Is it too late to turn things around at almost 29? I have no career or degrees, no friends left since I was 23. I have thought about going to community college for respiratory therapy even though I have no idea if I would like it or even do good in school at this point since its been so long since high school. I tried going for electrician when I was 22 but I had a shitty boss and almost got killed a couple of times on the job so I dropped out of that after a year. Other than that I have basically worked shitty jobs and smoked weed and tried to heal from shitty things while everyone else has surpassed me in life. I am blessed my parents still let me live under their roof and they even bought me a car last year after my truck shit the bed so I guess I have that going for me but thats about it. I haven't had a GF since before covid and I don't know if I ever will again.
>>32581105>even though I have no idea if I would like it or even do good in school at this point since its been so long since high school.You're basically past the point of worrying about "enjoying" your career. What would a man from 100 years ago said about enjoying their job? Are you a fucking pansy. Make a choice and live with it. You're 30 years old man. Get it together
>>32581105Try and you might failDon't try and you definitely will fail
>>32581105Let's say it's too late. You now have about 50 more years to live. What're you gonna spend those 50 years doing? How long can you have given up before that shit gets old? You either try now or later, let's be honest
>>32581105Hope not. I’m in the same boat.
>>32581105Not too late. I was in my early 30s when I finally got my shit together and turned my life around. Going back to school, career change (or career for the first time I should say), the works.It might not be easy or happen overnight, but it can be done. Don't give up.
>>32581105Literally nobody has ever improved their life past 29.Absolutely zero evidence of this ever happening.Sorry, it's impossible.
>>32581105it's rare to have parental security at 29get out of the house while you still canyour job should be something you love doing and it should be done with a serious attitude you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take
better late than never >>32581105Good luck traveller
>>32581105>no idea if I'd like itStop the "love your job" meme.Don't pick something based on if you'll love it. What is in demand, pays well, and has achievable training requirements for you.
>>32581105That's really nice about being on good terms with your parents. Yeah it's possible. The hardest part is not giving up.
>>32581105's over as soon as you turn 18 and leave the school system without a well established social circle. You go to work, but you won't make any friends, just coworkers. You join a sports club, same deal. It's over, because everyone already has their social circles locked in since childhood. You'll be nothing more than a coworker, destined to be alone for life. Social life and relationships are like trains you have to catch at the quay, a race against time that takes place during adolescence. And by extension, logically of course, no social life and no women.But normies don't understand this because they are clueless normies who think you can walk into a bar full of strangers and magically form a social life like in The Sims. Only women can start from scratch and create a social life and get a boyfriend from scratch because of their status as women.Whether you're 19 or 39 it doesn't change anything, maybe for the normies, but for you and me Chud, a year is like any other, the sands of time flowing towards nothingness, nothing less.. nothing more.
>>32581105>Is it too late to turn things around at almost 29?Depends who you are.A person who sees your current emotions or your current worldview, and goes:"Wow this isn't working. I'll try something else to see if it works better."Then yes, fixable.A person who sees your current emotions or your current worldviewAnd who automatically views them as correct and tries to satisfy or validate them?No, not fixable.I have no idea which type you are from the post you made. But I do know that weed fries your brain if you make it a habit.
>>32583480Read up literally one post above you retard.
>>32585313I've never had a more apt post to disprove with the term patently false by virtue of the sheer amount of evidence to the contrary which does seem entangle with the economy
>I'll start tomorrowt. me every day of my life. 35 btw
>>32581105>I have thought about going to community college for respiratory therapy even though I have no idea if I would like itDo you know any RTs you could talk to about it?
Can't help if you have a doomer mindset. Change it. Go to Ukraine and get blown up by drones if you'd like.
I mean, I hope not, I'm 28 and trying to get things in order. Same as you, no degree, no real friends in my area, been zogbotting for years and am a failure at it, divorced. I have to believe things can get better for you anon, because if they can't than they won't for me either. One of the things that helped me was writing on a piece of paper the man I want to be, along with some 1-2 year goals I set for myself. Then I put under 2025 what I want to do this year. Another thing that helped me is to get fit, ngl I'm a decent runner when I want to be. Get in the gym and lift but also do cardio, you will feel so much better. I don't use headphones because I want it to be a contemplative experience of sorts. Set a schedule for your day, and I really like your idea of going back to school. Not only is that progression on your part, but who knows might meet some cool people. Good luck, you're not even the millionth still young man in your country that is feeling this way, I guarantee it.
>>32586808Would you consider finding another woman to marry ethical? I don't think I will get divorced but I wonder how divorced people deal with the specific issue of it being irreparably adulterous to marry again after divorce
>>32586808I've had a gym member ship for awhile and just went back today and it felt good. Trouble is staying consistent.
>>32581105it's never too late. I went back to college at 30 and I'm now 33 with an 18 year old gf. Shit is pretty cash
>>32581105Learn an instrument, maximize your looks, and move to Hollywood to become an actor, musician, or even just Online influencer
>>32581105It’s never too late, you’re just looking for permission to give up on yourself