I am 21Everyday i wake up and stay at my room,running from any big decisions in hopes that an answer will come to me through my own inaction.I feel like a failure, hell, i barelly feel adult.I am too entrenched in my own doubts to take a step forward, i don't even know where to beging sorting myself out.I really envy people who is direct about their lives, that have an objective and even thouh they are not 100% certain about it, they still have a destination set.Is there a book, advice, or any piece of media that could help me with this?
Are you a neet? Want to get out of neetdom?
>>32592224https://1drv.ms/b/c/b8f23360c4da6dc5/ERXDXCQFlUVAv9YzZFiAas4BI4lO2mFQ7QQ11PhNH1GDvg?e=MgN3J9You can try this book if the link works. Get into survival. Find true meaning in life. Acquire land and have children. Good luck.
>>32592236i would love to be a neet, if the shame of disappointing my parents or the desire to of finding some pussy wasn't bigger than it.its just a life that i can't really sustain at the end of the day.
bumping because you're me
>>32592224You're literally me, but I'm 25I have a degree, and a job working from home for about 2 years that pays 16.5 an hour. I have about 40k in savings, which is more than some people I know, however that would run out quick considering I only have it from living at home and having basically no expenses.I feel I've done nothing with my life and I'm really scared. Idk if I have any opportunities left. I'm afraid I'm in a dead end
>>32592224>Is there a book, advice, or any piece of media that could help me with this?Yes. Go to your local library and browse through the self-help section until you find one or two books that speak to you. You can ask a librarian for help.
>>32592224>I barely feel adultyou are barely adult lolif you still live with your parents a healthy goal would be to move out and live on your own.
>>32592224I'm 24. I wish I was 21 again. It's only going to get worse if you do nothing. Pursue a degree. You need structure and sure knowing your true passion would be great but if you haven't figured it out then I suggest moving forward with whatever path you were on during hs. >>32594897you're literally me but I'm 24 and I have no degree and along with my mom I've spent 3 years being a caregiver for my disabled father with no purpose in sight. I let the lockdowns fuck me over. now I'm between a rock and a hard place. go back to college or mom's gonna do something. classes start on the 21st and I still have a hold on my account, which means I don't have any clases set up and I lied to mom when she asked if I had things set up already because didn't want to get remmed by her. you're doing way better than me anon.
>>32594897jesus how do you live that you're worried you'd eat up 40k, with a job. Im 30 and have like 4k, unemployed still trucking along though.
>>32595879>how do you live that you're worried you'd eat up 40k, with a job.Well the way I live currently is that I've spent 2 years basically doing nothing with my life other than working and sitting at home. Having no expenses due to living with parents, the only thing I'd really spend money on is the occasional video game or random shit from a grocery store/restaurant. I only go out like a few times a year to do anything interesting. What lack of friends does.What I want is to actually DO things with my life and get out more. And more importantly I want to quit my job and move on to bigger things, though the privilege of working from home has made it too tempting to stay, despite shit pay. I also want to move out.If I quit my job, moved to the city in an apartment where I'd pay rent and utilities, as well as other adventurous shit I've wanted to do for a while, I'd prob burn through my money fast