How to cope with no sex? Ever since I was a teenager I had regular sex, I'd say at least once a week. I'm in my 30s now and due to work reasons stuck in the middle of nowhere with no feasible way to get laid (+ my gf is waiting at home and I wouldn't want to cheat). I've been here for 2 months, and I'll need to stay another 2 and it's driving me fucking INSANE. I legit feel like I'm depressed because my dopamin levels are fucked or something like that. Fapping is not a substitute at all. How the fuck do you perma-virgins deal with this shit without freaking out?
>implying incels aren't ALL mentally ill
sex doesn't even make the top 5 list of enjoyable things to do, shit it barely makes it in the top 10. if you're out here geekin over not sticking your dick in a wet hole every other day then you must live a sad, sad life
>>32599552not OP but it's a matter of priorities in general. my life's pretty bitchin by most metrics and I stil crave sex. not mutual masturbation sex but the actual passionate mindblowing sex
>>32599543>Ever since I was a teenager I had regular sexWhat's there to cope about? You got to score prime pussy.None of us ever got any at all. Just be happy you fucked jailbait. Go fuck a hooker you humble bragging cocksucker
>>32599558>i need to make sticking my dick in a wet hole my #1 priority because reasonsyou sound like a boy who just discovered masterbation
>>32599583I don't make it my #1 priority but the experience of that kinda sex is so fulfilling that it's normal to crave it despite life being good. it only becomes a problem when the urge overtakes all other goals you have
>>32599595seems like its a problem to me considering you're geekin out so hard you had to make a thread on 4chan about it you fuckin crackhead ass nigger
>>32599543go elliot rodger mode retard.
>>32599543I coom ofc. More during winter, less during summer because i go outside and am tired.
>>32599608I'm not OP cuz. just say you're incel next time, saves time