have tinnitus that appeared around a month ago and I've had a similar experience. Most if not all doctors aren't available outside 9-5 (how the fuck are people visiting them if most people are working?) and I never have any sort of straight answer from them on any medical issues.Particularly I've noticed they love to push you off to different doctors and other places just to see how little effort each one can put in and how much money they can squeeze out of you.If I ever have a major surgery or something like that which I'll have to schedule, I'm just going to go to Costa Rica or some other place to get it. It's like 2/3rds cheaper and in some cases the care is even higher quality than in the US.For tinnitus though it's a real bitch because there are like 200 different potential causes and nobody seems to know the answer, and the only possible solutions are either experimental or not well distributed. I will likely have to go to Ireland to get the device I need to treat it (Lenire) but that's a long way off. I still haven't even been to an audiologist or ENT yet *just general practitioners) because they refuse to give me a referral (because my insurance demands I need a referral to go to a specialist).Fuck this rigged system.