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how do I survive as a black girl in a world that hates me and thinks I’m ugly?

Seriously, I’m inundated with posts like these and I see it everywhere, including irl. It’s so painful and it’s really impacting my mental health.
How do I get through life without wanting to die?
There’s no answer. You just ignore reality because that’s the only way. Just bury your head in the sand.
Idk I’m sorry girl. A lot of people are racists and mean but a lot aren’t. You have to find the safe ones
>a vocal minority of legbeards and incels on twitter constitutes "reality"
OP, you're fine.
I saw this too and it did get like 125k likes which is a huge amount on x. It’s not like it’s an uncommon opinion.
It’s white guys posting this. You’re a minority so sorry you’re not the pinnacle of general beauty. Go be friends with other black people.
In fairness White guys don’t post this about other groups of girls though
Always the victim when you fall into two protected classes. Thank the heavens that you are not a straight white male. Plenty of guys will fuck you but you want to reject all of them. Sad.
plenty of guys find black girls hot lmao
Imagine if you were a bald man, then. You'd implode.

A significant number of man either don't care about skin color or actively like black girls. Is it the majority? Maybe not, but enough that you won't fail to find someone. And if skin color wasn't the issue I'm sure you'd find some other insecurity to latch on to.
If you think people on this website or frogposters reflect what normal people think than you are mentally fucked. I like black girls myself but it sounds like you have some inferiority complex.
I also get a lot of hate for my race but it's mostly online. These people are losers or have some kind of mental illness. You should ignore them. They are hardly a functioning human being.
Go fucking kill yourself, literally no women of any race will date me
Mi negra don't you worry so much.
Date black men, like me.
Oh wait, black women don't date black men anymore.
Welp. I'm fucked then.
i'm always shocked like, black people exist? theres black people on 4chan? lol
Yeah, we exist on this site.
I mostly lurk /v/, /r9k/, /co/, and /adv/. Not sure about black girls though.
Bait. Ignore.
Yall are mean af though.
Bait for what exactly? Are you shocked black people exist?
Not all of us. Some of us are cool :))
pic is just about preference.
If you look like the black girl in the pic then you are beautiful.
If you look ugly then you are ugly.
It's simple.
>muh racism
probably like 3/4 of white guys would fuck the black girl in the pic.
Just don't act like an asshole (hard to do for a woman and for some minorities) and you'll be adored by most
if you look like the black girl in that picture you'll have no problem getting any dude tho
have you tried not being black? have you considered men of your own race?
They want white girls.
Move through life with confidance, poise and good morals; thats it. People suck and humans will always be divided by things out of their control. You will always face unjust adversity but that doesn't define you, what does is how you act in spite of that. Be someone you're proud to be and the rest comes easy.
Like who likes you
No we don't.
We are anonymous
Don’t internalize this. It looks designed to bait. Everyone likes hot black chicks
100k bot likes
Stop going online, retard
It's all brainrot
I have never seen a meme like this in my life. The algo is simply feeding you content you respond to or you respond to content that people that respond to this content respond to.
Bill Burr's wife is a black chick and he's the closest democrat to being alt-right. I think it's largely to do with his hometown and industry connections that keeps him blue.
Nia is great, I loved when she used to go on his podcast consistently. They have such a great report.
Not everyone is like that despite it seeming like that
But the truth is that the world is a fucked up place filled with suffering and evilness
The average black has a better sense of humour than the average white. Especially white liberal. Not surprised their here
Also, I forgot to mention I'm trans if that matters. Would it help if I shaved my beard?
As always beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
I think candace owens is one the most beautiful women there is, and everyone hates her.
But i think Lizzo is one of the most revolting creatures there is but everyone thinks she is gorgeous.
Black Female White Male has the lowest divorce rate
Pepe posters on twitter are neet types who get off on trolling. From my experience, most black women do fine when they're not fucking obese (unfortunatley, black women are the most obese demographic in the USA). If you genuinely struggle to have anyone find you attractive and you aren't fat/deformed, then you're just ugly and I doubt it's because you are black
Typical/pol/, so much yapping yet nothing is ever really said.
No one thinks lizzo is gorgeous, they just like her music. Candace never gets credit for being fine
I hope to see more of these relationships in the future. They are so elite. BFAM is also elite but extremely rare
Stop interacting with these posts. I guarantee you’re interacting with them and then wasting your time wallowing in self pity. Yeah there are lots of trash people with garbage beliefs about the world but there are good ones too.
Life is unfair and yes you deserve to be treated better but you can’t force people to change. You have to focus on who appreciates you.

Again, I acknowledge it’s unfair and you black girls are playing life on hard mode. I know it’s easier said than done but it’s definitely possible.
Black women always put on this obnoxiously innocent trad act around white men and its extremely fake and offputting. They act interested at first and then appalled at my normal behavior and call me a thirsty creep but white, asian and latina women often think that I'm charming like an indie movie or anime protagonist
I’ve noticed this actually. I don’t think black women are used to the attention from non black men. They are socialized very differently than other cultures (mostly due to their men being fuck ups so they have to be both feminine and masculine to compensate). They just don’t know, go easy on them and they’ll open up to you.
You’re crazy
People are racist. Accept it and move forward. Just stay skinny.
grow up. and you will eventually realise how much worse things could be and stop caring about this "poor me" shit
That’s pretty unhelpful. Theres nothing poor me” about being hurt over people consistently speaking negatively about your race.
racemixing is wrong if you were born a sheboon your dating options are other apes, simple as
I would hate to be a black girl. People are so mean to you all the time.
Read a book and find something more interesting that you may care about instead of your looks.
You have to fix your algorithm. I’ve seen some hot black chicks out there
So I know they exist. I do have to defend my attraction to them though which I’ve always thought was weird. An unspoken truth is that men want to impress their friends and black girls have a bad reputation. It would be like trying to impress your friends with a Honda. Hondas are great but they aren’t a Mercedez.
The Honda could objectively be the better vehicle but it’s still not a Mercedez.
It’s all about the label so don’t take it personally. You could ge objectively hot but it still wouldn’t be enough. I’m sorry.
I see short men in relationships with attractive women all the time. If they can do it so can you. Being a black girl is like being a short man and being a white girl is like being a man over 6 feet. So you can still find love but you have to have other qualities to make up for it.

It definitely sucks to be a black girl just like if sucks to be a short guy but the least attractive thing both these groups can do is develop a bad attitude.
There’s no way this is accurate. Is this really true? Men make it so hard not to hate them
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Go live and fraternise with your own kind?
Just be like Tika Sumpter
People value status, men and women alike.
Shocker I know.
You look at women like vehicles based on their race? Honest question
I think that’s only true of jeers, blacks and pardos. White men can’t truly lose status based on who their girl is. They just raise the girls status realistically. White men are the elite
Men are simple it’s true. I’m not sure how truthful this, maybe for high status men but not the average. Definitely not the average.
It was an analogy you dolt lmao
you sound american. you are not real people. you are just memes. racism is funny. that is why these memes are popular. nothing wrong with it. don't take it personally.
that's probably because asian women as a general rule tend to be more attractive than black women.
but i had a black female coworker who was really fucking beautiful. and really dark black. also very charismatic and likable, fun to be around and talk to. she was the hottest chick around in every surface level aspect. everyone loved her. and she knew it. but regarding work she was just fucking horribly lazy and careless and left a mess for others to clean up after her. so she was a bitch, just not on the surface, she seemed so nice and so on. but she was a really uncaring bitch.
Dont worry
we secretely hate white women too
Sounds like she was just not a great worker. Doesn’t means she was a bitch.. damn.
You have a hard time understanding empathy where you’re from or something? The fuck is wrong with you? It’s hurtful
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>But but but le heckin LIKES!!!!

The next time you see this shit and feel down, take that number and divide it by the population of the US (over 300 million at the time of writing this). That should give you a rough idea of how insignificant internet shit truly is. You're not only American, you're a dumb fuck American.
Nonsense. I want my kids to look like me, that's all. I care about what my friends think only to the extent of them giving grounded, well-intentioned advice that I know applies to me.

>White men can’t truly lose status based on who their girl is
Massive cope
OP i'm guess you're not a virgin and several men in your past has slid their dicks inside you?

If so then you're not some unfuckable globin black skin or not be damned. Yes you face an up hill battle compared to your white or Latina friends when it comes to landing a 'hot' guy. But you can easily land a average guy to fuck on a friday night despite him not being your type so quit bitching.
yes, she was an arrogant careless bitch, with no empathy for her coworkers who had to carry the load.
the only appropriate response here is: no u
you are probably the same kind of arrogant bitch as described above.
I'm from eastern eu and been really wanting to have sex with a black girl, i have constantly recurring thoughts about that, Probably not what you wanna read at all but hope it lights you up even a bit lol
Just stick with your own kind. Also the internet is meant to make you feel bad. Liberals created it and they love destroying mental health. Just stay off it.
"Hmm how can I make this about me"
kys faggot
Obviously she's not hated. She has thousands of views every week
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Imagine being mindbroken by twitter, NGMI.
>black girl
ZERO percent chance you are female or black. lmao.
This. Chasing women who don't look deep in your eyes isn't worth a second of your time.
It's rapport brother
She's definitely not ugly, but her facial structure is masculine. I'm not attracted to that.
Out of spite.
Okay, you hate autistic chicks, I get it.
forget abt the ppl who aren't into you and find your niche

t. white guy who likes black girls
there are attractive women in every race, if you are hated and thought to be ugly........ then you're probably ugly. there's nothing you can say or do to change that. all you can do is deal with it and maybe blame your parents for having sex
black girl in the pic is fine and would have no issue finding a good partner. the big thing is to look civilized by straightening your hair, dressing and doing makeup like a high class white girl.

NOBODY likes hood ass black girls with nappy ass hair or weaves or fake lashes, or any of that typical low class hood rat shit.
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All men prefer asian girls the most, then white girls, and then latinas. Black girls rank last, except with black guys. So if you date in your own race then you're fine,
and honestly, this has nothing to do with your race. If you're ugly, you're just ugly. There's no need to play the race card.

I prefer pale skinned, dark haired women. Someone like zooey deschanel or kat dennings. However, one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen in my life is Bengali. She's in he rmid 30s but looks like a 16 year old and she could easily play a disney princess. She has dark skin but it's flawless and her face is sleek and exotic. She's pretty much perfect and makes me wish I had one for myself.

I've had 5 gfs in my life and 3 were asian. One was chinese, one japanese and the last was from Laos. I dated a mexican girl and have had only one white gf and she was by far the least pretty of the bunch. I've never dated a black girl but that's more because I've only ever known one black girl. We flirted with one another but that was it. I've never lived in an area with a large black population. Just the roll of the dice.
one of my best friends is bagladeshi and his wife is black. plenty of people like black women, you just need to not let the faggot cultural norms fuck your confidence.
That data is so old now
>how do I survive as a black girl in a world that hates me and thinks I’m ugly?
Delusional OP = Bait thread
Your graph doesn't cite any sources, and is therefore useless
Foreign opinions are beyond worthless.
There are so many more NIGGERS in the world than there are white people, repatriate to Africa already if you want to be in a primarily black environment and end the "we wuz ('n steel eez, akshually) slaves" LARP already.
Move to a country where that's not the case.
But blacks never do because access to white people is apparently a human rignt now, so just find another black or something idfk.

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