everyone here tells me i need to be an 8+/10 but everytime i see a hot woman the dude is always average height, build and face. What do these guys have that gets them the hot girl?
>>32597862Very little. It matters only so far as confirming you're in her league. Beyond that it's irrelevant. What matters most is your masculinity and dominance.
>>32597865What are examples?
>>32597862you find the girl hot because you are straight, she finds him hot because she is straight, hope this clears it up
>>32597866Examples of what?
>>32597862>What do these guys have that gets them the hot girl?A good personality, a job, a car, a life outside the Internet, all of the above?
>>32597922>a good personalitylmao at the faggot who fell for this memewomen would kill for psycopaths. do they have good personality? stop spreading this lie
>>32597922>A good personality, a job, a car, a life outside the Internet, all of the above?I have none of those things and women love me
>>32597926have sex
>>32597931go rope pig. cant debate it because you know its true
>>32597935my dick is bigger than yours
>>32597862They have something that uniquely attracted that girl. Sometimes its religious values.
>>32597862I knew this girl who was a big hoe. Absolutely beautiful, stunning girl. Eventually only the ugly guy would date her.
>>32597862Like teenage boys, teenage girls can't see beyond physical attractiveness. The more a woman matures, the more factors like personality, entertainment , reliabilty, empathy, and character matter.
>>32597862>real talk - how much does attractivness actually matter with women?It matters a lot, same with men. Thing is, women’s definition of ‘attractive’ isn’t the same as ours. This is because men and women are different (obviously). Women consider physical shit, like good looks too, but it’s not high up there in their priorities. Whereas us men make it our highest or second-highest priority at least.>What do these guys have that gets them the hot girl?They have the things that women find most attractive in a man. Those would be:- confidence - reputation- discipline and/or physical strength- financial stability- maturity - kindnessAll of these qualities scratch the female itch. The woman’s itch is: ‘security’. Confidence, real confidence, shows a man gets back up after defeat. It’s not that he needs to never lose, just that he believes in never giving up. Reputation shows that socially he is a trustworthy or at least dependable. Discipline shows he is committed and has the capability to commit, strength shows the woman he can defend and protect, financial stability shows she won’t be dragged into poverty, maturity shows she won’t be misunderstood or her needs neglected, and kindness shows she won’t be abused, that future kids won’t be abused.Women are women - frail, vulnerable, require shelter, resources, social acceptance and warmth. That way building a home and family has a high chance of success and offspring are likely to flourish. This is ingrained into women very deeply, so deeply that it takes priority over physical looks when spotting for men. Think of the woman as a bird looking to nest. The branches are men. It’s nice if the branch is polished and handsome sure, but if it’s brittle and breaks, it’s pointless. A less attractive looking branch that is solid and dependable is much more preferable.That is why you see average - below average men pull physically attractive women.
>>32598467I keep hearing "confidence" but what does this actually mean in normie terms? Is it being proud of liking 40k? Being openly racist?
>>32598485Confidence is what happens when you acknowledge and own your weaknesses but refuse to give up. It’s the long-term form of courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is to be afraid but doing things anyway. People mistake confidence as being someone with no weaknesses or insecurities. Confidence is actually having them, but not allowing it to rule you.
>>32598543i disagree. I've been scared of approaching girls but did it anyway - was that confidence? it cant be since i just got rejected anyway
>>32598467Femanon, 10/10 response.
>>32598551>i disagree. I've been scared of approaching girls but did it anyway - was that confidence?Yes, it was. I’m personally proud of you for that one mate.>it cant be since i just got rejected anywayNow the real test of confidence as a man is to get back up and don’t let rejection keep you down. Also, not every woman will demand confidence as her highest priority. All of the things I listed are an non-ordered collection of traits she’s looking for. Some women priorities one over the other. This is because women are each different from the next woman (obviously). So a woman may be looking for disciplined men, others look for confident men, some look for disciplined + confident, some look just for financially prosperous men, some look for just kind men, some look for kind + confident. So on and so on. That is why it’s important as a man to not take rejection harshly. It just means keep trying. Also, respect yourself too. There are shit and unreasonable women out there, lots of them. Looking for Mr Perfect (He doesn't exist). They are the ones who expect and demand you to have every single trait in you all at once. Avoid those women.
>>32598569thanks king - u a real one
>>32597862The only people who rate people /10 are terminally online men.Your entire approach about "height, build, face, etc." is internet brain rot.No girl or normal guy does this.Just be the best version of yourself that you can and the right person will find you.Intelligence and effort are what women are attracted to.
>>32597862They are normies, full of life and positivity, naive and most importantly they are in close proximity to the women. They didn't have to do anything special, they just happened to be in the same social circle or school/class. One thing the men have in common is they are eugenic, they might not be very handsome but they are above average in ways that you can't tell as a man. It happens at a subconscious level for women, they reject or accept men in their life on a subconscious level.
>>32597862Attractiveness and looks aren't the same thing. Women want attractive qualities in men too. Your build doesn't determine your level of confidence, etc.
>>32598485Not a second guesser. An agent of change in their own life instead of submitting to chance or misfortune. Doesn't get destroyed by the trivialities of life. (eg: turns into a fucking pouty bitch when rejected)
>>32597862This is like running a restaurant and asking 'how much does yumminess matter to customers'. Different people have different preferences and favorites, but some things are objectively gross and some are great. Most people won't starve themselves to death if they don't have access to exclusively gourmet 3-Michellin star food. Most people just consume slop.
>>32597862White suburb girls will choose a fat white guy over a chiseled black guy. Culture ect matters
>>32597926Psychopaths are usually charming and confident, it’s already well established that women enjoy these traits in men. Idk why this is still brought up as a ‘gotcha.’ Most psychopaths aren’t cartoon supervillains or murderers, just people with ASPD
>>32597926>women would kill for psycopaths. do they have good personality?yes? that's literally what defines them, they learn to become charming enough to manipulate people for satisfying their dark urge
>>32598667>. (eg: turns into a fucking pouty bitch when rejected) kanye wests whole life is melting down and being a pouty bitch and women like him
Looks and height are everything, boyo. They're the only things that arouse natural attraction from women. Blue and redpilled cucks will tell you it's about having muscle, being funny and your pErSoNaLiTy, but that's cause they're fags thinking about what makes other men attractive to them.
>What do these guys have that gets them the hot girl?Whatever she's been fantasizing (*shlick*-ing to) for the last few years/months.Reached my peak when the show "You" came out, now it's probably a "Squid Game" chink. Best example I have is pick related, ugliest character/personality on the show imo but in 2010 every other girl dreamed of birthing the Reedus-Feetus™