I’m an Alcoholic but too cheap to buy Alcohol. Exclusively drink at corporate events. I work in finance and our office always has after work events where we drink and the company pays for the beers. About two out of every three weeks, I stay back with them and have beers, usually just two or three beers, which is what most people have but sometimes I go extra if we stay late and I have like five or six. Is this sustainable? I haven’t spent money on alcohol in many months because I’m too cheap but I’m also an alcohol addict so I can’t quit. It’s a weird conundrum.What should I do? Should I lighten up and spend some more money or should I try and quit alcohol entire?
It sounds like you’re managing a balance between addiction and frugality, but the key issue is the addiction itself. Relying on alcohol, even at work events, still keeps you in a cycle. While not spending money on it helps, it doesn’t address the root problem. If you feel it's unsustainable, seeking professional help could give you better control and healthier options, rather than just managing through corporate events.
Alcoholism is alcohol dependency. That is, you cannot function any part of your day, without consuming alcohol. You wake up, you need to drink. You brush you teeth, you need to be lit. Your breakfast, that's more alcohol. Going to a work event once a month and having a couple of beers socially is not remotely related. Having a 2 or 3 beers isn't even binge drinking. It's nothing.
>>32604744Yeah, but when I do drink, I get this euphoric feeling. I also sometimes have five or six beers in a night.Also, according to the definition, alcoholism is if you have more than two drinks a week.
>>32604706>I’m an Alcoholic but too cheap to buy Alcohol.You're obviously not that bad of an alcoholic then. Moot thread. Come back when you're limping to the liquor store with your fucked up leg buying booze with nickles. Or waiting outside the 7/11 for it to turn 8am so they unlock the liquor fridge to buy 2 cans of steel reserve.
>>32604756>> when I do drink, I get this euphoric feelingSo you get tipsy or drunk. Drinking alcohol will do that to you. It doesn't have anything to do with alcoholism you fucking retard. >> Also, according to the definition, alcoholism is if you have more than two drinks a week.No. It isn't. healthdirect.gov.au/alcoholismmayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alcohol-use-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20369243This is ridiculously lazy bait. You've never consumed alcohol in your life have you.
>>32604948>Or waiting outside the 7/11 for it to turn 8am so they unlock the liquor fridge to buy 2 cans of steel reserve.Kek literally meSeriously anon, don't do it if you think you're going overboard